Social Studies Structured Observation Guide
Social Studies Structured Observation Guide
Social Studies Structured Observation Guide
ELED 3223
Dana Goldman
ELED 3223
Students understand that they will follow the list of things to do for the subject on the
white board
The teacher also has many different ways of bringing the class back together such as
flicking the lights, ringing a bell, etc.
Lesson Reactions What were the strengths of this lesson? What aspects might you change or do
differently if you were responsible for teaching this material?
The strengths of this lesson were that students paid attention because of the interactive aspect,
students enjoy being able to get up and be part of the lesson
I believe my teacher taught this lesson in an effective way and I would not change her lesson
Personal Reflections- What will you take away from this experience that will impact your future social
studies teaching?
I have gained classroom management skills through observing this teacher. The students listen to
and respect the teacher because of the way the teacher holds herself in the classroom. This teacher
is also very organized which I have realized is essential to keeping a classroom in order, if you
are unorganized your students will also be the same. The teacher expects good behavior from her
students and if she does not receive it then there will be consequences which the students know
about. This has taught me that students respect a teacher who holds their authority. Another
major point that I observed throughout both this lesson as well as my entire two weeks was that
you must stay consistent with rules that you instill in the classroom. If you are not consistent in
your actions then students will realize that they can behave in ways, talk in ways, or at times that
are inappropriate. Through my observation I have gained many tools and tips that I will be able to
use in my own classroom within the next year.