Batman - The Dark Knight Rises Final

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Diana Farahat
Professor DerOhanessian
English 113b
22 April 2015
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns- Project Text
The character that I have chosen to analyze in Frank Millers Batman: The Dark Knight
Returns is Batman. In this comic Frank Miller represents Batman as four different characters in
each book but as Batman remembers his past and is exposed to crime in Gotham city and
defeating villains once again, his character turns darker. Some forces that shaped Batman into
what he is and what he represents is his past and the death of his parents. They were killed by
villains a while ago, and that made a huge impact on his character. Furthermore, the people of
Gotham City view Batman as a murderer and a bad influence to children, but all Batmen are
trying to do are fight crime and bring peace to Gotham City. In Frank Millers Batman: The Dark
Knight Returns the forces that have shaped Batmans character into a darker person is the death
of his parents and the crime going on in this corrupt city, Gotham. The death of his parents and
the environment that Batman is in, motivated him to return to Gotham to defeat the villains and
fight crime. There are various crimes going on in Gotham City, which has already led to war and
what the city needs is someone like Batman to take care of all the bad guys and bring the city to
justice. The problem is the people of Gotham City are eager to have Batman arrested or killed.
In this comic book, Batman is represented as a dark character. He is not as dark in book
one as he is compared to in book two shifting into book three and four. What led Batman to
getting darker and darker were the crime and news surrounding him at every corner. The news

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was always talking about how Batman has murdered so many people, and that he is the reason
for all the crime going on in Gotham City. In book two, on page 59 Lola from the news
broadcasts that The Council of Mothers petitioned the mayors to issue a warrant for the
immediate arrest of the Batman, citing him as a harmful influence on the children of Gotham."
The panel is represented in dark colors. Batman's dark shadow is standing on the top of a
building with many black shadows of bats surrounding him. In the background is the dark-blue
foggy sky which creates a frightening scenery. The color black often represents darkness and the
bats that are surrounding Batman make him look dangerous and alarming. The TV screen where
Lola announced the comments from the council of mother talking about Batmen "harmful
influence was set right below that panel. It is blended in together so that readers can view the
big picture of what the mothers are trying to emphasize.
On pg. 61, the news announces that the mother of ten-month baby Kevin, Mrs. Joyce
Ridley was admitted to a private hospital upstate for psychiatric observation following her
collapse." Her ten-month baby heir to the Ridley chewing gum fortune was still missing.
Kevin was kidnapped by the members of the Mutant Gang. On pg. 62 on the right-hand corner,
there is a big panel with Batmans dark shadow standing high and confident on top of a building
with what seems to be ropes in his hand. One can tell, by the way, he is standing that he is ready
for action. In one of the panels, one can see one of the mutants making a call to someone
demanding to get one million dollars, or they will never see baby Kevin ever again. The Mutant
Gang goes to a home where they were supposed to meet for the money, and they hear noises
from behind the door and screeches. The door was locked so one of the mutants decides to open
it by shooting at the door. As the door opens it is very dark inside and a black bat comes flying

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out and attacks one of the mutants. Then there comes out Batman with a huge gun to defend
himself and save baby Kevin.
Batmans character in the panel on pg. 64 Batmans character in the panel on pg. 64 are
represented in dark colors, including the shattered black background. It is unusual to see Batman
with a huge gun; it makes him look "evil." It seems that Miller used dark colors like black and
grey to represent Batmans dark actions. On pg. 65 in the upper right-hand corner one can see
that Batman saved baby Kevin. Baby Kevin looked terrified so Batman hugs him to comfort him
and lets him know that everything is going to be alright. In this panel Batmans costume is a soft
blue and yellow; his character seems brighter. Soft, blue and yellow are more comforting colors
and happier. Since Batman saved baby, Kevin and is trying to comfort him because he is scared,
these colors were used in this panel to symbolize comfort. One thing that was interesting on this
page was that the news is presented once again, and they did not broadcast Batmans act of being
a hero. Batman saved baby Kevins life, and the news did not mention it once. They seem to only
mention negative things about Batman because that is what people want to see and here.
On pg. 65, Dr. Bartholemew Wolper, popular psychologist talks about Batman on the
news. One of the news hosts asks Dr. Wolper if he thinks that Batman is responsible for all the
crimes he fights. And he provides some statistics that crime rates have shown a steady drop in
the weeks since Batmans return. Dr. Wolper agrees that Batman has been an advantage, but he
claims that his effects are far from positive." On page 66 Dr., Wolper tries to compare Batman
to Harvey Dent, and he believes that Batman is in the context and pardon the term a social
disease. If Dr. Wolper only allowed himself to see that Batman is trying to help the people of
Gotham city by defeating the villains and bringing safety of the people and their community.

