Biotechnology Study Guide

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1: Biotechnology
8. L: Biotechnology Open Ended Question
1. What is a genome?
2. What is genetic modification?
3. What do you call the process that uses a body cell to create a new organism?
4 How can biotechnology benefit agriculture?
5. Discuss Biotechnology in NC?
6. Name a career in Biotechnology?
7. Pros and Cons of Biotechnology
8. Ethical issues of biotechnology
9. What is genetic engineering?
10. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology in food, water, medicine, shelter and

Bio (biological) means living

Biotechnology - use of living organisms in production with technology and manufacturing processes
Hybrid - the offspring of two different species produced by humans
(Ex: Broccoflower crossing a broccoli and cauliflower)
Ethics the study of what is moral and acceptable.


Disadvantages/ Ethics

1. Improve quality of crops 1. Fertilizer natural (manure)

use of
& livestock products
or synthetic chemicals used
biotechnology 2. Create disease resistant
for plants to grow bigger,
to produce,
crops to increase crop
faster, and produce more.
grow, and
3. Create crops that grow in 2. Pesticides - natural or manmade chemicals used to keep
any climate.
pests off of plants
4. Control pests
Both sprayed on plants =
then eaten by animals &
3. Crop Yields how much
crop (food) a piece of land
Goal is to increase
With fertilizer,
pesticides, Genetic
1. Cross breeding - producing
Food Science 1. Increased shelf life in
- use of
an offspring from parents of
biotechnology 2. Increased output
two different breeds or
to produce
3. Disease resistant crops
species; creates a hybrid.
seeds and
4. Hybrid the offspring of
Salmon engineered to grow
two different species
faster, may escape, and breed
produced by humans.
with natural salmon.
Ex: Broccoflower crossing
Genetically engineered


1. FDA (Federal
2. Farmer
3. Horticulturist
4. Researcher
5. DNR
6. EPA

1. FDA (Federal
2. Farmer
3. Researcher
4. Microbiologist
5. Biochemist

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
a broccoli & cauliflower.

plants cross breeding with

natural plants.
Cross bred animals are
unable to breed. Ex: Mule,
liger, cama, zorse, zonkey,
1. Cloning process of making
a genetically identical copy.
Clone livestock animals
Clone human organs
Unregulated cloning and

2. DNA testing
use of
3. Forensic Testing
using science to answer
with genes,
questions in the legal
heredity, and
system (Ex: blood
the variation
testing, toxicology
of organisms.
(poisons), fingerprint
analysis and DNA
2. Genetic Modification
change of any genetic
4. To treat Genetic
material (DNA, genes, or
chromosomes) to make them
5. Gene Therapy
able to produce new
treatment of disorders
caused by genetic
anomalies by placing
specific engineered
genes into patients cells.
6. Stem Cells
transforming stem cells
into other types of cells.
1. Bacteria used to produce 1. Unwanted medical side
use of
large quantities of
effects of medical drugs
insulin for
2. Diseases can mutate causing
to produce
diabetic patients
vaccine to stop working
medical drugs
and vaccines. 2. Fight infectious diseases
1. Bioremediation Water
- use of
bacteria or plants use to
remove or neutralize
to clean
contaminants and
pollutants in soil or

1. Eutrophication fertilizer
gets into water systems, uses
up oxygen, and kills fish.
2. Bioremediation
Conditions in soil and
water must be monitored
All contaminants may
not be decomposed


Lab technician
Fertility Doctor
7. FDA

1. FDA (Federal
2. Pharmacist
3. Researcher
4. Doctor
1. Treatment Plant
2. DNR
3. EPA
4. Wildlife

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
Crop Yield amount of crops (food) a piece of land produces.
- Goal is to increase crop yields.
- Yield - to produce
Factors that Limit Crop Yields
1. Pests - Insects & animals eat crops
2. Poor soil - low nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorous, & sulfates
3. Diseases - bacteria, mold, fungus - take away nutrients from plants = kill
4. Non-native climates
Factors that Increase Crop Yields
1. Pesticide - natural or man-made chemicals used to keep pests off of plants.
2. Fertilizer - natural (manure) or synthetic chemicals used to help plants grow bigger, faster, and
produce more food.
3. Diseases - bacteria, mold, & fungus...
Option 1 - Pesticides used to kill diseases
Option 2 Biotechnology - Genetically modify seeds & plants to resist diseases
4. Non-native climates
Option 1 - grow non-native crops in greenhouses with controlled temperature, soil, & humidity
Option 2 - genetically modify crops to grow in non-native climates
Ethical Issues of Limiting & Increasing Crop Yields
1. Resistance
1. Insects & diseases develop resistance to pesticides. - they no longer work! :(
2. Water Systems
1. During watering or rainstorm, Fertilizers & pesticides runoff into water systems
2. Eutrophication - water plants uses up oxygen, kill off all fish
3. Pesticides - kill off water plants & organisms. - mutate organisms
3. Poisons
1. Fertilizers & pesticides are sprayed onto plants
2. Chemicals get on and into food
3. Humans & animals eat food - Chemicals inside of them.
4. Genetic Modification
1. Cross breeding with native plants
2. Unknown future effects on plants, animals, & humans.

