Audience Reflection Sheet
Audience Reflection Sheet
Audience Reflection Sheet
Dear Audience,
Thank you so much for coming to see our PYP exhibition.
In order to help us to reflect and to see how our presentations impacted you, please take a few
minutes to fill out the following reflection sheet for the whole evening (not individual group
Please circle correct response:- I was a mentor, parent, student, teacher, other _________
Have our presentations given you new information about how you can make a difference to human
kind and the environment?
Did the exhibition presentations make you think differently? If so how?
Will it change what you do?
What were the most effective techniques the children used to demonstrate their understandings?
Have you gained a greater insight into how the Primary Years Programme (PYP) works?
What were the most successful parts of the whole PYP exhibition process?
Are there any suggestions you would make for improvements?