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The document discusses personal protective equipment used in various industries to ensure worker safety.

The document discusses personal protective equipment used in various industries to ensure worker safety.

The main categories of personal protective equipment discussed are non-respiratory equipment and respiratory equipment.


Personal Protective Equipment

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements under

Submitted By
Enrollment No.: 0511300267



This is to certify that M/R SATYAJIT TAMULY (0511300267), the student of

This project report prepared by M/R SATYAJIT TAMULY was found to be


I express my deep sense of gratitude to the management of this esteem organization
M/S INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED for granting me permission to complete my
Project Report and Course in DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY.
I express my deep copious thanks to Mr. F DURAI and Dr. B. SURESH, Associate Professor
of Chemical Engineering and the other faculty of ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY for giving me
the opportunity to successfully complete my PROJECT REPORT.



Introduction to Safety
Chapter 1 Introduction to PPE

1. What is Personal Protective Equipment?
2. What is the purpose of using Personal protective equipment?
3. How to ensure proper use of personal protective equipment?
4. Choosing the right Personal protective equipment
5. Management of PPE
6. Role of worker

2. Categorization of Personal Protective Equipment

2.1 Non Respiratory

2.1.1 Head Protection
2.1.2 Eye and Face Protection
2.1.3 Foot and Leg Protection
2.1.4 Hand and Arm Protection
2.1.5 Hearing protection
2.1.6 Body and Skin Protection
2.2 Respiratory PPE
3. Conclusion


When I joined Quality Control Laboratory, Petrochemical Refinery, IOCL, I came to find
Safety is needed in every corner of industry. Even in laboratory, Personal Protective
Equipment is a must requirement for Safety Purposes.
For example handling of chemicals, toxic liquids, acid and gases etc. That is the reason I
decided to choose the project A Study on Personal Protective Equipment.

In this project I have tried to cover the vast uses of PPE in various industries (for
example: - refineries and chemical industries) for maintenance work, expansion
projects, welding, work in confined spaces, tasks carried out during excavation and in
Engineering and Civil Construction.

I tried my best level to give maximum exposure to all the personal protective equipment
used in the workplace. I have briefly gone through most of the major topics.

Introduction to Safety

Safety of workers in any industry is a paramount importance in
accomplishing the objective of uninterrupted operations and maximizing
Safety becomes all the more relevant to Petroleum Industry, where the risks
get compounded manifold because of highly hazardous nature of raw
materials and products coupled with severe operating conditions of high
temperature and pressure.
Safety practices need to be followed in each and every activity associated
with plant operation. In order to create greater safety awareness and
improve safety attitude, a thorough knowledge of safety in Refinery
operations is needed.
The public and Governmental concern should be aroused for evolving
appropriate strategy for identifying and controlling industrial hazards.
Petroleum Refinery is prone to safety hazards and environment degradation
unless utmost precaution is taken in every operation. This had made refiners
to think about developing Emergency Plans with objectives Minimize the
safety risks, Improve Emergency Response to accidents and expedite

1. Introduction

1.1 What is Personal Protective Equipment?

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to equipment like helmet,
goggles etc. which is worn by a contractors, workers, students or visitors to
protect himself from injury and minimize the risk of the persons safety. This
does not include ordinary working clothes such as uniforms which do not
have a specific health or safety function, nor does it apply to equipment
used whilst playing competitive sport. However, equipment required for the
safety of a sports instructor does fall within the category of PPE, for
example, a life jacket for a canoeing instructor.

Personal protective equipment includes face masks, ear plugs, boots,
respirators, shields, gloves etc. PPE is the last resort as it ranks last on the
list of controls, as the workers are daily exposed to the workplace hazards.
Section 19 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 also sets out the
obligation of an employer 'where it is not practicable to avoid the presence
of hazards at the workplace, [to] provide the employees with, or otherwise
provide for the employees to have, such adequate personal protective
clothing and equipment as is practicable to protect them against those
hazards, without any cost to the employees'.

Hazards exist in every workplace in many different forms: sharp edges,
falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise and a myriad of other
potentially dangerous situations. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) requires that employers protect their employees from
workplace hazards that can cause injury.

In the hierarchy of controls (elimination, substitution, engineering,
administration and PPE), personal protective equipment is considered the
least satisfactory method in the prevention of work-related injury or illness
and is only to be used when other measures are not feasible or cannot be
implemented immediately. PPE should be used, however, to supplement or
augment other means of hazard control, to further minimize the risk of
Issues affecting use of PPE include discomfort and inconvenience, and
inappropriate or poorly maintained equipment. It is vital that problems
caused by inadequate selection, fit and maintenance do not undermine the
effectiveness of the equipment.
Personal protective equipment should not be used as a substitute for work
practice or administrative controls to prevent exposure to hazardous
chemicals. PPE protects only the worker wearing it, it does not remove the
hazard from the work area.
Our endeavor should be to eliminate hazards completely but it may not be
possible in all cases and hence the necessity arises for providing personal
protective equipment as a second line of defense. It is very necessary that
the selection of the protective equipment is proper. Most of the injuries can
be eliminated or minimized by utilizing proper equipment required for the

1.2 What is the Purpose of Using Personal Protective

Personal protective equipment is used to minimize employers exposure to
risks when certain controls are not effective enough to reduce these hazards
to a specific level. It protects the person wearing it from chemicals,
excessive heat, electrical hazards and many other workplace hazards. These
injuries and illness may result from contact with mechanical, chemical,
physical workplace hazards. To ensure the greatest possible protection for
employees in the workplace, the cooperative efforts of both employers and
employees will help in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthful
work environment.

