Industrial Safety

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Industrial safety

Industrial safety is primarily a management activity which is concerned with
reducing, controlling and eliminating hazards from the industries or industrial units.

Importance of industrial safety

The danger of life of human being is increasing with advancement of scientific

development in different fields.
The importance of industrial safety was realized because every millions of industrial
accidents occur which result in either death or in temporary disablement or permanent
disablement of employees and involve large amount of losses resulting from danger to
property, wasted man hours and wasted hours.
More ever, from managerial perspective the importance of industrial safety in any
organization may be concluded by following facilitation:
1. Treatment: industrial safety management provides treatment for injuries and
illness at the work place.
2. Medical Examination: it carries out medical examination of staff joining the
organization or returning to work after sickness or accident.
3. Hazards identification.
4. Provision of protective devices.
5. Consultancy: it provides medical advised on other condition potentially affecting
health e.g. works canteen etc.
6. Education: it provides safety and health training.

Objectives of industrial safety:

1. to prevent accidents in the plant by reducing the hazard to minimum.

2. to eliminate accident caused work stoppage and lost production.
3. to achieve lower workmen’s compensation, insurance rates and reduce all other
direct and indirect costs of accidents.
4. to prevent loss of life, permanent disability and the loss of income of worker by
eliminating causes of accidents.
5. to evaluate employee’s morale by promoting safe work place and good working
6. to educate all members of the organization in continuous state of safety mindness
and to make supervision competent and intensely safety ninded.
A safety programmed includes mainly following four E’s.
• Engineering: i.e safety at the design, equipment installation stage.
• Education: i.e. education of employees in safe practices.
• Enlistment: it concerns the attitude of the employees and management to
wards the programmed and its purpose. Ti is necessary to arouse the
interest of employees in accident prevention and safety consciousness.
• Encouragement: i.e. to enforce adherence to safe rules and practices.
Safety Organization:
Definition: safety organization may be defined as organization taking in the work of
accident prevention. It means that it has to remove unsafe physical conditions and
substitute safety practices in the place of unsafe practices.
Essential Elements: the basic elements regarding the safety organization are as under;

1. management leadership
2. assignment of responsibility
3. maintenance of safe working conditions
4. establishment of safety training
5. an accident record system
6. medical and first aid system.
7. acceptance of personal responsibilities by employees.

Management attitude: Top management attitude to wards accident prevention is

reflected in the attitude of the supervisory force. Similarly the workers attitude is
dependent on the supervisor. Therefore, the success of a program for prevention of
accidents will mainly rest on the interest taken by the top management.
Assignment of responsibility: It is of a paramount importance that assignment of full
responsibility should be given to some one for safety activities. It is usual to entrust this
function to general manager, workers manager or personnel manager but if there is full
time safety officer then this function is entrusted to him and he is usually answerable to a
top ranking officer such as Director or General manager.
Supervisor: The supervisor is the key person in any safety program. To the worker, he is
the management. It is again the supervisor who has intimated knowledge of the
temperament, attitude, sense of responsibility, physical characteristics, skill, training, etc
of the workers. In other words he has immediate control over them. Therefore, the
supervisor is indispensable ( that is not be set aside ) in any safety scheme and workers
success would depend upon the interest and participation of the supervisor. To achieve
the results, management should adopt the method of policy of associating safety as part
of good production methods and to make it known that bad safety record or poor safety
procedure by itself will be as a bad performance by management.
Principles to prevent accident

Accident prevention is highly essential in an industry, in order to

• prevent injury to and premature death of employees.
• Reduce operation and production costs.
• Have good employee employer relations.
• High up the morale of employees.
- above all the prevention of accidents is a true humanitarian concern.
- Accident prevention does not occur by itself; there should be consistent of
safety measures and safety programmers emphasizing the need for
• safe workplace layout and working condition
• safe material handling.
• Personal protective devices.
• Safety activities in organization.

There are following accident preventations:

In the industrially developed countries, there exist very well defined and highly
stringent punitive codes and statutes, which are designe to maintain and improve safety,
health and welfare of employed persons. Even the developing countries have such laws,
albeit still in a some what elementary form which make them anachronistic with the
requirements of modern technology and the hazards generated as a consequences there
of. These laws at their best only impose a minimum standard of conduct defining them to
be the absolute duty of the employer.
Traditionally, the safety specialists have been using this legal argument for
accident prevention on the basis that by being conscious about the safety or the
employees, the employer can avoid attracting prosecution.
The economic argument also becomes relevant at this point because of the fines
that has been imposed as the result of statutory breaches, or because of the production
loss, which may result due to the closure of the enterprise ordered as a punishment for the
breach of these statutes.
In the same context, employers feel threatened about the image of the company
being tarnished and the effect of the adverse publicity received as a consequence of
prosecution and subsequent punishment under the safety laws. This indirectly could also
impact adversely in the revenues and hence the profits of the company.
In the civilized societies it must be remembered, that one of the prime social
objectives of any company is to gerarate a safe plan of work for its employees.

