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Using directory: D:\Trapped Dead\bin

Using loaded Engine Plugin: 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SlaughteredGamePlugin.vPlugin'.

Loading Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SlaughteredGamePlugin.vPlugin'.
Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SlaughteredGamePlugin.vPlugin' loaded
InitEnginePlugin:SlaughteredGamePlugin dynamically from 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\Sla
Using loaded Engine Plugin: 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\VisionEnginePlugin.vPlugin'.
Loading Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\VisionEnginePlugin.vPlugin'.
Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\VisionEnginePlugin.vPlugin' loaded
InitEnginePlugin:VisionEnginePlugin dynamically from 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\Vision
Scripting: Open master state
Using loaded Engine Plugin: 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\vPhysX.vplugin'.
Loading Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\vPhysX.vplugin'.
Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\vPhysX.vplugin' loaded
InitEnginePlugin:vPhysX dynamically from 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\vPhysX.vplugin'
Using loaded Engine Plugin: 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\NavMeshEnginePlugin.vPlugin'.
Loading Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\NavMeshEnginePlugin.vPlugin'.
Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\NavMeshEnginePlugin.vPlugin' loaded
InitEnginePlugin:NavMeshEnginePlugin dynamically from 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\NavMe
Using loaded Engine Plugin: 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\RagdollPlugin.vPlugin'.
Loading Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\RagdollPlugin.vPlugin'.
Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\RagdollPlugin.vPlugin' loaded
InitEnginePlugin:RagdollPlugin dynamically from 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\RagdollPlug
Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\VisionEnginePlugin.vplugin' already loaded!
Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\vPhysX.vplugin' already loaded!
Using loaded Engine Plugin: 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SoundEnginePlugin.vPlugin'.
Loading Engine Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SoundEnginePlugin.vPlugin'.
Plugin 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SoundEnginePlugin.vPlugin' loaded
InitEnginePlugin:SoundEnginePlugin dynamically from 'D:\Trapped Dead\bin\SoundEn
Initializing engine
Vision DLL path: D:\Trapped Dead\bin\Vision90.dll
Vision version WIN32 DIRECTX9 - 8, 0, 17, 0
Using fast timer
Initializing Vision Graphics Engine
Detecting CPU type and features
Features: FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow!
Vision Core: Allocated 14 kB of memory for Entities
Settings renderer configuration
Initialising Vision Physics Module
PhysX initialized
Initialising video driver: 0
Setting screen mode to x:1366 / y:768 / frontbuffer bpp:32 / refresh:0
Screen Mode is fullscreen
Using Pixel Shader Version: 3.0
Using Vertex Shader Version: 3.0
Using Hardware Instancing.
Initializing WIN32 DirectX9 rendering subsystem
Setting initial Renderer States
Vendor: ID=32902 SubSys=329060419 Rev=
Renderer: nvumdshim.dll
Driver Version: 589842.853138
vPhysXModule::SetCookedMeshFolder: C:\Users\WINDOWS\AppData\Local\Trapped Dead\
Engine initialized
WARNING: LevelManager: scene 'testarea.vscene' not found

DeInitializing Object Data...
DeInitializing World Data...
DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data...
Initializing Vision Graphics Engine
Detecting CPU type and features
Features: FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow!
Vision Core: Allocated 14 kB of memory for Entities
Settings renderer configuration
Vision Core: Allocated 34 kB of memory for Lights
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char01_94x157.png'
: Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char01_94x157.png' has non-power of two sizes.
Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char02_502x247.png
' : Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char02_502x247.png' has non-power of two size
s. Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char03_725x243.png
' : Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char03_725x243.png' has non-power of two size
s. Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char04_598x307.png
' : Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char04_598x307.png' has non-power of two size
s. Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char05_591x255.png
' : Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char05_591x255.png' has non-power of two size
s. Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char06_685x260.png
' : Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Char06_685x260.png' has non-power of two size
s. Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\LoadingBar_263x597
.png' : Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\LoadingBar_263x597.png' has non-power of
two sizes. Mipmaps will not be created.
WARNING: Warning: Loading texture file 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Panel01_77x54.png'
: Texture 'Dialogs\LoadingScreen\Panel01_77x54.png' has non-power of two sizes.
Mipmaps will not be created.
DeInitializing Object Data...
DeInitializing World Data...
DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data...
Initializing Vision Graphics Engine
Detecting CPU type and features
Features: FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow!
Vision Core: Allocated 14 kB of memory for Entities
Settings renderer configuration
Vision Core: Allocated 34 kB of memory for Lights
1 Schalter
WARNING: Warning: Door at 133.319962/-116.382599/121.836052 could not be connect
ed to navigation mesh (ID: 1745606173748363732)
SCRIPT: Game script started
MISSION_0.LUA (gas_station) loaded
WARNING: Primitive count for a static mesh or mesh buffer object is 0.
Device Lost!
DeInitializing Object Data...
DeInitializing World Data...
DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data...
Initializing Vision Graphics Engine
Detecting CPU type and features
Features: FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow!
Vision Core: Allocated 6 kB of memory for Entities
Settings renderer configuration

Vision Core: Allocated 34 kB of memory for Lights

Deinitializing engine
Deinitializing input
DeInitializing Object Data...
DeInitializing World Data...
DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data...
Dump resources...
...no resource leaks.

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