As 90988 Cadbury Assessment 2015 - Student

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

O.B.H.S. Economics

The Cadbury World

AS 90988 Economics 1.6

Demonstrate understanding of the interdependence of sectors of the New
Zealand Economy
Credits: 3
Achievement Criteria:
understanding of the
interdependence of the
sectors of the New
Zealand economy.

Achievement with Merit

Demonstrate in-depth
understanding of the
sectors of the New
Zealand economy.

Achievement with
understanding of the
interdependence of
sectors of the New
Zealand economy.

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

Interdependence refers to the two-way relationships that exist between different
Sectors of the New Zealand Economy refers to the household, producer (primary,
secondary and tertiary), financial, government and overseas sector.
Demonstrate understanding would typically involve:
Identifying, defining or describing sectors and flows;
Providing an explanation of the impact of an event on a sector and/or the flow on
effects to other sectors;
Constructing an economic model (e.g. to show interdependence, the effect of an
event on a sector, or flow-on effects to other sectors).
Demonstrate in-depth understanding would typically involve:
Providing a detailed explanation of how or why sectors are interdependent, using an
economic model;
Providing a detailed explanation of the impact of an event on a sector and/or the flow
on effects to other sectors, using an economic model.
Demonstrate comprehensive understanding would typically involve:
Providing a detailed explanation of how or why sectors are interdependent, using an
economic model;
Linking detailed explanations of the impact of an event on a sector with detailed
explanations of the flow on effects to other sectors, using an economic model.

Student Task: Use the columns below to make notes on what you need to do to gain the
For achieved I need to:

For merit I need to:

For excellence I need to:

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

This assessment activity requires you to demonstrate an understanding of the
interdependence of sectors of the New Zealand economy. We will be using Cadbury as
the focus (context) for this assessment.
To complete this assessment activity you will:
Collect information about Cadbury (from your own research and supplied resources);
Illustrate how Cadbury is interdependent with other firms and sectors of the New
Zealand economy; and
Explain how events in one sector can have an impact on Cadbury and how these
impacts can flow on to other sectors.

Task 1
Information gathering (in class and homework): The information you are collecting needs
Identify other firms in the primary sector, the secondary sector and the tertiary sector
that have an interdependent relationship with Cadbury (who are these firms, what
resources, goods or services do they provide); and
Illustrate how Cadbury has an interdependent relationship with households, the
government, the financial sector and overseas markets.
You may (but are not limited to) collect information by:
Watching chocolate production videos;
Research information from the print resources provided and/or
Print off evidence from the Cadbury website
Please note:
The more information you collect in task 1, the better prepared you will be to complete
task 2 and 3. You must submit all your research notes with your assessment.
The Cadbury Education Kit Secondary (Sourced from
From Cocoa Beans to Chocolate Bars Part 1, 2 and 3

This Achievement Standard and other related resources that will help support you in this
internal are available on the new OBHS Economics Department website:

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

Task 2
This task will be completed over 3 to 4 nights of homework time.
1. Construct a Circular Flow Diagram:
Illustrate on a poster (A3 format) a flow diagram which shows how Cadbury is
interdependent with other sectors of the economy. Use the template provided in
Appendix 1 to help you.

In particular show the relationship between Cadbury and households (consumers),

the government, the financial sector and overseas markets.
You must illustrate an interdependent relationship so you need to show how
Cadbury relies on each sector and how each sector relies on Cadbury.

2. Construct a Productive Sectors Chart/Diagram:

Identify and explain which production sector Cadbury is in. Illustrate on a poster (A3
format) a chart showing how other firms (producers) in the primary, secondary and
tertiary sectors have an interdependent relationship with Cadbury. Use the template
provided in Appendix 2 to help you.
Both of your posters must be handed-in/sighted by your teacher SW or GP during Term 1
Week 5:
Task 3
This task will be completed under formal assessment conditions (test conditions) in class
time on:

In class test: Thursday & Friday 5th & 6th March (Week 6)
It is important that you bring both Cadburys Posters (Circular Flow Diagram &
Productive Sectors Diagram) to the in-class test. These posters are able to be
used as a resource during the assessment.