The humanitarian argument derives its strength from a universally
accepted ethical and moral axiom that it is the duty of every man to ensure the physical
well being of his fellow man. This automatically holds the employer responsible, in the
eyes of every member of the society to provide a safe and healthy working environment
for this employees.
The safety specialist can therefore appeal to the conceive of the management by
emphasizing upon them that is immoral for the employer not to give due consideration to
the safety and well being of the employees by taking measures which could protect them
against pain and suffering as a consequence of unsafe practices and procedures allowed in
their enterprise.

The economic argument very simply, is based on accident costing the
company money. It must however be appreciated that in order that this argument may
have an effective impact on the management. It is imperative that the costs of the
accidents occurring to the company must be accurately quantified. If this is done,
accident prevention is then seen by the senior management as good business, which
motivate the management to strive more and more to ameliorate their safety system in the
interest of maximization of the profit.
The safety specialists thus, use the economic argument as the most
powerful tool for ensuring a very elaborate and sophisticated accident prevention and
safety program. This is the foundation stone upon which the concepts or theories of risk
management/accidents prevention are based. These concepts unfortunately are hardly
known in our country.
It is high time that these most powerful tools may be introduced in our
country, both for making its industrial enterprises safer for the workers and for making
their operations more cost effective.


Across the industry and commerce there are a multiplicity of safety
inspection procedures, each developed to identify the and hazard within a particular
business. However they do fall into a number of broad categories.
Following are various procedures for the safety

Safety audit
A safety audit subjects each area of a company’s activity to a systematic
critical examination with the object of minimizing loss. Every component of the total
system is included. For example management policy, attitudes training, features of the
process and of the design, layout and construction of the plant, operating procedures,
emergency plans, personal protection standards, accident record etc.

Safety survey
A safety survey is a detailed examination in depth of a narrower field of
activity. For example major key areas revealed by safety audits, individual plans and
procedures, or specific problems common to a works as a whole. These surveys are
followed by formal report, action plan and subsequent monitoring.

Safety inspection
A routine scheduled inspection of a unit or department, which may be
carried out by someone ( may be a safety representative ) from within the unit, possibly
accompanied by the safety advisor. The inspection would check maintenance standards,
imployee involvement, working practices, fire precaution, use of guards and adherence to
safe working procedures etc, and be more immediate than the wide-reaching or in-depth
approach taken by audits and surveys.

Safety tours
A safety inspection around a predetermined route or area of the work place
carried our by any one-of a range of personnel from works directors to safety
representatives to ensure that for example standards of housekeeping are at an acceptable
level, or that obvious hazards are removed or to ensure that generally safety standards are
observed. Typically tours last only fifteen minutes and are conducted at weekly intervals.

Safety sampling
A particular application of a safety inspection or tour designe to check on
one specific pre-selected safety aspect only, within the workplace or an agreed part of it.
This focuses attention on the particular safety matter and highlights the observation of
possible hazards.
The safety sample chosen can be concerned with plant, equipment, guarding, methods of
operation, lack of adherence to safe systems of work, non use of permit to work system,
forklift truck driving and training or any other. Safety samples should be carried out
regularly but with a random selection of the subject each time.

Hazard and operability study

The application of a formal critical examination to the process and
engineering intentions of now facilities to assess the hazard potential from mal operation
or multifunction of individual items of equipment and the consequential effects on the
facility as a whole. Remedial action cam then be planned at a very early stage of the
project with maximum effectiveness and at minimum cost. The techniques can also be
applied to existing plants and processes.
Whilst unsuspected hazards may be revealed by any of the above techniques, the use of a
formal checklist in project engineering design helps to ensure that the plant complies with
statutory requirement, and that account is taken of the best current safety techniques and
practices. Hearth and safety requirement should also be incorporated at the design stage
rather than taken on as an afterthought once the plant or process is in full operation.

The safety adviser has a contribution to make and should be a member of both the design
and hazard and operability teams.

Fire like industrial accident is rarely experienced by most individuals on the other hand
fire is likely to affect directly large no: of people. The main causes of fire in industries
1. Electrical equipment.
2. Smoking.
3. Gas equipments.
4. Gas cutting and welding.
5. Oil and petrol equipments.
6. Rubbish burning.
7. Spontaneous combustion.
As per report of fire prevention association (FPA) THE 0.26% of
total accidents was caused by the fire.

