Evaluation Activity 7
Evaluation Activity 7
Evaluation Activity 7
Evaluation Activity
7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you thing that you have
learned in the progression from it to the main product?
Throughout the construction of the preliminary task, my group and I did not do any
planning. The story as well as the shots used were mostly improvised throughout
the whole process. We used the camera that we used in the preliminary task, the
Canon 700D, to film the main production because we were familiar with how to use
it. In the preliminary task, the only sound that we used was diegetic dialogue as the
production was extremely short, although we could have used other sound to make
it better. There were some similarities between our preliminary task and the final
product. For example, in cinematography, we used two shots and also over the
shoulder shots in both productions.
Final Product
which resulted in out of focus footage. Because of this we had film again to produce
better footage after learning how to put the camera on focus. We feel that our main
production is a massive success compared to our preliminary task. This is because
we had taken notice of the flaws from the preliminary task as well as the first two
filming session to produce the best footage that we couldve which resulted in a
successful final product. We had planned and done research which enabled us to
work at our best as a group as well as individually.