Freedom Writers 3 Lesson Plans
Freedom Writers 3 Lesson Plans
Freedom Writers 3 Lesson Plans
Writers Diary Lesson Author: Sarah Williams Grade Level: 10th Grade Time allotted for the Lesson: 1 class. Common Core State Standards met in this lesson: W.9-10.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. -Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions. Instructional Objectives Students will: y Develop an understanding of Erin Gruwell. y Discuss Gruwells influence on her students. y Read and reference excerpt in the novel. y Evaluate Erin Gruwell in an journal response. Materials, Resources and Technology: The Freedom Writers Diary, media presentation on Erin Gruwell. Anticipatory Set: Show a media clip on Erin Gruwell. This media clip will be no more than five minutes and students will be expected to pay attention to the clip. After the media clip is done the teacher will pose this question: What do you believe you know about Erin Gruwell based on the clip you just saw? And students will answer this question in their journals as a quick write. Teaching Input: After the media clip is shown and enough wait time is given to the students to respond to the question, the teacher will go through a power point presentation based on Erin Gruwell. The teacher will then go through the power presentation will have students take notes on anything they found interesting in the presentation and let the students know that they will be using these notes later in class. Teacher Modeling: After the power point presentation is done the teacher will pass out a worksheet that reiterates the key points students need to know about Erin Gruwell and ask students questions to think about as they read. Subject Area: English
Application: The teacher will have students get into groups of three to four and discuss what they found interesting about Erin Gruwell. As a group, they will discuss the questions on the worksheet and formulate responses based on what they have learned about Erin Gruwell and make connections between the power point presentation and information they obtained through reading the novel, giving specific examples, such as quotes and page numbers. Lesson Closure: Students will hand in worksheets for a participation mark and I will assign reading for the next class. Evaluation: As the students are responding to the quick write in their journals, the teacher will go around taking note of who is writing and who is not. The students journals will be handed in every two weeks for a cumulative grade in which the teacher will scan through each entry and make sure students are on task. The grades that will be given for the journals will be just check marks and average into a check plus, check or check minus. In this class, the worksheets that will be handed in for participation marks and as the students work in groups the teacher will go around and make sure that the students are on task making note of which groups are truly working and which groups need a little assistance.
W.9-10.2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. -Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic. RL.9-10.2. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Exploration of racism throughout The Freedom Writers Diary
One class period. Students will: y Define racism as it applies to the novel. y Identify examples of racism throughout the novel. y Develop their understanding of racism from text to world. Racism, Holocaust. Novel, Worksheet, Media clip and power point.
Engage: The activities in this section capture the students attention, stimulate their thinking and help them access prior knowledge.
Teacher begins class showing a media clip from a section of The Freedom Writers Diary movie in regards to racism. After the media clip the teacher will have students will free write in their journals about racism and its relation to the clip that they just saw. Teacher gives a clear definition of racism and passes out a worksheet for the students to work on. (10 -15 minutes) Students get into groups of three or four and work together on completing the worksheet, which asks students to identify quotes about racism in the novel and evaluate how those quotes relate to the world.
organize collected information. Explain: Students are now involved in an analysis of their exploration. Their understanding is clarified and modified because of a reflective activity. Elaborate/Extend: Students are given the opportunity to expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a real world situation.
(Work in groups for 15- 20 minutes) After worksheets are completed, Teacher asks students to share the quotes they chose and explain how the quotes relate to the world and racism. During this time, the teacher will provide feedback and reiterate what racism really means.
The teacher will show a media clip on racism, specifically in regards to the holocaust and follow up with a media clip from The Freedom Writers Diary which shows how Erin Gruwell dealt with racism in her classroom and how she taught her students about the holocaust. After the media clip is shown, the Teacher will ask students questions about the holocaust and hand out a homework response question that students will write in a thoughtful 2-3 page journal response as homework. The question is: Why was it so important that Erin Gruwell focused on racism while teaching her students? Do you think this is beneficial for her students? Why or why not? (Provide examples from the text and the media clips shown in class)
Teacher observes students as they work through their worksheets, gives participation marks to students. Each worksheet will be handed in for a participation mark. The homework response question will be turned in for a grade the next day.