1. Which is a potential ethical issue resulting from the use of biotechnology?

A. deteriorating the ozone layer
B. causing mass extinction of a species
C. increasing pollution of natural resources
D. introducing a genetically-altered species

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
2. Tomatoes are genetically modified to have a longer shelf life, slowing the ripening and
softening of the tomato. Which best describes a concern people have with eating geneticallymodified tomatoes?
A. Genetically-modified tomatoes do not taste as good as regular tomatoes.
B. Genetically-modified tomatoes are more expensive than regular tomatoes.
C. The DNA used to modify the tomatoes could change the DNA of the person eating the

3. Which is an ethical issue surrounding the use of genetically modified foods?

A. cost of production
B. long-term health effects
C. ability to grow more nutritious foods
D. ability to produce a lot of food quickly

4. What is most likely the greatest economic benefit for North Carolina from biotechnology?
A. improvements in DNA testing leading to more arrests
B. fewer people who use laboratory-created human insulin
C. increased disease-resistant crops and greater crop yields

5. Which would most likely result in the largest economic benefit to North Carolina?
A. North Carolina partnering with farmers for use of agricultural biotechnology
B. North Carolina being a lead consumer state in pharmaceutical manufacturing
C. North Carolina making the worlds best-trained work force for biomanufacturing
D. North Carolina making a long-standing commitment to biotechnology development

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
6. Residents of North Carolina presently burn 5 billion gallons of imported petroleum-based liquid
fuel per year. How would the states economy be affected if North Carolina could produce
biofuels locally as a replacement?
A. Tax revenues would decrease.
B. Unemployment would increase.
C. The economy would decline due to exports.
D. The economy would improve with new jobs and tax revenue.

7. North Carolina has over 400 biotechnology companies. How would the economy most likely
change if that number were reduced by half?
A. The economy would decline because of job loss.
B. The economy would suffer as funding for research decreases.
C. The economy would increase due to an increase in production.
D. The economy would improve when the government offers assistance.

8. Biotechnology uses a procedure called genetic engineering. Which best describes genetic
A. making artificial DNA in the laboratory from chemicals
B. cutting out pieces of DNA from an organism under a microscope
C. adding DNA from one organism into the DNA of another organism

9. Which is a positive result of the use of biotechnology in agriculture?

A. increased cost
B. increased yield
C. increased use of pesticides
D. increased use of preservatives

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
10. In which area would biotechnology have the greatest effect on agriculture?
A. development of biological weapons
B. development of biopharmaceuticals
C. development of biological pesticides
D. development of biodegradable plastics

11. Which project is most likely to be worked on by a biotechnician?

A. developing plants with resistance to high temperatures
B. developing architectural designs for houses in floodplains
C. discovering different isotopes of existing elements in the periodic table
D. designing lightweight, strong metallic alloys for use in car manufacturing

12. Which area of biotechnology would most likely create ethical issues within human society?
A. insulin production by bacteria
B. organ cloning for use in transplants
C. genetic engineering to improve agricultural yields
D. DNA and forensic testing of crime scene evidence

13. Which is most important when investigating ethical issues in biotechnology?

A. cost of the technology
B. advantage of the technology
C. public opinion of the technology
D. benefits of the technology outweighing the harm

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
14. Farmers use insecticides and fertilizers on their fruit and vegetable crops. Which best describes
the effect of these chemicals?
A. The crops require less water and nutrients to grow.
B. The crops are more susceptible to insect damage.
C. The crops yield smaller fruits and vegetables.
D. The crops yield more fruits and vegetables.

15. Which improvement to agriculture is most likely a result of biotechnology?

A. increased land
B. increased fertilizer
C. increased productivity

16. A company that creates hair dye would most likely employ a biotechnician for which job?
A. researching trends
B. developing new colors
C. creating cost-effective packaging
D. developing a product that will be safe for consumers

17. Which best describes a controversial issue associated with the use of genetically modified
A. the use of genetically modified crops to increase potential yield
B. the short-term use of genetically modified crops in famine-stricken countries
C. the development of genetically modified crops which are resistant to herbicides
D. the long-term effects which may arise from the use of genetically modified crops

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
18. Which is a benefit of genetically modified foods?
A. The cost of research is included in the cost to the consumer.
B. The cost of food will decrease, and the quality of food will increase.
C. When foods are genetically modified, they no longer need to be studied.
D. When foods are genetically modified, they are completely resistant to disease and drought.

19. How can biotechnology affect agriculture on a single plot of land?

A. The land could produce more food than before.
B. The land could produce several harvests at once.
C. The land could require more fertilizer for crops to grow.
D. The land could require moderate temperatures for crops to grow.

20. Which is the most likely result of having a large number of biotechnology companies located in
North Carolina?
A. decrease in available jobs
B. improvement in crop yields
C. increase in antibiotic resistance
D. decrease in vaccine effectiveness

21. Which application of biotechnology is of greatest economic benefit to North Carolina?

A. development of livestock that are more domesticated
B. development of livestock that produce higher quality meat
C. development of crops that can be grown in extremely dry environments
D. development of crops that can be grown in extremely low temperatures

8.L.2.1: Biotechnology
22. Which would be reduced as a result of the development of pest-resistant crops?
A. use of organic fertilizers
B. use of chemical insecticides
C. practice of crop rotation techniques
D. practice of hydroponic farming techniques

23. Which is a concern of scientists when genetically modifying plants?

A. Plants will pass on diseases to animals.
B. There will be a decrease in biodiversity.
C. Plants will have a longer growing season.
D. There will be a decrease in revenue for pesticide manufacturers.

24. Which is the most useful change made to crops using applications of biotechnology?
A. Crops use more nutrients.
B. Crops need more fertilizer.
C. Crops resist more diseases.
D. Crops take more time to grow.

25. Which are most closely related to biotechnology?

A. medicine and agriculture
B. construction and engineering
C. water treatment and electricity generation
D. communication and information technology

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