This document provides information on the drug diclofenac sodium, including its classification, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, and nursing responsibilities. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Common adverse reactions include gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular effects, and renal impairment. Nurses should monitor patients for blood pressure, blood glucose, and bowel movements when taking this drug. It requires cautious use in patients with preexisting medical conditions and certain contraindications.
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This document provides information on the drug diclofenac sodium, including its classification, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, and nursing responsibilities. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Common adverse reactions include gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular effects, and renal impairment. Nurses should monitor patients for blood pressure, blood glucose, and bowel movements when taking this drug. It requires cautious use in patients with preexisting medical conditions and certain contraindications.
This document provides information on the drug diclofenac sodium, including its classification, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, and nursing responsibilities. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Common adverse reactions include gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular effects, and renal impairment. Nurses should monitor patients for blood pressure, blood glucose, and bowel movements when taking this drug. It requires cautious use in patients with preexisting medical conditions and certain contraindications.
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This document provides information on the drug diclofenac sodium, including its classification, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, and nursing responsibilities. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Common adverse reactions include gastrointestinal issues, cardiovascular effects, and renal impairment. Nurses should monitor patients for blood pressure, blood glucose, and bowel movements when taking this drug. It requires cautious use in patients with preexisting medical conditions and certain contraindications.
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Name of Drug Classification/Action Indications Adverse Reaction Contraindications Nursing Parameters
Diclofenalac inflammatory spondylitis Aseptic in patients NSAIDs for the Sodium drugs Osteoarthritis meningitis, hypersensitive impair the patient’s Rheumatoid anxiety, to drug and in synthesis of blood Brand Name: May inhibit Arthritis depression, those with renal pressure, Fenac prostaglandin Analgesia dizziness, hepatic prostagland blood Voltaren synthesis, to Primary drowsiness, porphyria or ins, they glucose produce anti- Dysmenorrhe headache, history of can level and Dosage and inflammatory, a insomnia, asthma, decrease bowel Frequency: analgesic and irritability urticaria, or renal blood moveme Suppositories: antipyretic effects. CV: other allergic flow and nt. 50 mg; 100 Heart failure, reactions after lead to mg edema, fluid taking aspirin or reversible Tablets: retention, other NSAIDs. renal 25 mg,; 50 hypertension impairment, mg; 75 mg; EENT: Avoid using especially 100 mg laryngeal edema, during late in patients blurred vision, pregnancy or with renal epistaxis, eye while or heart pain, night breastfeeding. failure or blindness, liver reversible Use cautiously dysfunction, hearing loss, in patients with in elderly swelling of the history of peptic patients, lips and tongue, ulcer disease, and in tinnitus hepatic those taking GI: dysfunction, diuretics. Abdominal cardiac disease, Monitor distention, hypertension, these abdominal pain fluid retention, patients or or impaired closely. cramps,bleeding, renal function Liver constipation, function test diarrhea, values may flatulence, increase indigestion, during melena, nausea, therapy. peptic ulceration, Monitor taste disorder, transamina bloody diarrhea, se, appetite change, especially colitis ALT, levels GU: periodically Nephritic in patients syndrome, acute undergoing renal failure, fluid long-term retention, therapy. interstitial Make first nephritis, measureme oliguria, papillary nt of necrosis, transamina proteinuria se no late Hepatic: than 8 Jaundice, weeks after hepatitis, therapy hapatotoxicity begins. Metabolic: Because of Hypoglycemia, their hyperglycemia antipyretic Musculoskeletal: and anti- Back, leg or joint inflammator pain y reactions, Respiratory: NSAIDs Asthma may mask Skin: the signs Stevens-Johnson and syndrome, symptoms allergic purpura, of infection. alopecia, bullous Serious GI eruption, toxicity, dermatitis, including eczema, peptic photosensitivity ulcers and reaction, pruritis, bleeding, rash, urticaria can occur in Other: patient Anaphylactoid taking reactions, NSAIDs, anaphylaxis, despite lack angioedema of symptoms.
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