Journal Assessment
Students Name _______________________ Grading Scale: 5= Excellent 4= Good 3= Acceptable 2= Fair 1= Weak Categories being graded on: - Response is complete; well- organized and meets the minimum page requirement 1 Comments: 2 3 4 5
- Response reflects on significant issues, themes and concerns discussed in class 1 2 3 4 5 Comments:
DAILY LESSON PLAN - COLLABORATIVE LEARNING MODEL Date: Lesson will span over a few classes giving students adequate time to complete the assignment Teacher: Sarah Williams Unit: Novel Unit on The Freedom Writers Diary Standards: W.9-10.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. - Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole. Lesson Title and #: Character creation Objectives. Students will: y Review themes and characters throughout the novel. y Work collaboratively in groups. y Create and develop their own character. Delivery Strategies (mark with X; lesson specifics on next page): Lecture Role Play Socratic Lesson Reading Analysis Power Point Audio-Video Analysis Group Discussion Writing Activity X Group Activity X Debate Jigsaw Teacher-generated questions Worksheet X Game Assessment and/or Evaluation Strategies (mark with X): Observation Learning Log/Journal Presentation/Performance Anecdotal Notes X Work Samples Interview/Conference Checklist X Oral Questioning Score Card Self assessment Peer assessment Assessment Rubric X X AV Presentation Written Submission Oral Report Evaluation Rubric Test/Quiz
Resources/Materials: The novel, A worksheet for students to keep them on the track (assignment sheet), after reports are presented peers will assess each other and teacher will grade the written submission.
Lesson Delivery Specifics Teacher will start class asking students: What elements make up a character? In the discussion ask students to pay attention to how the characters in the novel are developed. The Teacher will then lead students into an example of a narrative character that could fit in the novel. Then the Teacher will explain the assignment and what she expects students to do while working in groups of three of four. Motivator /Teacher Input Students will get into groups of three to four and invent a character they believe would fit within the novel. Each group must create eight individual diary entries developing their character. Each student in the group will be responsible for writing two diary entries apiece. However each diary entry must correlate with the entry before it, therefore acknowledging the need for students to work together. Student application Each group will present their character in class a couple days later and during this time each student will peer- assess the groups. After each group presents each student will be given a self- assessment sheet were they will assess how well they thought they did with their project. The teacher, will assess each student on participation in the group and grade the written submission for an overall grade, factoring in peer and selfassessment Lesson Closure and Evaluation
Exemplary Readily apparent to the reader; concisely stated in a single engaging and thought provoking sentence. Relevant to topic and audience. Sets up the paper in a formal and precise manner. Clear examples are used to support specific topic sentences. Quoted material is well integrated and depth in analysis is apparent to the topic.
Proficient Clear intent stated in a single sentence, but does not consistent throughout paper. Relevant to topic and audience. Set up of paper is there but lacking insight towards furthering the paper. Examples support topic sentences and support the general purpose. Quoted material is integrated, but with some inconsistency. Depth in analysis is apparent, but not always relevant to topic. The ideas are arranged logically to support purpose of intent. Transitions between paragraphs are used in a clear but no concise manner. Only a few paragraphs have strong topic sentences. Sentences are correct in minor variety in length and structure. Sentences generally flow smoothly but some run on sentences are apparent. Word choice is generally good. Unnecessary words are occasionally used. Writers generally use an active voice. A few grammatical errors.
Unclear to the topic at hand; does not set up the structure of the paper well. Examples support topic sentences. Quoted material is relied on heavily and poorly integrated into essay. Quotes dont necessarily relate to topic. The ideas are arranged logically, but sometimes fail to make sense together. Many paragraphs have weak or no topic sentences. No transitions between paragraphs. Some sentences are awkwardly placed which distract the development of the topic. Run on sentences are present. Word choice is adequate, but limited. Some words are repeated in an consistent manner. Writers voice is vague. Several grammatical errors that distract reader from overall content. Vague conclusion, which is weak and does not support or wrap up the development of paper. Attempts MLA citation, but citation is done is the wrong manner.
Very unclear to topic. Appears to be off on a tangent not related to the assignment. Vague support or no supportive topic sentences. Quotes are randomly thrown into the essay with no relevance to the topic.
The ideas are arranged logically to support overall topic. Clear transition between paragraphs. Paragraphs have solid topic sentences that enhance the overall essay. Sentences are wellphrased and vary in length and type. They flow smoothly throughout paper with no run on sentences or comma splices. Word choice is consistently precise and accurate. Writer uses a very active voice.
Ideas are not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. Few or no topic sentences.
Sentence Structure
Errors in sentence structure. Run on and fragments appear throughout overall development.
Word Choice
Many words used in the wrong manner. Writers voice in very unclear.
The writer makes a succinct and precise conclusion that wraps up the overall development. Uses proper MLA citation in a consistent manner throughout paper.
The writer has an apparent conclusion that vaguely wraps up the development of the paper. Uses proper MLA citation, but with some errors with citation in paper.
Many grammatical errors apparent in a consistent manner throughout development. No apparent conclusion.
No citation provided