Diclofenalac Sodium (Fenac)

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Name of Drug Classification/Action Indications Adverse Reaction Contraindications Nursing Parameters


Generic Name:  Nonsteroidal  Ankylosing  CNS:  Contraindicated  Because  Check

Diclofenalac inflammatory spondylitis Aseptic in patients NSAIDs for the
Sodium drugs  Osteoarthritis meningitis, hypersensitive impair the patient’s
  Rheumatoid anxiety, to drug and in synthesis of blood
Brand Name:  May inhibit Arthritis depression, those with renal pressure,
Fenac prostaglandin  Analgesia dizziness, hepatic prostagland blood
Voltaren synthesis, to  Primary drowsiness, porphyria or ins, they glucose
produce anti- Dysmenorrhe headache, history of can level and
Dosage and inflammatory, a insomnia, asthma, decrease bowel
Frequency: analgesic and irritability urticaria, or renal blood moveme
 Suppositories: antipyretic effects.  CV: other allergic flow and nt.
50 mg; 100 Heart failure, reactions after lead to
mg edema, fluid taking aspirin or reversible
 Tablets: retention, other NSAIDs. renal
25 mg,; 50 hypertension impairment,
mg; 75 mg;  EENT:  Avoid using especially
100 mg laryngeal edema, during late in patients
blurred vision, pregnancy or with renal
epistaxis, eye while or heart
pain, night breastfeeding. failure or
blindness, liver
reversible  Use cautiously dysfunction,
hearing loss, in patients with in elderly
swelling of the history of peptic patients,
lips and tongue, ulcer disease, and in
tinnitus hepatic those taking
 GI: dysfunction, diuretics.
Abdominal cardiac disease, Monitor
distention, hypertension, these
abdominal pain fluid retention, patients
or or impaired closely.
cramps,bleeding, renal function  Liver
constipation, function test
diarrhea, values may
flatulence, increase
indigestion, during
melena, nausea, therapy.
peptic ulceration, Monitor
taste disorder, transamina
bloody diarrhea, se,
appetite change, especially
colitis ALT, levels
 GU: periodically
Nephritic in patients
syndrome, acute undergoing
renal failure, fluid long-term
retention, therapy.
interstitial Make first
nephritis, measureme
oliguria, papillary nt of
necrosis, transamina
proteinuria se no late
 Hepatic: than 8
Jaundice, weeks after
hepatitis, therapy
hapatotoxicity begins.
 Metabolic:  Because of
Hypoglycemia, their
hyperglycemia antipyretic
 Musculoskeletal: and anti-
Back, leg or joint inflammator
pain y reactions,
 Respiratory: NSAIDs
Asthma may mask
 Skin: the signs
Stevens-Johnson and
syndrome, symptoms
allergic purpura, of infection.
alopecia, bullous  Serious GI
eruption, toxicity,
dermatitis, including
eczema, peptic
photosensitivity ulcers and
reaction, pruritis, bleeding,
rash, urticaria can occur in
 Other: patient
Anaphylactoid taking
reactions, NSAIDs,
anaphylaxis, despite lack
angioedema of

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