Assessments 1

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Demographics/Background Characteristics of Respondents

913 students were surveyed

74.9% between the ages of 18 and 24, 20.9% between 25 and 40, 4.1% older than 40
61.6% female, 37.3% male, .3% transgendered, .9% other/prefer not to respond
79.4% Caucasian, 6.9% African American/Black, 4.2% Hispanic/Latino/a, 3.4% Multiracial, 2.6%
Asian/Pacific Islander, 3.1% Other/Prefer not to respond, .4% Indigenous/Native American/American
Indian. [3.8% international students]
12% first year/freshmen, 14.3% sophomores, 26% juniors, 32.9% seniors, 14.3% graduate students
85.8% enrolled full-time, 14.2% enrolled less than full time
24.5% live on campus
7.2% identify as LGBTQ

Student Recreation Center and Recreational Sports Participation

72.5% utilize Student Recreation Center facilities, programs, or services

75.3% indicate they use the Rec Center at least once a week; 46.2% 2 times per week or more; 28.8% 3
times per week or more; 24.7% never
Activities Participated in Most Frequently: weight training/lifting free weights, cardio-vascular training,
open recreation, and instructor-led fitness or exercise classes
Moderately Participated in Activities: intramural sports, aquatic pool, and racquet sports
Activities Participated in Least Frequently: club sports, personal training, wellness programs, and the
climbing wall


70.2% of students indicated that the Student Recreation Centers facilities play at least some role on if they
decided to attend Western Michigan University
63.5% of students indicated that the Student Recreation Centers programs play at least some role on if they
decided to attend Western Michigan University


71.7% of students indicated that the Student Recreation Centers facilities play at least some role in them
deciding to stay at Western Michigan University
63.8% of students indicated that the Student Recreation Centers programs play at least some role in them
deciding to stay at Western Michigan University
74.9% of indicated that recreational programs and activities contribute to the quality of life at WMU.

Student Satisfaction

78% of students indicated that University Recreation offers something for everyone
75% of students indicated that their recreational needs are met by University Recreation
77.4% of students indicated that they enjoy participating in University Recreation activities and/or utilizing
83% of students indicated that they would recommend University Recreation facilities, programs, and
services to others

Health and Wellness

81.9% of students indicated that recreation, sports, and/or fitness activities were important to them prior to
enrolling at Western Michigan University
87.8% of students indicated that recreation, sports, and/or fitness activities will be important to them after
they leave Western Michigan University
93.8% of students indicated that maintaining a healthy lifestyle was important to them prior to enrolling at
Western Michigan University

97.7% of students indicated that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be important to them after they leave
Western Michigan University
Top Health and Wellness Benefits From your participation in SRC activities, do you feel you have
increased or improved your: Feeling of well-being (90.1%), Overall health (89%), Fitness level (87.6%),
Physical strength (86.2%), Athletic ability (83.5%), Stress management (82.3%), Self-confidence (81.9%),
and Weight control (81.1%)

Student Learning Outcomes

83.9% of the students expect to have a GPA between 3.0 and 4.0
53.7% of students agreed that participation in recreational activities has proved them with skills/abilities
that they will use after college.
Top Student Learning Outcomes From your participation in SRC activities, do you feel you have
increased or improved your: Time management skills (76%), Respect for others (74.6%), Academic
performance (69.6%), Ability to multi-task (69.1%), Ability to develop friendships (68.2%)

How has the Student Recreation Center and University Recreation activities, programs, and services helped
or enhanced student experiences at Western Michigan University

219 total responses; 23 different benefits identified

Top Benefits Reported: Foster relationships; Increase wellness such as personal perception and time
management; Encourages physical activities; Offers many activities and involvement opportunities; It is a
nice place to work out for a great value; It is a great stress reliever

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