Moderator Script: Questions

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Moderator Script

Hello everyone and thank you for coming out today. Today I would like to introduce the issue at
hand of the use of medical marijuana. The use of medical marijuana has been debated recently on
a state and federal level and there is such a gap between the state and federal laws about
legalizing it. In Spokane, Washington, a man battling cancer and his family say they were
growing medical cannabis for their own personal use, however the federal government is making
the argument that they were growing and distributing it to others. Many feel that the federal
government has gone too far in enforcing these laws since Congress passed an amendment in
December prohibiting the Justice Department from interfering with state medical marijuana laws.
The issue of medical marijuana isnt only on a state and federal level, it is also very prevalent in
the towns and neighborhoods we live in and the people we know. For instance, there were fires at
two marijuana growth houses due to illegal electrical wiring. The city Council in Vacaville has
seen the growth of medical marijuana as a safety hazard as well as a public issue among the
people. It has been recommended to regulate the growth of medical marijuana in Vacaville, but it
was left up to the City Council to regulate growth, prohibit it, or handle each case individually.
Without further ado, I would like to introduce both sides of our debate today. On the Pro side, we
have Elaine Decker, Coral Clutts, and Joseph Hammond. They will be presenting the argument
as to how medical marijuana is beneficial to cancer patients, patients of other incurable diseases,
and the positive emotional and physical effects of its usage. On the Con side, we have Katy
Wade, Samantha Silva, and Tyler Gulley. They will be presenting that marijuana can be seen as a
gateway drug, the negative emotional effects of its usage, and its disease causing properties.

1. What are the effects on the lungs of smoking marijuana?
2. How is the use of Dronabinol more beneficial than medical marijuana? Is it more cost
effective for the patients using it? (2.5 mg with 60 capsules= $269.43 & 1g= $14)
3. For health purposes, what would be the best way to consume medical marijuana?
4. If it replaces more dangerous drugs, could there be a possibility that it could cause people to
try more dangerous drugs too?
(written by Gwendolyn Mosier)

Names: Coral Clutts, Joseph Hammond, and Elaine Decker

Mrs. Rausch
Biotechnology, Period 5
10 March 2015
Debates Preparation
Topic: Medical Marijuana
Position: Pro
Framework: How do your Premises lead to the conclusion?
Major Premise 1: Incurable Diseases (Other than Cancer)
Minor Premise 1: Epilepsy
Minor Premise 2: AsthmaInhibits asthma due to its antibacterial properties, and enlarges
Minor Premise 3: Glaucoma
Minor Premise 4: AIDS
Major Premise 2: Emotional and Physical Benefits
Minor Premise 1:
Minor Premise 2: Anxiety
Minor Premise 3: Replaces dangerous/addictive drugs (opiates, tranquillizers, and sleeping pills)
Major Premise 3: Cancer
Minor Premise 1: Increases Appetite
Minor Premise 2: Reduces Nausea
Minor Premise 3: Reduces pain for chemo and other treatments
Minor Premise 4: Reduces the number of medications needed during treatment
What is the Force and Source of your Premises?
How will you delineate/frame the motion?
How will you Inoculate/Insulate your side from its weaknesses?

Names: Katy Wade, Samantha Silva, Tyler Gulley

Mrs. Rausch
Biotechnology, Period 5
10 March 2015
Debates Preparation
Topic: Medical Marijuana
Position: Cons
Framework: How do your Premises lead to the conclusion?
Major Premise 1: The Gateway Theory
Minor Premise 1: Because THC builds up in the body, the psychological need for a high makes
marijuana users more likely to try other drugs to get high.
Minor Premise 2: Cannabis changes brain chemistry to make young people more likely to try
other drugs.
Minor Premise 3: Dronabinol is a legitimate substitute for marijuana containing THC and is
available without legalization of marijuana.
Major Premise 2: Emotional Effects and Exacerbation of Mental Illness
Minor Premise 1: Marijuana use exacerbates depressive symptoms and thoughts of suicide.
Minor Premise 2: High levels of cannabis use has been linked to development of schizophrenia.
Minor Premise 3: Marijuana causes mental/mood changes, depression, anxiety, or confusion.
Major Premise 3: Disease-causing
Minor Premise 1: Marijuana effects brain function by damaging pathways between neurons and
brain circuits.
Minor Premise 2: Inhalation of THC decreases the lungs immune system, which, in AIDS/HIV
patients will make them even more vulnerable to pulmonary infections like pneumonia.
Minor Premise 3: Marijuana increases the activity of cells that suppress the immune system.
What is the Force and Source of your Premises?
Force of gateway theory: marijuana is known to be linked to harder drug use.
Force of mental illness: marijuana use has been linked to development of schizophrenia and
worsening depression and thoughts of suicide.
Force of disease-causing: Marijuana increases susceptibility of the immune system and damages
brain function.
How will you Inoculate/Insulate your side from its weaknesses?
Our weaknesses include
The other side having data that contradicts ours
Marijuana does not necessarily have to be smoked, which removes some of our argument
for disease-causing, although as a counterpoint, most marijuana is smoked.
Marijuana users do not always end up using hard drugs (counterpoint: hard drug users
almost always have a history of marijuana use)

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