Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template: SC Curriculum Standard(s) : Standard 1
Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template: SC Curriculum Standard(s) : Standard 1
Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template: SC Curriculum Standard(s) : Standard 1
Description of Lesson:
Students will be given a pre-set criteria and asked to compose a piece
following the criteria given to them within 15-20 minutes. While students
work, I will circulate to check work, monitor progress, and offer assistance
when needed. When students have completed their composition, they will be
asked to play them individually for the class.
Lesson Title: Music Composition
Curriculum Standards Addressed:
SC Curriculum Standard(s):
Standard 1:
The student will sing and perform on instruments a variety of music,
alone and with others.
Standard 2:
The student will improvise, compose, and arrange music within
specified guidelines.
SC Academic Indicator(s):
Performing on instruments:
MG7-1.4 Student will play instrument, alone and in a varitety of
ensembles, using proper technique and appropriate posture
MG7-1.5 Use notation and aural perception to create and play simple
melodies and accompaniments on classroom instruments and available
electronic devices
Composing and Arranging:
MG7-2.5 Demonstrate creativity by composing short pieces including
basic music elements using manuscript paper.
MG7-2.7 Compose and arrange simple pieces using the expressive
elements of music (tempo, harmony, texture, timbre, articulation, and
Students will follow pre-set criteria to compose and play an original melody with
little to no errors.
Informal discussions.
Oral questions posed to whole class or individuals.
Grade papers based on accuracy of rhythm, meeting of all criteria, and correct
notation of all symbols.
Green, R., & Rehder, M. (n.d.). MIDDLE SCHOOL LESSON PLAN. Retrieved March 16,
2015, from
Teacher writes the following assignment on the board.