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Batman saved Baby Kevin from the members of the Mutant Gang, who are a harm to the city
and their people, that should be proof that Batmans intentions are not negative.
Another force that shaped Batman to whom he is, is the weapons he used. Imagining
Batman with different types of guns and military armor to fight crime is unexpected apart from
his usual bat weapons. The Batman we know doesn't fight crime with guns, just a few punches
and kicks here and there to get the job done. The reason that Miller represented Batman with
different types of weapons, and armor was to convey readers of the bigger picture of todays
society and how crime is taken care of today. Crime rates seem to be higher when guns are
involved but in Control Crime, Not Guns Frederick M. Ruffen emphasizes Banning gun
ownership by the honest citizen does not deal with the underlying causes of these problems nor
would it take weapons out of the hands of criminals who have no fear of dealing with other
banned" substances. He discusses how gun control is not much of an issue when it comes to
crime control being involved because there is no major change. Ruffin also emphasizes that A
true crime-control approach would deal with the "crazies" and with the crime: not with an
inanimate object that alone is neither inherently good nor bad. Everyone in Gotham city seems
to be worrying about Batman and his actions, and they forget to pay attention to all the villains
who are destroying Gotham city and harming the people in it.
Miss Lang is Batmen " the most vocal supporter she views Batman as a hero who is
trying to save the city. There are different debates going on with her and a few other people who
get interviewed about Batman and his actions which disagree with her claims. On pg. 66 One of
the news hosts Ted, asks Miss Lang how can she condone behavior thats so blatantly illegal?
What about due process rights? Miss Lang responds we live in a shadow of crime, Ted with

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the unspoken understanding that we are victims of fear, of violence, of social impotence. A man
has risen to show us that the power is and always has been; in our hands, we are under siege
he's showing us that we can resist." Miss Lang is trying to make people understand that the
reason for Batmans actions due to his fear of violence just as everyone else is experiencing and
all he is trying to do is bring safety among Gotham City and its people, he means no harm. Hes
trying to show people that we have the power to get rid of all evil and bring safety among
Gotham city and its people.
On pg. 73 one will see that the Mutant Gang has started a riot in a dump, furious to face
Batman and bring an end to him. The Mutant Gang is full of a lot of evil and hate, and one can
witness that by looking at the colors and structure in one of the panels on pg. 73. In the
background, one will witness the dark black and grey coloring and the members of the Mutant
Gang standing in rows with their guns. In these panels, one will imagine a war zone with fire set
by the Mutants on every corner and trash all over the place. The Mutant Gang has all kinds of
weapons ready to destroy Batman. They claim, they own Gotham City and it will always be
theres. On pg. 77, Batman enters with his Batmobile ready to face the Mutants. On the righthand corner, one will see the Mutant furiously raging to face Batman to destroy him. Batman
knows that the members of the Mutant Gang are young, so he thinks twice on how to approach
them, but he also says, I honestly don't know if I can beat him." Batman could have blasted
him from the face of the earth with his gun as he says," but he builds the courage and decides to
put his weapons down and fight without them as seen on pg. 78. Since Batman is old and weak,
he was unable to defeat the mutant and collapses. Robin comes into the rescue and takes Batman
back to his cave.

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On page 87, Batman is in his cave covered in blood and very weak. Batman says, I go
to the dark place where I first met you (referring to the original Robin, who died) before my
parents diedbefore I learned what I am. Batman always finds himself running back to this
dark place because this is where he remembers his memories. Shifting to the bottom panels
which get darker Batman says, Im dyingbut I cant dieIm not finished yetand youre
not finished with me. Batmans cave is a place where he always returns to, to feel sane. The
panels on page 87 show Batman slowly walking down back to a dark place that he constantly
returns to, the colors shift from blue which is the color of his costume to pitch black where you
can no longer see him. The last panel is pitch black, and one can see the bright-red eyes of a bat;
the color red often represents blood. Dark colors of black and grey are portrayed in these panels
to evoke Batmans dark place which he always finds himself going back to.
The environment that Batman is in is dark, and it is a force that has changed him and
shaped him into the person he has become. In general, people who live a certain environment are
likely to be influenced by it, which changes them. In Human Behavior in the Social
Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective Craig LeCroy emphasizes In examining any
social context; the social system plays an important role. A system represents any set of elements
that affect or influence one another. Then he explains how problems in the system cannot be
solved without identifying the factors. Furthermore, he mentions the components that are within
a system. LeCroy emphasizes that people are the components in a system and that the people
participate in a number of social systems that influence their development." That would include
family, school, work setting, neighborhood, community, etc. This shows that the environment

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that one can live in can change a person. Batman lived in a dark bat cave in a corrupted city
which changed him into the dark person he is.
The people of Gotham City see Batman as a bad influence to children and a murderer
because he killed the members of the Mutant Gang and a few other villains. However, Batman is
just trying to fight crime and defeat the villains to benefit him and the people of Gotham City. He
wants to bring safety to Gotham City and its people. Batman has gone through a lot especially
when his parents were killed and his original sidekick, Robin. All this crime and hate filled him
with darkness, and all Batmen wanted to do are get rid of crime and defeat the villains so the past
wouldn't repeat itself. Batman doesn't have the intentions of harming anyone to bring joy out
of it like the Mutant Gang did. Darkness filled Batman as he was surrounded by all this crime,
living in a corrupted city and always finding himself retuning back to the Dark Place where he
recalled his memories. The action that Batman took was an approach to benefit him, the city, and
the people in the community in a positive way in order to avoid future crimes.

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Works Cited
Ashford, Jos B., Craig W. LeCroy, and Kathy L. Lortie. Human Behavior in the Social
Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole/Thomson
Learning, 2001. Print.
Miller, Frank, Klaus Janson, and Lynn Varley. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. New York,
NY: DC Comics, 2000. Print.
Paul Gallant. Wesley Hills, N.Y. "Crime and Gun Control: NASSAU Edition." Newsday, (1991):

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