Type of Curriculum

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Type of

Legitimate /

The official curriculum, or written curriculum, gives the basic
lesson plan to be followed, including objectives, sequence, and
materials. This provides the basis for accountability.
http://www.hzmre.com/dotty/spintro.htm / (Posner, p.10-12)
It serves as a documented map of theories, beliefs, and intentions
about schooling, teaching, learning, and knowledge - evidence in
the development of teacher proof curriculum.
An official curriculum can be defined as what the school or
institution has allowed to be taught to students in order to
impact knowledge and skills to students.
Examples ..subject contents,materials to be
used,assessements to be coducted.

Actual /


The operational curriculum is what is taught by the teacher, and

how it is communicated. This includes what the teacher teaches in
class and the learning outcomes for the student.
http://www.hzmre.com/dotty/spintro.htm / (Posner, p.10-12)
Actual curriculum is a well designed , planned and
organised type of curriculum that offers planned learning
experiences and opportunities to students.
Examples :knowledge ,skill ,and the attitude students
shuold embrace both in class and clinical areas.
Is known and actively taught by faculty yet not evaluated because
descriptors of the behaviors are lacking. Such behaviors include
caring, compassion, power and its use.
An Illegitimate curriculum is a type of curriculum which is
taught by the faculty but it is not acknowledged or official
because it does not have behavioral descriptors.
Examples: it values and teaches among other things like
caring, power and compassion.


Hidden curriculum is a concept that describes the often

unarticulated and unacknowledged things that students are
taught in school and is an important issue in the sociological

study of how schools generate social inequality. For example,

female students, students in lower-class families, or those
belonging to subordinate racial categories, are often treated in
ways that create or reinforce inferior self-images. They are also
often granted little trust, independence, or autonomy and are thus
willing to submit to authority for the rest of their lives. On the other
hand, students who belong to dominant social groups tend to be
treated in ways that enhance their self-esteem, independence,
and autonomy and are therefore more likely to be successful.
Pelletier points out that hidden lessons are given to students
through school rules, grading policies, teacher attitudes, class
sizes and instructional practices. Also when students are taught
the formal curriculum there are unintentional positive and negative
learning outcomes which are also included in the hidden
curriculum. http://www.facetofaceintercultural.com.au/the-nullcurriculum/
- The Hidden Curriculum (1970) by Benson R. Snyder Read it
if you dare!
- The hidden curriculum @


Hidden curriculum is also called unofficial curriculum

,because it is not planned by the institution as an official
Examples ,behavior, personal relationships, competitions
Null curriculum refers to what is not taught but actually should be
taught in school according to the needs of society. In fact, null
curriculum is a kind of vacant phenomenon between the ideal of
curriculum value and the actual The null curriculum consists of
what is not taught. Consideration must be given to the reasons
behind why things are not included in the official or operational
curriculum. http://www.hzmre.com/dotty/spintro.htm / (Posner,
That which we do not teach, thus giving students the message
that these
elements are not important in their educational experiences or in
our society.

Leaving out this information can have very interesting and in some
cased detrimental implications, especially when dealing with race
and gender issues. Sometimes what is NOT said is just as
important, if not more so, that what is said.
A Null curriculum is a program of study which is left out by
the school when developing a curriculum, but which should
have been taught.
Example; values, students might not be taught about
Evolution (may be due to implications it might have on the
development of curriculum.

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