In general, employers are responsible for:
Performing a "hazard assessment" of the workplace to identify and
control physical and health hazards.
Identifying and providing appropriate PPE for employees.
Training employees in the use and care of the PPE.
Maintaining PPE, including replacing worn or damaged PPE.
Periodically reviewing, updating and evaluating the effectiveness of the
PPE program.
1.3 How to Ensure Proper Use of Personal Protective

The employers should choose PPE providing maximum protection. It should
of safe design and construction. Also it is necessary that it fits the persons in
a workplace and is comfortable. The reverse can difference it from
protectively covered or dangerously exposed.
Training of people wearing Personal protective equipment should be
conducted so that the worker knows what or when it is necessary, how to
wear it or take it off, what are the limitations of the equipment. Also
monitoring of the Personal protective equipment program is necessary to
make sure its effectiveness.

1.4 Choosing the Right Personal Protective Equipment

All PPE clothing and equipment should be of safe design and construction,
and should be maintained in a clean and reliable fashion. Employers should
take the fit and comfort of PPE into consideration when selecting appropriate
items for their workplace. PPE that fits well and is comfortable to wear will
encourage employee use of PPE.
Most protective devices are available in multiple sizes and care should be
taken to select the proper size for each employee. If several different types
of PPE are worn together, make sure they are compatible.
If PPE does not fit properly, it can make the difference between being safely
covered or dangerously exposed. It may not provide the level of protection
desired and may discourage employee use. It includes consultation with the
employers and the representatives.

It should also include:

Consultation with the supplier of PPE to ensure it is suitable for the
specific work
Preference of personal protective equipment that complies with the
relevant standard.
Compatibility of PPE when more than 1 item is used (take the example
of ear plugs and hard hat)
Detailed evaluation of performance requirements for the PPE

1.5 Management of PPE

Management of PPE must ensure that:-

The needs for PPE are assessed by a person who is competent to judge
whether other methods of risk control can offer better protection of
safety and health than the provision of PPE
Professional advice is obtained, where necessary, to identify the most
suitable types of PPE for the tasks to be carried out
Training is provided to supervisors and employees to enable them to
ensure the proper selection, fit, use, cleaning and maintenance of PPE
Supervision and enforcement of the PPE policy is undertaken
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the PPE program is carried out on a
regular basis
Suitable PPE is provided for visitors who may be exposed to hazards in
the workplace. At UWA this includes students where appropriate.
Equipment shall be properly cleaned before re-issue
All equipment complies with current relevant Australian Standards and
should be stamped or labeled with an AS compliance marking. Existing
PPE shall be re-assessed regularly to ensure compliance.

1.6 Role of Worker When Using PPE

There are certain things workers need to ensure about the personal
protective equipment. People using the Personal Protective Equipment
should see if the following are followed:

PPE is use accordingly to manufacturers instructions
To check if the PPE is comfortable
No interference of medical conditions of the worker while using the
Training to use the PPE should be conducted
PPE is properly used and is effective

The workers must ensure that PPE is hygienic and in well and good working
Employers are required to train each employee who must use PPE.
Employees must be trained to know at least the following:

When PPE is necessary?
What PPE is necessary?
How to properly put on, take off, adjust and wear the PPE?
The limitations of the PPE.
Proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of PPE.
Employers should make sure that each employee demonstrates an
understanding of the PPE training as well as the ability to properly wear and
use PPE before they are allowed to perform work requiring the use of the
If an employer believes that a previously trained employee is not
demonstrating the proper understanding and skill level in the use of PPE,
that employee should receive retraining. Other situations that require
additional or retraining of employees include the following circumstances:
changes in the workplace or in the type of required PPE that make prior
training obsolete.

The employer must document the training of each employee required to
wear or use PPE by preparing a certification containing the name of each
employee trained, the date of training and a clear identification of the
subject of the certification.

For low risk hazards involving simple pieces of PPE, this training will
generally be conducted by a competent person on the job. The use of the
most frequently used pieces of PPE such as laboratory coats, safety
spectacles and gloves should be covered in lab induction sessions on good
laboratory practice.

Where the task constitutes a significant risk to health or the use of more
complex or multiple pieces of PPE, a full written training protocol should be

This should include:

conducting a pre-use check;
How to use the PPE?
How the PPE works, performance and limitations?
How to fit the PPE properly?
What to do if the PPE fails whilst in use?
Where the maintenance record is?
How to clean, decontaminate or dispose of the PPE safely?

2. Categorization of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

So, personal protective equipment can be categorized by the types of
hazard, type of device and area of the body part protected. Also there are
certain PPE items which serve as multiple forms of protection.
For example boots, a steel toe cap and steel insoles for protection of the feet
from crushing or puncture injuries, impervious rubber and lining for
protection from water and chemicals, high reflectively and heat resistance
for protection from radiant heat and high electrical resistivity for protection
against electric shocks.

Personal protective equipment is of two types:

Respiratory Protective Equipment
Non-respiratory protective equipment

Respiratory protective equipment are given more importance because even a
small failure or violation in the use of respiratory protective equipment will
affect the entire body system and will lead to unconsciousness or severe

On the other hand non-respiratory protection equipment can be further
classified according to the part of the body to be protected.

