Lara Ccbc-Catonsville 10
Lara Ccbc-Catonsville 10
Lara Ccbc-Catonsville 10
(Communication Studies)
CMNS, Fundamentals of Communication - 101, CDA-24724
CMNS 101 3 credits - Fundamentals of Communication introduces the study of human
communication. Students develop an understanding of the theoretical principles of verbal and
non-verbal interaction by analyzing and applying these principles in a variety of communication
contexts. Areas of study include intrapersonal, interpersonal, cross-cultural, small group, and
public speaking.
Prerequisites: ENGL 052 and RDNG 052 or ESOL 052 or ACLT 052
Lara Hartman
Catonsville HUMN 010, 410-299-4261,
Communication Arts Department 443-840-4550
Class meetings MWF at Catonsville (Humanities 113)
Student Out of Class Work Expectations: This is a three credit course. You are
expected to complete at least six hours of work per week outside of the class including
reading, class preparation, homework, studying, etc.
G. Main textbook: Adler, R. B., Rodman, G. & du Pre, A. (2014). Understanding human
communication. (12th ed) New York: Oxford University Press.
Understanding Human Communication Textbook Student Companion website
H. Other Materials to be discussed
Communication Process
A. Principles of communication
B. Models of communication
C. Communication ethics: general definition
Intrapersonal Communication
A. Self-identity
B. Perception
Interpersonal Communication
A. Ethical and unethical communication: family, social, and career settings
B. Language
C. Nonverbal communication
D. Listening
E. Self-disclosure
F. Relationship building and maintenance
G. Conflict management
Small Group Communication
A. Types of groups
B. Roles in groups
C. Decision-making and problem-solving
Public Communication
A. Audience analysis
B. Speech apprehension
C. Physical and verbal delivery
D. Informative speaking
E. Persuasive speaking
F. Content and organization
G. Support and evidence
H. Research and documentation
I. Ethical and unethical communication (ethos) in public speaking
Culture and Communication
A. Diversity: gender, ethnicity age
B. Co-cultures
C. Ethical and unethical communication and diverse populations
D. Barriers to cultural understanding
E. Cultural contexts and values
F. Adaptation
Technology in Communication
A. Proper use of channels
Spring 2 | P a g e
School Closing
Spring 3 | P a g e
General school closings for emergency or weather related issues are communicated
to students via the CCBC website,, as well as through the local
media. Sign up for Campus Alert to automatically receive notifications regarding
school closing. In all, its the easiest way to stay informed about any emergencies
that may impact the college. If an emergency notice needed to be sent, Public
Safety will send you a text message; call your phones (home, work, or cell as you
designate); and email you regarding any important messages.
You can sign up online at There is no fee
to sign up for the Campus Alert service; however, standard text message
and mobile voice rates will apply, depending on your service agreement
with your mobile carrier.
Course Assignments and Grading: (Due dates are listed in the schedule) to be
posted on Blackboard
Textbook readings
Two Tests
In-class exercises
Three oral presentations (Further explanations and instructions for these oral
presentations will be given in class by the instructor)
E. In-class observations and critiques. You will be asked to write comments on
your classmates presentations. These comments are designed for further
listening opportunities.
F. For each oral presentation, turn in an outline and a bibliography in MLA
format. Details as to the forms of these will be discussed by the instructor.
Grading: In the final determination of the grade in this course, oral
presentations and written assignments will be given the following weights:
Test #1 and #2 Communication or Quizzes
10 %
Persuasive Speech
Students will be allowed absences equal to the number of class meetings each
week PLUS ONE additional absence during the semester. For each additional absence,
the final course grade will drop one letter grade. Examples follow:
*** Classes that meet 3 times per week = students will be allowed 4 absences:
5 absences = 1 Letter Grade deduction; 6 absences = 2 Letter Grade deductions; 7
absences = 3 Letter Grade deductions; up to and including a failing grade in the course.
If the student can provide documentation for an absence; the instructor will make
the effort to work with the student to make-up any missed work; however, documentation
is expected within a week of the students return to class.
If no documentation can be provided, penalties will be applied as described
Late Arrivals/Early Departures/Other Classroom Breaks will first result in a
verbal warning. Excessive occurrences as defined by the instructor will result in an
Incident Report.
For most courses, any student can designate a course for audit when registering and is
expected to pay the required fees and tuition. Some courses may limit the number of
times an audit may occur. Students may elect to change their registration from credit to
audit only during the published 50% refund period (as indicated on the CCBC academic
calendar). Students are required to confer with the faculty member to ensure they
understand the audit requirements for the course. Students may be required to participate
in course activities and complete assignments as designated by the instructor. Students
are not required to take exams, nor are instructors required to give exams to audit
students. Students not meeting these requirements will have their grade changed from AU
to a W. After the published 50% refund period, a student is permitted to change from
credit to audit only under extenuating circumstances with written approval of the
appropriate academic dean or deans designee responsible for the course.
Course Procedures
Spring 6 | P a g e