Obligations and Contracts

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(Saturday 12nn-5pm)
Atty. Judy A. Lardizabal

I. Definition (Art. 1305)

II. Elements (Art. 1261)
A. Essential
B. Natural
C. Accidental
III. Characteristics
A. Obligatory force
B. Mutuality
C. Relativity (1311)
1. Stipulations pour atrui
2. Possession by third person of the object of contract involving real rights
3. Right of creditors of contracting parties
4. Interference by third person
D. Freedom
IV. Classifications (According to)
A. Subject matter
B. Name

C. Perfection
D. Relation to other contracts
E. Form
F. Purpose
G. Nature of obligation produced
H. Cause
I. Risk
V. Stages of Contract
A. Preparation
B. Perfection
1. Policitation
C. Consummation
VI. Kinds of Contracts
A. Consensual
B. Real
C. Formal or solemn
1. Donations (Arts. 748-749)
2. Partnership where real property contributed (Arts. 1771, 1773)
3. Antichresis (Art. 2134)
4. Agency to sell real property or an interest therein (Art. 1874)
5. Stipulation to charge interest (Art. 1956)

6. Stipulation limiting common carriers duty of extraordinary diligence to

ordinary diligence (Art. 1744)
7. Chattel mortgage
8. Sale of large cattle

VII. Consent (1319)

A. Requisites
B. Offer
C. Acceptance
D. Contract of Option
E. Legal Capacities of the parties
F. Vices of Consent
1. Mistake (1331)
a. Kinds of Mistake
2. Violence (1335)
3. Intimidation (1335)
4. Undue Influence (1337)
5. Fraud (1338)
a. Kinds of Fraud

VII. Object (1347)

A. Requisites

B. What may not be the object of contracts

VIII. Cause (1350)

A. Cause vs. Object vs. Motive
B. Causes for Onerous, Remuneratory and Gratuitous Contracts
C. Presumption of existence and lawfulness
D. Statement of false cause/ Inadequacy of cause
G. Simulation of Contracts
1. Kinds of Simulated Contract

IX. Formality (Arts. 1356, 1357, 1358)

A. General rule Obligatory force regardless of form (1356)
B. Exceptions
C. Remedy (1357)

X. Reformation of Instruments (1359)

A. Reformation vs. Annulment
B. Requisites
C. Cases where reformation is not allowed
D. Who may ask for reformation

XI. Interpretation of Contracts

A. Rules in interpretation of contracts

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