Non-respiratory Protective Equipment:

Head Protection
Eye Protection
Hand and Foot Protection
Body Protection
Skin Protection

Respiratory protective equipment:

Compressed air line breathing apparatus
Self-contained breathing apparatus
Open circuit oxygen types
Regenerative oxygen types
Short distance fresh air breathing apparatus

The various types of Personal Protective Equipment are stated in brief below.

2.1 Non Respiratory Protective Equipment

2.1.1 Head Protection

Safety helmets are rigid headgear of different materials designed to protect
the workmans head not only from impact but from flying particles and
electric shock or any combination of the three.

Protecting employees from potential head injuries is a key element of any
safety program. A head injury can impair a worker for life or it can be a very
severe damage.
Wearing a safety helmet (hard hat) is one of the easiest ways to protect an
employees head from injury. Hard hats can protect employees from impact
and penetration hazards as well as from electrical shock and burn hazards.
Employers must ensure that their employees wear head protection if any of
the following apply:

Objects might fall from above and strike them on the head
They might bump their heads against fixed objects such as exposed
pipes or beams
There is a possibility of accidental head contact with electrical hazards.
Some examples of occupations in which employees should be required to
wear head protection include construction workers, carpenters, electricians,
linemen, plumbers and pipefitters, timber and log cutters.

There are 3 types of head hazards:
Falling or flying objects
falling or walking into hard objects
injuries include neck sprains, concussions, and skull fractures

Electric Shock
Live exposed electric wires
Injuries include electrical shocks and burns

Toxic liquids such as acids, caustics, and molten metals can irritate
and burn the head/scalp.

Safety Hats or Hard hats

Whenever there is a danger of objects falling from above, such a working
below others who are using tools or working under a conveyor belt, head
protection must be worn. Hard hats must be worn with the bill forward to
protect employees property. However accidents that cause head injuries are
difficult to control.

Industrial safety helmets injected from HDP/ABS fitted with a snap on
polyethylene harness and a head band. Head bands are available in two
sizes to suit head sizes from 540mm to 590mm and 580mm and 640mm.
These helmets are made to Bureau of Indian Specifications made to IS2925
Helmets are made out of materials such as fibre-glass reinforced plastic;
HDPE, aluminium alloy etc. for protection against falling bodies, the FRP or
HDPE helmets are preferable because of their superior impact resistance.
These are also suitable against chemical spills. Helmets are designed to
withstand an impact load of 4 pounds.

A hard hat is a type of helmet predominantly used in workplace
environments such as construction sites to protect the head from injury such
as debris or falling objects and bad weather.

Hardhats may be fitted with a visor, ear protectors or a helmet light mount.
Hard hats must have a hard outer shell and a shock-absorbing lining that
incorporates a headband and straps that suspend the shell from 1 to 1/14
inches away from the head.

In general protective helmets should do the following:

Resist penetration by objects
Absorb the shock of a blow
Be water resistant and slow burning
Have clear instruction explaining proper adjustment and replacement
of the suspension and headband.

Types of hard hats

There are many hard hats available in the marketplace today. In addition to
selecting protective headgear that meets ANSI standard requirements,
employers should ensure that employees wear hard hats that provide
appropriate protection against potential workplace hazards.
All hard hats can be divided into two types - Type I and Type II. Type I hard
hats are only designed to protect workers from objects and blows that come
from above and strike the top of a helmet.
Type II hard hats are designed to offer protection from lateral blows and
objects. This includes from the front, back, and side as well as from the top.
Type II hard hats are also tested for off-center penetration resistance and
chin strap retention.


Hard hats are also divided into classes that indicate how well they protect
against electrical shock.

Class E (Electrical) hard hats can withstand up to 20,000 volts of electricity
Class G (General) hard hats are able to withstand 2,200 volts of electricity
Class C (Conductive) hard hats offer no protection from electric shock

Material & Suspensions

Most hard hats are made of non-conductive, high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) and come equipped with a suspension that can be adjusted for a
custom fit. Suspensions are available with 4, 6, or 8 load-bearing points and
can be fitted using several different types of adjustments.
The most common are pinlock, where the hard hat is removed and a pin is
matched to a corresponding hole, and ratchet, which uses a knob to tighten
or loosen the suspension's fit around the head while wearing the hard hat.


When considering tasks and situations, hard hats are available in different
styles. Cap hard hats have a short front brim that helps to shade the face
from the sun and keeps rain away from the eyes.

Some cap hard hats can also be worn backwards so the front brim is over
the back of the neck. Full brim styles feature a brim that goes around the
entire cap and shades the face, back of the neck, and ears. The full brim can
also help to channel rain and snow away from the face and head.


Periodic cleaning and inspection will extend the useful life of protective
headgear. A daily inspection of the hard hat shell, suspension system and
other accessories for holes, cracks, tears or other damage that might
compromise the protective value of the hat is essential.

Paints, paint thinners and some cleaning agents can weaken the shells of
hard hats and may eliminate electrical resistance.

Consult the helmet manufacturer for information on the effects of paint and
cleaning materials on their hard hats. Never drill holes, paint or apply labels
to protective headgear as this may reduce the integrity of the protection.
Do not store protective headgear in direct sunlight, such as on the rear
window shelf of a car, since sunlight and extreme heat can damage them.

