Model Questions: - B.Tech

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11. If (2) = 4 and (2) = 4, then lim [

1. Torque per unit moment of inertia is equal to

a) angular velocity
c) radius of gyration

- 2(x)
(x (2)
) is equal to

a) 2
c) -4

b) angular acceleration
d) inertia

b) -2
d) 3

2. If a projectile has a velocity greater than the escape velocity, which trajectory will it follow?
a) elliptic
b) hyperbolic
c) vertical straight
d) parabolic

12. Let f: 55 be a function defined by f(x) = |x| + 1.

Then which of the following is true?
a) f is 1-1 and onto
c) f is onto but not 1-1

b) f is neither 1-1 nor onto

d) f -1 exists

3. To a fish under water, viewing obliquely a fisher-man standing on the bank of a lake, does appear as
a) slightly shorter
b) taller
c) with no change in height
d) with half the original height.

13. The principal value of is equal to

a) e
c) e 

b) e 

4. Moderator is used to
a) accelerate the bombarding neutrons
c) to eject more electrons

14. The line y = 4x + c touches the parabola y2 = 4x if

a) C = 0
c) C = 4

b) C = 1 4
d) 2

b) slow down the bombarding neutrons

d) to arrest the nuclear reaction

15. If the lines x-1 = y+1 = z-1 and x-3 = y-k = z intersect, then k equals

5. In a ferroelectric material, as the applied field is gradually reduced to zero, the polarization still left is known as
a) remanent polarization
b) coercive polarization
c) zero polarization
d) positive polarization.

a)  2
c) -2 9

6. Which is used as flux in metallurgy?
a) CaF2
c) UF6

b)  2
d) - 2

16. Passage through pores in the nuclear envelope is restricted primarily to
a) proteins, RNA, and protein-RNA complexes
b) lipids and glycolipids
c) DNA and RNA
d) RNA and protein-carbohydrate complexes

b) SF6
d) NaF

7. The value of electrical resistance at super conductivity state is

a) 100
b) 0
c) Low
d) High

17. Which of the following are not energy sources but necessary for enzymatic reactions, for protein
complexes, or as precursors for biomolecules?
a) minerals and vitamins
b) carbohydrates
c) lipids
d) proteins

8. Geometrical isomerism is exhibited by (i) 1-pentene (ii) 2-pentene (iii) 2-chloro-2-pentene (iv) 3-methyl-2-pentene
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (ii) and (iii)
c) (iii) and (iv)
d) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

18. What was the first bacterium shown to cause human disease?
a) Anthrx
b) Mycobacterium
c) Diphteria
d) Streptococus

9. Which among the following has both local anaesthetics and antiseptic properties?
a) Benzyl benzoate
b) Phenol
c) Benzyl alcohol
d) n-propyl alcohol
10. The medicines which prevent nausea, vomiting and motion sickness is
a) Antibiotics
b) Antacids
c) Antispasmodics
d) All of these



19. The cytoplasm of a bacterium

a) is supported by the cytoskeleton
c) is supported by keratin

b) is supported by microtubules
d) has no internal support structure

20. Which of the following is not an isoenzyme?

a) G6PDH
c) NP

b) LDH
d) ATPase

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