Fire Prevention and Control:

To prevent and control the accidents, it is necessary to act upon the following guidelines.
1. Management must accept that a fire prevention policy must be set up and
regularly revised.
2. An estimate should be made of possible effects of fire in loosing buildings, plant
work in progress, workers, customers, plans and records.
3. Identifying the fire risks, considering sources of ignition, combustion material and
means where by fire could spread.
4. Estimate the magnitudes of the risks to establish priorities.
5. Establish dear lines of responsibilities for fire prevention.
6. Appoint a fire officer responsible to the board.
7. set up a fire protection drill for each development
8. Set up a program which will be maintained at appropriate intervals.

Common Precautions

Following are the common precautions

• Daily at the start of the business the doors which may be used for escape purposes
be unlocked and escape roots unobstructed.
• Daily at closing, down fire doors and fire shutters should be closed.
• All out side doors, windows and other means of access secured against intruders
and replaced if broken.
• Heating apparatus and main switches turned off daily at close down.
• Furnaces and boilers safety out daily at close down.
• Inspection of whole premises, especially store rooms and other parts rarely visited
daily at closedown.
• Smoking only is permitted where adequate no: of ash trays available and no
smoking during last half hour of working day.
• Naked lights prohibited daily at closedown.
• Combustible materials kept well clear from heaters and other burning parts.
• Gluecattles pressing and soldering and similar appliances clear off vombustible
material and with non combustible stand holders.
• Flame able liquids containers be closed and kept away from sources of ignitions.
• Waste bins ash trays and waste paper baskets emptied at regular intervals and
always at end of working days.
• Drip trays implied daily at close down.
• Workmen’s clothes and over alls kept in special place.
• Electric motors kept clear of all accumulations of material daily.
• Gangways kept un obstinate daily.
• Special care with cutting and welding equipment used by maintenance men or
contractors daily.
• Fire appliances like fire buckets be filled weekly.
• Fire instructions, fire exit and no smoking notices clearly be displayed weekly.
• Cods on the factory floor be clearly stored so as not to impede fire at different
• Inspection of fire extinguishers periodically as required.
• Check of lighting conductors as required.
• Machinery and plant maintenance as required.
• Maintenance of special extinguishing system e.g. dry powders CO2 daily.
Electrocution and its precautions

The term electrocution is used when worker come into electrical shock. The three
electrical factors which are come in the categories of the electrocution. i.e. Resistance,
Current, Voltage. Electric resistance is opposition to the flow of current and measured in
ohms. There is wide degree of variation in body resistance. A shock may fatal to any
person may only discomfort to an other.
Voltage is the pressure that causes the flow of electric current in a circuit; its unit
is v. generally above 30 v is considered dangerous. Electric current I is the rate of flow of
electrons in a circuit and its unit is amperes (A).

Following precaution must be observed while working on electrical works to protect

against shocks.
1. Before working on the main lines first switch off the supply of electricity.
2. If it is not possible to switch off the main see that your hands and feet are not wet.
3. If a person gets an electric shock rescue him with the help of insulator. If the
insulator is not available use your feet not hands to rescue him.
4. While working on high voltage, stand on bad conducting material.
5. if any person who is shocked by the electricity is in contact with the electrical
machine or an apparatus then one person for saving him should stand on a dry
wooden chair while removing the victim other wise pull him with the help of a
dry coat , dry rope etc.
6. Don’t close any switch unless you are familiar with the circuit that it controls and
know the reason for its being open.
7. Avoid touching any or working on live circuits as much as possible.
8. Keep material or equipment at least 10 feet away from high voltage overhead
power lines.
9. Don’t reach into energized equipment while it is being operated. This is
particularly important in high voltage circuits.
10. when installing new machinery, ensure that all metal frame work is efficiently and
permanently founded.
Duties of the employer (Training and Education)

For a safe and smooth running system an employer may give trainings and education to
the worker to work safe and accordingly. Following are the duties on employer:
• Provide and maintain plant and system of work that are safe and without risks to
health. Plant covers any machinery equipment or appliances including portable
power tools and hand tools
• insure that the use, handling, storage and transport articles and substances is safe
and with out risk
• Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure that
employees can carry out their jobs safety.
• Ensure that any work shop under his control is safe and healthy and that proper
means of access and egress are maintained. Particularly in respect of high
standards of house keeping, cleanliness, disposal of rubbish and the stacking of
goods in the proper place.
• Keep the work place environment safe and healthy so that the atmosphere is such
as not to give rise to poisoning, gassing or the encourage met of the development
of diseases. Adequate welfare facilities should be providing.
• To prepare and keep up to date a written safety policy supported by information
on the organization and arrangements for carrying out the policy. The safety
policy has to be brought to the notice of employees.
• To consult with any safety representatives appointed by recognized trade unions
to enlist their cooperation in establishing and maintaining high standards of safety.
• To establish a safety committee if required by two or more safety representatives.

Safety equipment
There are following equipment are use in the industries for the safety purpose.

• Goggles
• Glasses
• Hand gloves
• Apron
• Safety shoes
• Anti fire gas cylinders

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