ANSI and CSA require end users to conduct a thorough inspection of their
hard hats and suspension before each use. Visually inspect the hat for
evidence of cracking and gouging and replace the hat immediately if any
such instance is found.
If the hat suffers from any type of impact or impalement or has experienced
a fall greater than 8 feet, replace it immediately even if there is no visible
Next, check the structural integrity of the cap. Many conditions adversely
affect the hat's useful lifespan, including ultraviolet exposure, temperature
extremes, chemical exposure, and daily wear. Prolonged exposure to
sunlight can degrade the shell and lead to flaking or crazing. Extreme
temperatures also can impact protective properties.
Chemicals found in some paints, paint thinners, cleaning agents, and even
insect repellant can interfere with the integrity of the shell and may
eliminate electrical resistance, and therefore these should never be applied
to a cap.

Finally, inspect the suspension. Check to ensure that fabric is not frayed or
torn and plastic parts are not cracked or damaged. If the suspension exhibits
signs of wear, replace it immediately. A cap's suspension must be replaced
with one from the same manufacturer to ensure it meets protection criteria,
because shells and suspensions are tested to perform as a complete system.
While ANSI and CSA do not regulate the service life of protective caps,
industries recommends replacing a hard hat shell every five years and
suspension every 12 months from its first day of service. Noting a cap's first
day of service on its label is an easy way to track its service life.
Protecting workers from potential hazards to the head should be a top safety
priority for every employer. If your site contains any such hazards, it is
important to understand how fit, comfort, and design contribute to proper
hard hat wear and positive outcomes. Providing the appropriate level of
protection and encouraging workers to wear hard hats wherever needed are
excellent first steps toward building a lasting and successful culture of

Size and Care
Head protection that is either too large or too small is inappropriate for use,
even if it meets all other requirements. Protective headgear must fit
appropriately on the body and for the head size of each individual.
Most protective headgear comes in a variety of sizes with adjustable
headbands to ensure a proper fit (many adjust in 1/8-inch increments). A
proper fit should allow sufficient clearance between the shell and the
suspension system for ventilation and distribution of an impact. The hat
should not bind, slip, fall off or irritate the skin.

Some protective headgear allows for the use of various accessories to help
employees deal with changing environmental conditions, such as slots for
earmuffs, safety glasses, face shields and mounted lights. Optional brims
may provide additional protection from the sun and some hats have
channels that guide rainwater away from the face. Protective headgear
accessories must not compromise the safety elements of the equipment.

Periodic cleaning and inspection will extend the useful life of protective
headgear. A daily inspection of the hard hat shell, suspension system and
other accessories for holes, cracks, tears or other damage that might
compromise the protective value of the hat is essential. Paints, paint
thinners and some cleaning agents can weaken the shells of hard hats and
may eliminate electrical resistance.

Consult the helmet manufacturer for information on the effects of paint and
cleaning materials on their hard hats. Never drill holes, paint or apply labels
to protective headgear as this may reduce the integrity of the protection. Do
not store protective headgear in direct sunlight, such as on the rear window
shelf of a car, since sunlight and extreme heat can damage them.

Hard hats with any of the following defects should be removed from service
and replaced:
Perforation, cracking, or deformity of the brim or shell;
Indication of exposure of the brim or shell to heat, chemicals or
ultraviolet light and other radiation (in addition to a loss of surface
gloss, such signs include chalking or flaking).
Always replace a hard hat if it sustains an impact, even if damage is not
noticeable. Suspension systems are offered as replacement parts and should
be replaced when damaged or when excessive wear is noticed. It is not
necessary to replace the entire hard hat when deterioration or tears of the
suspension systems are noticed.

Clean your hard hat at least once a month by soaking it in
a solution of mild soap and hot water for 5-10 minutes
Because sunlight and heat can damage the suspension of your hat,
always store your hat in a clean, dry, and cool location

Hard hats with any of the following should be removed immediately from

Perforation, cracking or deformity of the brim or shell
Indication of exposure of the brim or shell to heat, chemicals or
ultraviolet light and other radiation (in addition to the loss of surface
gloss, such signs include chalking or flaking).

Industrial safety helmets must not be subjected to chemicals or an
environment which could reduce strength (such as excessively hot, humid or
in direct sunlight). Helmets must be replaced when the helmet has received
a severe impact including being dropped (even if no damage is visible), or
when cracks or deep scratches appear or when the Use By date is

Reissue of safety helmets

No safety helmet should be reissued unless the helmet has been thoroughly
cleaned and inspected. In general, when a helmet is being re-issued to a
different person at least a new sweatband should be fitted.

Working life

Excessive discoloration of the shell color or weathering of the surface may
indicate a loss of strength. Helmets which have been in service for longer
than three years should be thoroughly inspected and replaced as necessary.

Plastic components of harnesses may deteriorate more rapidly under
aggressive service conditions and in these cases harnesses should be
replaced at intervals not longer than two years.

2.1.2 Eye and Face Protection

Each day, about 2000 US workers have a job-related eye injury that requires
medical attention. Eye injuries can happen through a variety of means. Most
eye injuries occur when solid particles such as metal slivers, wood chips,
sand or cement chips get into the eye.
Smaller particles in smokes and larger particles, such as broken glass also
account for particulate matter causing eye injuries.
Blunt force trauma can occur to the eye when excessive force comes into
contact with the eye. Chemical burns, biological agents, and thermal agents,
from sources such as welding torches and UV light also contribute to
occupational eye injury.

