Various Barong Dance: 1. Barong Bangkal
Various Barong Dance: 1. Barong Bangkal
Various Barong Dance: 1. Barong Bangkal
Barong Bangkal
Bangkal means big pigs aged older, therefore it resembles a Barong Bangkal or bangkung, is also called Barong boar
or Bangkung. Umumnya dipentaskan dengan berkeliling desa (ngelelawang) oleh dua orang penari pada hari-hari
tertentu yang dianggap keramat atau saat terjadinya wabah penyakit menyerang desa tanpa membawakan sebuah
lakon dan diiringi dengan gamelan batel / tetamburan
2. Barong Landung
Barong Landung is a manifestation of His Majesty which human form reaches 3 feet tall. Barong Landung not the
same as the barong ket that has been commercialized.Barong Landung lebih sakral dan diyakini kekuatannya
sebagai pelindung dan pemberi kesejahteraan umat. (Barong Landung more sacred and is believed to power as
protectors and providers of welfare of the people.)
3. Barong Macan
Barong Macan
As the name implies, it resembles a tiger Barong and the kind of barong famous among the people of Bali. usually
staged around the village and sometimes fitted with such dramatari Arja and accompanied by gamelan batel.
4. Barong Ket
Barong Ket
barong keket is dance the most widely available in Bali and most often staged. From its form, Barong Ket is a mix
between a lion, tiger, cow. dan Badan Barong ini dihiasi dengan ukiran-ukiran dibuat dari kulit, (and Barong body is
decorated with carvings made of leather,)
Rangda is the queen of the leak in the mythology of Bali. This terrifying creature is told often kidnap and
eat children and lead troops against the wicked witch Barong, dimana barong merupakan simbol
kekuatan baik.( where barong is a symbol of the power of good.)