Intervention 10-12

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Preservice Teacher:

Learner Profile:


Time Frame:

Anticipatory Set:


K-3 Lesson Plan Framework

Veronica Ramirez
Week: March 16-20, 2015
and on we go!
2nd grade class with 19 students. 7 students are ELL (One level 1, one
level 2, two level 3, and three level 4). One student level 5 is being
monitored as she exited the program last year. Two students have ADHD
and are under medication.
*This lesson is geared toward three intervention students
(Two level 3 ESOL and 1 ADHD-under medication)
Language Arts/Reading
Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in
Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces
of information in a text.
20 minutes
Day 1:
After rereading the passage on traveling to India, the student will
determine which details belong under the category India on the graphic
organizer with 80% accuracy.
After recalling and discussing both short passages on traveling, the
student will draw or write where the word or object belongs in which
country with 80% accuracy.
Day 2:
After discussing the two passages on traveling, the student will describe
which place the student would like to travel to using some details from
the passage with 80% accuracy.
Graphic organizer, flash cards, dry erase board, and marker
Day 1:
*Part 1
Ask students what they recall about the last time we saw each other.
What do they remember doing? What do they remember about the
*Part 2
Review what is on the graphic organizer that was fixed by the students.
Day 2:
Ask students what they liked most about the passages they read. Ask if
they were going on vacation which of the two would they choose?
Day 1:
*Part 1
-Show students the graphic organizer that was used prior to this lesson.


ESOL Strategies:

Go over the information that falls under Germany. Ask students if they
remember where one of these castles can also be seen in?
Ask whose car did Mike use? (Answer: his brothers, his brothers wife, or
-Next, give each student a marker, tell them that each student will take a
turn marking a check mark next to the word that is mentioned in the
passage read. (Teacher will read slowly and notify students about a word
if they miss it.)
-Once the students are done marking check marks on the graphic
organizer, discuss whether all the information that was written before was
-Go over both countries (India and Germany) once more. Ask questions
like: Where did he see skiing and why do you think so? Where did Mike
go during India, what did he use to get there?
*Part 2
Continuation from before
Tell students that teacher will be using the flash cards at random. The
students will draw or write where that description falls under. (India or
-Teacher pulls out one card, and has the student read the word. Then ask
where that word belongs to and why?
-Teacher will model for the students by drawing and writing on the
whiteboard as well.
*Continue until all words are used.
Day 2:
-Pass out the whiteboard and marker. Have students write at the top of the
board what country the students mentioned the student would like to visit.
-Teacher will also write down where she would like to visit to provide a
sample and model or students.
-Have students write down responses, drawing is optional
During what time would you visit?
For how long would you stay?
What would you see and visit?
Where would you stay?
What would you use to move around? (Transportation)
What would you eat?
Observation: through students discussions and their checking off the
words on the graphic organizer.
-Pictures of the drawing and written comparison of India and Germany.
Oral discussion: discussion of where the word belongs as well as
answering why they think that is the reason.
Read aloud, teacher/student/modeling, activate prior knowledge, visual
Provide visuals of what tut-tuts, cable car, old caves in elephant island
look like




Day 1: Provide pictures next to the word to have students identify which
book the saw a picture like it.
Day 2: Have students research a little more into the country they would
like to visit. Use a variety of picture books on Munich, Germany and
Mumbai, India.
Reading Fluency through waterfall read aloud
Vocabulary discussing the words learned from the passage
Comprehension discussing what is recalled from one passage and from
the second passage
Phonological awareness
Phonics identifying words while reading, pronouncing the word correctly.
Oral language through discussions and read aloud

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