While the recommended usage of eye protection varies by occupation, the
provision of safety furnished by said piece of equipment can be generalized.
Safety glasses provide minimum protection from external debris, and are
recommended to provide side protection via a wrap-around design or via
side shields.

Goggles provide better protection than safety glasses, and are effective in
preventing eye injury from chemical splashes, impact, dusty environments
and welding.
It is recommended that goggles with high air flow be used, in order to
prevent fogging.

Face shields are a useful form of additional protection to be worn over the
standard eyewear, and provide protection from impact, chemical, and blood-
borne hazards. Full-facepiece respirators are considered the best form of eye
protection when respiratory protection is needed as well, but may be less
effective against potential impact hazards to the eye. Eye protection used for
welding operations is shaded to different degrees, depending on the specific
Employees can be exposed to a large number of hazards that pose danger to
their eyes and face.
OSHA requires employers to ensure that employees have appropriate eye or
face protection if they are exposed to eye or face hazards from flying
particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical
gases or vapors, potentially infected material or potentially harmful light

Many occupational eye injuries occur because workers are not wearing any
eye protection while others result from wearing improper or poorly fitting
eye protection.

Employers must be sure that their employees wear appropriate eye and face
protection and that the selected form of protection is appropriate to the work
being performed and properly fits each worker exposed to the hazard.

Operation Hazards Recommended

cutting, gas
harmful rays,
molten metal
Welding goggles
(eye-cup type
or plate type
tinted lenses)

Splash, acid
burns, fumes
Clear goggles
and/or shield

Clipping Flying Clear goggles
particles (chipper)

intense rays,
molten metal
Welding hood
(with tinted

Glare, heat Cobalt glasses,
or welding
goggles (tinted

Grinding Flying
Clear goggles or
face shield

Laboratory Chemical
splash, glass

Clear goggles or
face shield.
Machining Flying
Clear chipper
goggles or face


The following should be considered while selection:-

Nature of risk to eyes. For example, radiation, impact, dust / abrasive
particles, liquid / chemical splash or spray
conditions under which the person is working
visual requirements of the task
Personal preference/comfort of wearer. This may include appearance,
weight, ventilation and unrestricted vision.
Condition of persons eyesight.
The following general eye protectors are available:

Goggles - An eye protector fitting the contour of the face and held in
position by an adjustable headband.
wide-vision goggles - An eye protector in which the lens or lenses
extend over the full width of the face affording a large field of vision
welding helmet - A rigid eye protector which is worn by the operator to
shield the eyes, face, forehead and front of the neck
welding hand shield - A rigid eye protector which is held in the hand to
shield the eyes, face, forehead and front of the neck
face shield - A device which includes a transparent visor, supported in
front of the face to shield the eyes
safety spectacles - An eye protector with protective lenses mounted in
spectacle-type frames, or integrally moulded into the frames with or
without side shields, and held in position by the side arms
Tinted safety spectacles/goggles - provided to employees who require
eye protection and who are generally required to work outdoors.

Prescription Lenses

Everyday use of prescription corrective lenses will not provide adequate
protection against most occupational eye and face hazards, so employers
must make sure that employees with corrective lenses either wear eye
protection that incorporates the prescription into the design or wear
additional eye protection over their prescription lenses.
It is important to ensure that the protective eyewear does not disturb the
proper positioning of the prescription lenses so that the employee's vision
will not be inhibited or limited. Also, employees who wear contact lenses
must wear eye or face PPE when working in hazardous conditions.

Eye Protection for Exposed Workers

OSHA suggests that eye protection be routinely considered for use by
carpenters, electricians, machinists, mechanics, millwrights, plumbers and
pipefitters, sheet metal workers and tinsmiths, assemblers, sanders,
grinding machine operators, sawyers, welders, laborers, chemical process
operators and handlers, and timber cutting and logging workers. Employers
of workers in other job categories should decide whether there is a need for
eye and face PPE through a hazard assessment.

Examples of potential eye or face injuries include:
Dust, dirt, metal or wood chips entering the eye from activities such as
chipping, grinding, sawing, hammering, the use of power tools or even
strong wind forces.
Chemical splashes from corrosive substances, hot liquids, solvents or
other hazardous solutions.
Objects swinging into the eye or face, such as tree limbs, chains, tools
or ropes.
Radiant energy from welding, harmful rays from the use of lasers or
other radiant light (as well as heat, glare, sparks, splash and flying

Types of Eye Protection

Selecting the most suitable eye and face protection for employees should
take into consideration the following elements:
Ability to protect against specific workplace hazards.
Should fit properly and be reasonably comfortable to wear.
Should provide unrestricted vision and movement.
Should be durable and cleanable.
Should allow unrestricted functioning of any other required PPE.

The eye and face protection selected for employee use must clearly identify
the manufacturer. Any new eye and face protective devices must comply
with ANSI Z87.1-1989 or be at least as effective as this standard requires.

Any equipment purchased before this requirement took effect on July 5,
1994, must comply with the earlier ANSI Standard (ANSI Z87.1-1968) or be
shown to be equally effective.

An employer may choose to provide one pair of protective eyewear for each
position rather than individual eyewear for each employee.

If this is done, the employer must make sure that employees disinfect
shared protective eyewear after each use. Protective eyewear with corrective
lenses may only be used by the employee for whom the corrective
prescription was issued and may not be shared among employees.

