Teaching Resume

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Marissa Guillen

Address: 6100 SW 45 T h Avenue Apartment# 1534 Amarillo, Texas 79109

Phone number: 1(575)390-6166
Email: marissa_guillen2002@yahoo.com
Website: marissaguillen9unm.weebly.com

Elementary Education


University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico

I have an endorsement in Science. I graduated on December 13, 2014 with an overall
G.P.A. of 3.65.
ESL (English as a Second Language) Summer Institute
Summer 2014
The ESL Summer Institute was an intense six weeks of instruction on how to teach ESL
students and strategies that help ESL students learn. We learned strategies in the
classroom every morning, then we were assigned a classroom to teach ESL students in
the afternoon. It was worth nine credit hours (three classes LLSS 453 Foundations of
Bilingual Education, LLSS 482 Teaching English as a Second Language, & LLSS 459/559
Second Language Literacy).


I currently have a teaching license in New Mexico. It is a Level One Provisional K-8
Elementary License. It is eff ective from July 1, 2015- June 30, 2020. License
Number: 366898.

001 New Mexico Assessment of Teacher Basic Skills taken on June 9, 2012.
Passes. Score 247.
003 New Mexico Assessment of Teacher Competency- Elementary taken on
June 7, 2014. Passed. Score 264
011 New Mexico Content Knowledge Assessment of Elementary Education
taken on June 7, 2014. Passed. Score 252.
National Evaluation Series 104 Essential Components of Elementary Reading
Instruction taken on October 7, 2014. Passed. Score 231.


Deans List

S.T.A.R.S. Program Recipient (An Austrian/American Student

Exchange, In May 2014 I went to teach about the United
States to Students in Vienna, Austria).
I earned an A+ in all three intense classes of the Summer
I graduated Cum Laude (3.50-3.74 G.P.A.) at my graduation


Montezuma Elementary, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
1 s t semester (Fall 2013): Student Teacher Kindergarten

August 2013December 2014

Marissa Guillen
Address: 6100 SW 45 T h Avenue Apartment# 1534 Amarillo, Texas 79109
Phone number: 1(575)390-6166
Email: marissa_guillen2002@yahoo.com
Website: marissaguillen9unm.weebly.com
2 n d semester (Spring 2014): Student TeacherSecond & Third
3 r d semester (Fall 2014): Student Teacher- Second Grade
When I taught in Austria, I taught grades K-9 t h grade.
When I taught in the ESL Summer Institute, I taught third
Total student teaching experience- One and a half years
Mentor Teachers:
(Kindergarten) Shelly Rose
(Second and Third Grade) Jessica Menning
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

I have taught many lessons using Stepping Stones. I am

familiar with the program and student workbooks.

I have planned many lessons using the Common Core

State Standards (CCSS).

I am familiar with the Next Generation Science Standards.

I have designed lesson plans and used these standards.

I have assessed second, third, and kindergarten students

with the Pearsons Developmental Reading Assessment

I can use a Promethean Board or Smart Board and Active

Inspire to teach interactive lessons.

I know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Prezi, and


Chris Altman (chris.altman@amaisd.org) Mrs. Altman is the principal of Wills
Elementary. I
currently work at Wills as an educational assistant.
Sally Brown (kc5ayr@unm.edu) My instructor when I was in the ESL Summer Institute
Carroll Burk (carroll.burk@amaisd.org) Mr. Burk is the assistant principal of Wills
Jessica Menning (menning@aps.edu) Jessica was my master teacher. I taught under
her supervison for two semesters.
Shelly Rose (rose_s@aps.edu ) Shelly was my master teacher in my fi rst semester of
student teaching.
Deborah Rifenbary- (riff er@unm.edu) A S.T.A.R.S. Sponsor
Rebecca Sanchez- (sanchezr@unm.edu) A S.T.A.R.S. Sponsor & she was my professor
for Teaching Social Studies in an Elementary Classroom (EDUC 321L).

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