In the in class test you are to work independently to:


Explain in detail, with examples from your poster, how and why Cadbury has
an interdependent relationship with firms in TWO of the following productive
sectors: the primary sector, the secondary sector, the tertiary sector.


Explain in detail by referring to your poster how and why Cadbury has an
interdependent relationship with the household sector and TWO of the
following sectors: the government, the financial sector, overseas markets.

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988


Version 3

Select ONE of these events:

The government cuts PAYE income tax rates
Overseas demand increases for New Zealand made chocolate
Financial Institutions lower interest rates
Demand for chocolate products increases
The cost of imported goods (including sugar and cocoa beans) rises
There is a national disaster (e.g. Christchurch earthquake)
Explain how the event you have chosen above will affect at least ONE sector
in the flow diagram and explain in detail the flow-on effects the event will
have on other sectors and other firms you have identified in the
production chart.

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

Appendix 1: Circular Flow Diagram Use this template to plan your poster. Use a key to distinguish between real and money flows.






Tax (PAYE)

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

Appendix 2: Productive Sectors of the Economy Use this table to identify firms that are interdependent with
Cadbury in each of the productive sectors. Explain which sector Cadbury is in by identifying what it is that Cadbury
Primary Sector Firms these firms What do these firms do?
harvest or extract natural resources:

Secondary Sector Firms these

firms process raw materials into
finished or semi-finished goods:

What do these firms do?

Tertiary Sector Firms these firms

are engaged in the provision of

What do these firms do?

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

Explain what productive sector Cadbury is in:

Assessment Schedule for student use. Economics 1.6: The Cadbury World

Task 1
Task 2

Task 3

Evidence required for

Not assessed, but used to complete
tasks 2& 3
The student has used collected
information to construct a flow chart
that identifies, defines or describes
the sectors and flows.
The student has completed a table
that identifies and describes firms in
different production sectors.
The student provides a partial
explanation of interdependence
between Cadbury and other firms in
at least ONE productive sector. The
explanation does not give reasons
why interdependence exists or
specific evidence for the

Evidence required for Merit

Not assessed, but used to complete
tasks 2& 3
As for achieved

The student explains in detail how

or why the firms are interdependent
in at least TWO productive sectors.
This is a description of the
interdependence with a relevant

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

Evidence required for

Not assessed, but used to complete
tasks 2& 3
As for achieved

As for merit

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Achievement Standard 90988


The student identifies a two-way

relationship between households
and the firm AND between the firm
and at least ONE other sector. The
explanation does not give reasons
why interdependence exists of
specific evidence for the

3 (iii)

Student has chosen ONE scenario

from the list provided.
The student partially explains the
direct effect on the relevant sector.
The student identifies the flow-on
effects for at least ONE other
sector. It may not include reference
to the flow diagram or chart of the
production sectors.
Precise money flows may not be used
but the idea will be clearly

3 (iv)

Version 3

The student explains a two way

relationship between households
and the firm and between the
firm and at least TWO other
sectors. This is based on evidence
from their flow diagram poster.
For each sector all interdependent
relationships are covered e.g.
households are shown as both the
resource (real and money) and the
goods and services (real and
money) flow.
Student has chosen ONE scenario
from the list provided.
The student explains in detail the
direct impact identified on the
relevant sector.
The student identifies the flow-on
effects for at least TWO other
sectors. The explanation is
supported by the flow diagram
poster OR chart of productive
Correct money flows are identified.

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

As for merit

Student has chosen ONE scenario

from the list provided.
The student explains in detail the
direct impact identified on the
relevant sector.
The student identifies the flow-on
effects for at least TWO other
sectors which show an on-going
flow of activity. The explanation is
supported by reference to the
circular flow diagram AND the
table of productive sectors. It
will show how the direct impact
and the flow on effects are
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Achievement Standard 90988

Version 3

Overall Judgement:
The evidence (or similar) in each column has been supplied.
Any numerical requirement (such as at least two) is indicative only. It should not, of itself, preclude the achievement of any
particular grade.
Final grades will be decided using professional judgement based on an holistic examination of the evidence provided against
the criteria in the Achievement Standard.

OBHS Cadbury Assessment Task adapted from Crown Resource 2011

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