Some of the most common types of eye and face protection include the
Safety spectacles. These protective eyeglasses have safety frames
constructed of metal or plastic and impact-resistant lenses. Side
shields are available on some models.
Goggles. These are tight-fitting eye protection that completely cover
the eyes, eye sockets and the facial area immediately surrounding the
eyes and provide protection from impact, dust and splashes. Some
goggles will fit over corrective lenses.
Welding shields. Constructed of vulcanized fiber or fiberglass and
fitted with a filtered lens, welding shields protect eyes from burns
caused by infrared or intense radiant light; they also protect both the
eyes and face from flying sparks, metal spatter and slag chips
produced during welding, brazing, soldering and cutting operations.
OSHA requires filter lenses to have a shade number appropriate to
protect against the specific hazards of the work being performed in
order to protect against harmful light radiation.
Laser safety goggles. These specialty goggles protect against
intense concentrations of light produced by lasers. The type of laser
safety goggles an employer chooses will depend upon the equipment
and operating conditions in the workplace.
Face shields. These transparent sheets of plastic extend from the
eyebrows to below the chin and across the entire width of the
employee's head. Some are polarized for glare protection. Face shields
protect against nuisance dusts and potential splashes or sprays of
hazardous liquids but will not provide adequate protection against
impact hazards. Face shields used in combination with goggles or
safety spectacles will provide additional protection against impact

Each type of protective eyewear is designed to protect against specific
hazards. Employers can identify the specific workplace hazards that threaten
employees' eyes and faces by completing a hazard assessment as outlined in
the earlier section.

Welding Operations

The intense light associated with welding operations can cause serious and
sometimes permanent eye damage if operators do not wear proper eye
protection. The intensity of light or radiant energy produced by welding,
cutting or brazing operations varies according to a number of factors
including the task producing the light, the electrode size and the arc current.
The following table shows the minimum protective shades for a variety of
welding, cutting and brazing operations in general industry and in the
shipbuilding industry.

Laser Operations

Laser light radiation can be extremely dangerous to the unprotected eye and
direct or reflected beams can cause permanent eye damage. Laser retinal
burns can be painless, so it is essential that all personnel in or around laser
operations wear appropriate eye protection.

Laser safety goggles should protect for the specific wavelength of the laser
and must be of sufficient optical density for the energy involved. Safety
goggles intended for use with laser beams must be labeled with the laser
wavelengths for which they are intended to be used, the optical density of
those wavelengths and the visible light transmission.

Potential Hazards:

Eye and face injuries may result from:
Contact with flying particles, molten metal, chemicals, welding arc,
lasers or radiant energy (such as bright light, UV, infrared).
Not wearing safety glasses when welding shields are raised to inspect
welds or use chipping hammer or needle gun.
Additionally, obscured vision due to dirty or scratched lenses may cause
workers injuries (such as trips, falls, struck-by, collisions).

Requirements and Example Solutions:

Face shields or welding helmets (for example hoods) should be worn
only over primary eye protection such as safety glasses or goggles.
Protective equipment can be clear or shaded, depending upon the type
and amount of shielding needed to protect workers' eyes.
Safety glasses should include optical correction for workers who need
corrective lenses, otherwise, cover lens or goggles must be provided.
Glasses or goggles must provide protection from hazards such as
particles, objects, radiation, or liquids entering the eye from the sides
as well as the front. Side shields (for example wrap-around, clip-on,
slide-on) must be used
Metal-frame protective eyewear should not be used when electrical
hazards may be present.
Ensure that eye protection is cleaned frequently and replaced when
Make sure the eye protection chosen has the right combination of
impact/dust/splash/molten metal eye protection for the task and fits the
user properly.

Ultraviolet and infra-red radiation

Processes requiring moderate reduction of visible radiation and protection
from ultraviolet and infrared radiation:

For gas welding and cutting, and resistance welding and brazing, suitable
eye protection must be provided to guard against possible invisible radiation.
Sufficient protection will usually be given by goggles fitted with filters of
shade number 3 to 7 inclusive.
Processes requiring considerable reduction of visible radiation and protection
from ultraviolet and infrared radiation:

In processes producing ultraviolet light but where infrared radiation is not a
hazard, for example, photographic reproduction work or use of
transilluminators, eye protectors with ultraviolet filters should be used.
For work near furnaces or other intense heat sources, where both heat and
visible light are produced but ultraviolet light is not a hazard, eye protectors
with infrared filters should be used.
For arc welding and cutting operations, protection must be provided against
invisible radiation. Adequate face and eye protection in these cases can be
obtained by the use of a helmet or hand shield fitted with filters having
shade numbers 8 to 15 inclusive, as appropriate.

Issue and fitting of eye protection

Arrangements should be made for the issuing of personal eye protectors to

use of the correct type of eye protector
fitting of the eye protector to the wearer, wherever practicable by a person
who is competent to select the correct size and type.
Eye protectors may be issued for:

exclusive use by one employee/student
temporary use by an employee/student for a particular operation
temporary use by a visitor.

The choice between issue for exclusive use by one employee and temporary
issue to different employees or students will depend on the frequency and
duration of exposure to hazards and the type of eye protector provided.


Eye protectors and lenses should be replaced when usage, accidental
damage or age has resulted in deterioration of the properties of the eye
protectors to a stage where continued use could be hazardous, or where the
eye protectors no longer comply with the relevant standard. In particular,
lenses which have been scratched, abraded, pitted or otherwise damaged
should be replaced because the protection they offer may be reduced and
vision impaired.

