This Is How My Magazine Front Cover Started Of. It Was Just Plain and Simple. The Main Image I Used Uses Direct Mode of Address
This Is How My Magazine Front Cover Started Of. It Was Just Plain and Simple. The Main Image I Used Uses Direct Mode of Address
This Is How My Magazine Front Cover Started Of. It Was Just Plain and Simple. The Main Image I Used Uses Direct Mode of Address
As you can see I have now added a straplines, a barcode and a image to
make my magazine look more appealing and to attract the target audience.
I have then begun to fill in the straplines, by including text such as (fashion,
gossip, boys, concerts and albums) the reason why I have done this is because
it intrigues the target audience and catches their eye. I have also included a
price, which is visible for the target audience.
As you can see I have included rectangles to make my magazine look more
appealing. I have also included a puff and a skyline. The target has also been
added to give the magazine a more realistic look.
As you can see this is what my final magazine looks like, I have added a lot of
features on their so that it appeals to my target audience and for it to have a
more realistic sensation. I have included the main cover line, so my magazine
stands out and appeals to the target audience.