Fall 2014
Internship Plan
Waterloo Elementary School located in Columbia, Maryland will be the sight of
my Educational Technology Internship. I am currently a third grade teacher at Waterloo
and have been teaching for five years. I have been a member of a few committees at
Waterloo but I have not held any leadership positions. This internship will give me the
opportunity to support teachers and staff members within my school building as well as
improve my leadership and technology skills.
During the course of the 2014-2015 school year I plan to support teachers and
other staff members in two major areas. As a result of the course work I have completed
to this point in the ET program at Loyola, I felt that my school would benefit from
professional development regarding the use of Google Applications for Education
(GAFE). The GAFE houses many applications that are important and useful for teachers
but at my school this free tool provided by Howard County Public Schools is
dramatically under appreciated and under utilized. After meeting with my administrators
at Waterloo, we felt that the staff would benefit from voluntary focused professional
development sessions on the four major areas of the GAFE: Documents, Forms,
Presentations, and Spreadsheets. These professional development sessions will be held
before school (8:05-8:35), roughly twice a month between September and February (this
could change based on the school calendar and other mandatory meetings). The first
meeting of every month will be an introduction to an application within the GAFE, while
the second meeting will focus on classroom application and Q&A.
In addition to the GAFE training, I will run a technology team at Waterloo. The
members of this team will include one staff member from each grade level (K-5). The
goal of the technology team will be to create and manage grade level websites using
Google Sites. This is new for Waterloo because previously, grades were not required to
have websites for parents and students to access. The meeting schedule for this team has
not been set, however, a monthly meeting was suggested. During these meetings, I will
support members with website design and document uploading. The creation of grade
level websites will serve the needs of our school community because families are eager to
know more about their childs schoolwork.
Based on the courses, research and readings Ive completed thus far in the ET
program I believe that I have the skills and pedagogy to make these professional
development sessions meaningful for the staff at Waterloo Elementary School but also
serve our greater school community.