The appropriate safety footwear should be selected in each instance, e.g.
anti-slip footwear if the worker is on slippery floors, steel toe-capped boots if
there is likelihood of crush or impact injuries.
In areas such as the laboratory/kitchens/grounds where any crush or
chemical injury may be sustained, sandals, open toed shoes or bare feet
ARE NOT acceptable.

2.1.3 Foot and Leg Protection

Employees who face possible foot or leg injuries from falling or rolling
objects, from crushing/penetrating materials should wear protective

Also, employees whose work involves exposure to hot substances or
corrosive or poisonous materials must have protective gear to cover exposed
body parts, including legs and feet.
If an employee's feet may be exposed to electrical hazards, non-conductive
footwear should be worn. On the other hand, workplace exposure to static
electricity may necessitate the use of conductive footwear.

Examples of situations in which an employee should wear foot and/or leg
protection include:
When heavy objects such as barrels or tools might roll onto or fall on
the employee's feet
Working with sharp objects such as nails or spikes that could pierce
the soles or uppers of ordinary shoes
Exposure to molten metal that might splash on feet or legs
Working on or around hot, wet or slippery surfaces
Working when electrical hazards are present.


Footwear should provide adequate protection from injury and comfortable
support for the feet.

Occupational protective footwear is classified by the type of duties
performed. The parameters include: grade of protective toecap, thickness
and type of upper materials, and thickness and type of sole. Special features
such as chemical resistant soles, penetration resistant mid soles and
electrical conductive/antistatic properties are also available.

All risks associated with the job should be assessed to determine the specific
requirements of the footwear.
Workshop, maintenance and people working in mechanical laboratories or on
geological, agricultural or engineering field trips should wear suitable boots
with steel caps.

All people working in laboratories should wear enclosed footwear.
People working in chemical laboratories should wear enclosed footwear that
is resistant to spills of hazardous substances.
People standing or walking for long periods should wear supportive, enclosed

Safety footwear must meet ANSI minimum compression and impact
performance standards in ANSI Z41-1991 (American National Standard for
Personal Protection-Protective Footwear) or provide equivalent protection.

All ANSI approved footwear has a protective toe and offers impact and
compression protection. But the type and amount of protection is not always
the same. Different footwear protects in different ways. Check the product's
labeling or consult the manufacturer to make sure the footwear will protect
the user from the hazards they face.

Shoes should have:

A firm heel counter and deep heel seat that holds the heel well and
doesnt slip when walking
Sufficient depth and width at the toes to prevent pressure on toes and
A sole that does not bend at the ball of the foot. The shoe should not
bend in the middle of the shoe under the arch.
Firm, well-padded synthetic or rubber sole with non-slip tread
Soft upper with minimal stitching
A heel less than 2.5 cm high
Little distortion on attempting to twist the shoe
A shape that matches your feet.
Socks manufactured from natural fibres, preferably free of seams
should be worn with footwear at all times. Other items such as gaiters
or overshoes may be required for use with footwear.

Foot and leg protection choices include the following:

Leggings protect the lower legs and feet from heat hazards such as
molten metal or welding sparks. Safety snaps allow leggings to be
removed quickly.
Metatarsal guards protect the instep area from impact and
compression. Made of aluminum, steel, fiber or plastic, these guards
may be strapped to the outside of shoes.
Toe guards fit over the toes of regular shoes to protect the toes from
impact and compression hazards. They may be made of steel,
aluminum or plastic.
Combination foot and shin guards protect the lower legs and feet,
and may be used in combination with toe guards when greater
protection is needed.
Safety shoes have impact-resistant toes and heat-resistant soles that
protect the feet against hot work surfaces common in roofing, paving
and hot metal industries. The metal insoles of some safety shoes
protect against puncture wounds. Safety shoes may also be designed
to be electrically conductive to prevent the buildup of static electricity
in areas with the potential for explosive atmospheres or nonconductive
to protect workers from workplace electrical hazards.

Special Purpose Shoes

Electrically conductive shoes provide protection against the buildup of
static electricity.
Employees working in explosive and hazardous locations such as explosives
manufacturing facilities or grain elevators must wear conductive shoes to
reduce the risk of static electricity buildup on the body that could produce a
spark and cause an explosion or fire.
Foot powder should not be used in conjunction with protective conductive
footwear because it provides insulation, reducing the conductive ability of
the shoes.
Silk, wool and nylon socks can produce static electricity and should not be
worn with conductive footwear.

Conductive shoes must be removed when the task requiring their use is
completed. Note: Employees exposed to electrical hazards must never wear
conductive shoes.

Electrical hazard, safety-toe shoes are nonconductive and will prevent
the wearers' feet from completing an electrical circuit to the ground.
These shoes can protect against open circuits of up to 600 volts in dry
conditions and should be used in conjunction with other insulating
equipment and additional precautions to reduce the risk of a worker
becoming a path for hazardous electrical energy.
The insulating protection of electrical hazard, safety-toe shoes may be
compromised if the shoes become wet, the soles are worn through, metal
particles become embedded in the sole or heel, or workers touch conductive,
grounded items. Note: Nonconductive footwear must not be used in
explosive or hazardous locations.

