Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

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Name of Drug Classification/Action Indication Adverse Reaction Contraindication Responsibility Parameters

Generic Name: Classification: Epilepsy, acute Dizziness, ataxia, Hypersensitivity. *Assess for seizures: Pregnancy,
Carbamazepine Anticonvulsants mania and fatigue, drowsiness, Severe hemic character, location, lactation, initial and
maintenance skin reaction, disorders. duration, intensity, periodic CBCs,
Brand Name: Action: treatment of leucopenia, nausea, Atrioventricular heart frequency and liver function tests,
Tegretol Exact mechanism bipolar affective vomiting, increased y- block. Severe pressure of aura. and urinalysis.
unknown; appears to disorders to GT, edema, fluid bradycardia. History History of cardiac
Dosage & decrease polysynaptic prevent or retention, increased of previous bone *Assess for trigeminal hepatic or renal
Frequency: responses and block attenuate weight, hyponatremia, marrow depression or neuralgia: facial pain dysfunction,
Adult: 100-200 mg post titanic recurrence. decreased blood a history of including location, adverse
od or bid. potentiation. Alcohol withdrawal osmolarity, headache, intermittent porphyria. duration, intensity, hematological
syndrome. accommodation Concomitant use of character, activity that reactions.
Route of Trigeminal disorders, diplopia, monoamine oxydase stimulates pain. Increased
Administration: neuralgia, elevated liver inhibitors. Lactation. intraocular
PO idiopathic gloss enzyme, *Give with food to pressure, latent
pharyngeal thrombocytopenia, minimize GI irritation. psychosis,
neuralgia. Diabetic eosinophilia, dry confusion and
neuropathy. mouth, increased *Advise patient to use agitation, mixed
Diabetes insepidus blood alkaline sunscreen o prevent seizure disorders.
centralis. phosphatase, photosensitivity. Elderly. Avoid
dermatitis, urticarial. abrupt
*Advise patient not to discontinuation of
discontinue medication treatment.
quickly after long-term Neonatal
use. withdrawal
syndrome. Road or
*Check for water machinery users.
retention, with
decreased osmolality
and concentration of
Na+ in plasma,
especially in elderly
patients with cardiac

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