Canada Lynx
Canada Lynx
Canada Lynx
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Population Ecology
As the global climate continues to change, many species that are
adapted to cold weather demonstrate population declines. Lynx populations
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are no different. While exact population sizes are unknown, there is evidence
that numbers have been diminishing for years.
One thing that has been attributed to the decline of lynx populations
involves shrinking prey habitat and prey populations. Lynx rely on hares for
approximately 75% of their diet and are greatly impacted when prey
populations are low (Nature Works 2015). Snowshoe hares in northern
regions have cyclic populations that occur roughly every 10 years which
results in mirrored patterns from Canada lynx populations with a short time
lag (Krebs et al. 2014). The reasoning behind the population cycles is
unclear but it is expected to be caused by food limitations, habitat
conditions, and climate patterns (Yan et al. 2013).
Another potential cause for lynx population trends may be current
forest management techniques, mainly timber harvest and fire suppression.
It is acknowledged that existing forest management practices have
destroyed lynx and hare habitat but there have not been many studies
performed to assess the population effects of these practices.
Lynx are largely dispersed across Canada and Alaska (see Figure 1).
Historically, this species used to extend much further into other regions in
the U.S. but their population numbers rapidly declined as a result of hunting
and trapping. Presently, there are small populations in the lower 48 states
such as Idaho, Washington, Montana and northeastern states (Nowell 2008).
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Human Relationships
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has
categorized the Canada lynx as a species of least concern because it is
prevalent throughout most of Canada and Alaska (Nowell 2008). Additionally,
it can be legally hunted and sold without apparent impact on overall
populations and harvest limits are reasonably lax in some areas (Nowell
Contrasting to the categorization by the IUCN Red List, the Canada lynx
is listed as a threatened species under the ESA (Maletzke et al. 2008). In
Idaho, the lynx is documented as being a species of greatest concern
because of low estimated population sizes (CWCS 2010).
Management of a species is difficult because animals do not stay
within man-made boarders and different regions have varying regulations.
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The Canada lynx is a North American mammal that is dispersed across
boreal forests and montane regions. Depending on location, the lynx is
documented as being a species of least concern, a threatened species or a
species of greatest concern (Maletzke et al. 2008, Nowell 2008, CWCS 2010).
Managing lynx populations has proven to be a daunting task, mainly for its
lack of abundance information and socio-political issues. Despite this,
anthropogenic threats need to be addressed, especially in the United States.
It is likely that the extreme forest management practices harm lynx
populations and should be scientifically evaluated along with other various
threats to promote the long-term viability of the Canada lynx.
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Literature Cited
Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS). 2010. Canada lynx.
Idaho Fish and Game.
Interagency Lynx Biology Team. 2013. Canada lynx conservation assessment
and strategy. 3rd edition. USDA Forest Service, USDI Fish and Wildlife
Service, USDI Bureau of Land Management, and USDI National Park
Service. Forest Service Publication R1-13-19, Missoula, MT., USA. 128
Feline Conservation Federation. 2015. Canada lynx.
Accessed 8 Apr 2015.
Homyack, J., J. Vashon, C. Libby, E. Lindquist, S. Loch, D. McAlpine, K. Pilgrim,
and M. Schwartz. 2008. Canada Lynx-bobcat (L. canadensis L. rufus)
Hybrids at the Southern Periphery of Lynx range in Maine, Minnesota
and New Brunswick. The American Midland Naturalist 159:504-508.
Krebs, C. J., R. Boonstra, S. Boutin, A. E. Sinclair, J. M. Smith, B. S. Gilbert, K.
Martin, M. ODonoghue, and R. Turkinton. 2014. Trophic Dynamics of
the Boreal Forests of the Kluane Region. The Arctic Institute of North
America 50: 1-9.
Maletzke, B. T., G. M. Koehler, R. B. Wielgus, K. B. Aubry, and M. A. Evans.
2008. Habitat conditions associated with lynx hunting behavior during
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Accessed 8 Apr 2015.
Yan, C., N. Stenseth, C. Krebs, and Z. Zhang. 2013. Linking climate change to
population cycles of hares and lynx. Global Change Biology 19: 32633271.
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