Foundry Shoes

In addition to insulating the feet from the extreme heat of molten metal,
foundry shoes keep hot metal from lodging in shoe eyelets, tongues or other
shoe parts. These snug-fitting leather or leather-substitute shoes have
leather or rubber soles and rubber heels. All foundry shoes must have built-
in safety toes.

Care of Protective Footwear

As with all protective equipment, safety footwear should be inspected prior
to each use. Shoes and leggings should be checked for wear and tear at
reasonable intervals. This includes looking for cracks or holes, separation of
materials, broken buckles or laces. The soles of shoes should be checked for
pieces of metal or other embedded items that could present electrical or
tripping hazards. Employees should follow the manufacturers'
recommendations for cleaning and maintenance of protective footwear.

2.1.4 Hand and Arm Protection

If a workplace hazard assessment reveals that employees face potential
injury to hands and arms that cannot be eliminated through engineering and
work practice controls, employers must ensure that employees wear
appropriate protection.
There is a vast range of hand protection. To make sure that the correct type
is used for a specific task, refer to suppliers' catalogues and if in doubt seek
advice from the manufacturer or supplier.

Sufficient stocks should be held to ensure that there is an adequate supply,
particularly in the event that gloves become damaged.
Consideration should be given to the need for a glove lining or inner glove or
moisturizer/barrier cream where prolonged use of waterproof gloves is

A range of sizes should be available to accommodate individual
requirements. Potential hazards include skin absorption of harmful
substances, chemical or thermal burns, electrical dangers, bruises,
abrasions, cuts, punctures, fractures and amputations. Protective equipment
includes gloves, finger guards and arm coverings or elbow-length gloves.

Employers should explore all possible engineering and work practice controls
to eliminate hazards and use PPE to provide additional protection against
hazards that cannot be completely eliminated through other means.

For example, machine guards may eliminate a hazard. Installing a barrier to
prevent workers from placing their hands at the point of contact between a
table saw blade and the item being cut is another method.

Types of Protective Gloves

There are many types of gloves available today to protect against a wide
variety of hazards. The nature of the hazard and the operation involved will
affect the selection of gloves.

The variety of potential occupational hand injuries makes selecting the right
pair of gloves challenging.

It is essential that employees use gloves specifically designed for the
hazards and tasks found in their workplace because gloves designed for one
function may not protect against a different function even though they may
appear to be an appropriate protective device.

The following are examples of some factors that may influence the selection
of protective gloves for a workplace.

Type of chemicals handled.
Nature of contact (total immersion, splash, etc.).
Duration of contact.
Area requiring protection (hand only, forearm, arm).
Grip requirements (dry, wet, oily).
Thermal protection.
Size and comfort.
Abrasion/resistance requirements.
Gloves made from a wide variety of materials are designed for many
types of workplace hazards. In general, gloves fall into four groups:
Gloves made of leather, canvas or metal mesh;
Fabric and coated fabric gloves;
Chemical- and liquid-resistant gloves;
Insulating rubber gloves

Leather, Canvas or Metal Mesh Gloves

Sturdy gloves made from metal mesh, leather or canvas provides protection
against cuts and burns. Leather or canvass gloves also protect against
sustained heat.

Leather gloves protect against sparks, moderate heat, blows, chips
and rough objects.
Aluminized gloves provide reflective and insulating protection
against heat and require an insert made of synthetic materials to
protect against heat and cold.
Aramid fiber gloves protect against heat and cold, are cut - and
abrasive - resistant and wear well.
Synthetic gloves of various materials offer protection against heat
and cold, are cut - and abrasive - resistant and may withstand some
diluted acids. These materials do not stand up against alkalis and

Fabric and Coated Fabric Gloves

Fabric and coated fabric gloves are made of cotton or other fabric to provide
varying degrees of protection.

Fabric gloves protect against dirt, slivers, chafing and abrasions.
They do not provide sufficient protection for use with rough, sharp or
heavy materials. Adding a plastic coating will strengthen some fabric
Coated fabric gloves are normally made from cotton flannel with
napping on one side. By coating the unnapped side with plastic, fabric
gloves are transformed into general-purpose hand protection offering
slip-resistant qualities. These gloves are used for tasks ranging from
handling bricks and wire to chemical laboratory containers. When
selecting gloves to protect against chemical exposure hazards, always
check with the manufacturer or review the manufacturer's product
literature to determine the gloves' effectiveness against specific
workplace chemicals and conditions.
Chemical - and Liquid - Resistant Gloves
Chemical-resistant gloves are made with different kinds of rubber:
natural, butyl, neoprene, nitrile and fluorocarbon (viton); or various
kinds of plastic: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinyl alcohol and
polyethylene. These materials can be blended or laminated for better
performance. As a general rule, the thicker the glove material, the
greater the chemical resistance but thick gloves may impair grip and
dexterity, having a negative impact on safety.
Some examples of chemical-resistant gloves include:
Butyl gloves are made of a synthetic rubber and protect against a wide
variety of chemicals, such as peroxide, rocket fuels, highly corrosive acids
(nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and red-fuming nitric acid),
strong bases, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters and nitrocompounds.
Butyl gloves also resist oxidation, ozone corrosion and abrasion, and
remain flexible at low temperatures. Butyl rubber does not perform well
with aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and halogenated solvents.
Natural (latex) rubber gloves are comfortable to wear, which makes
them a popular general-purpose glove. They feature outstanding tensile
strength, elasticity and temperature resistance. In addition to resisting
abrasions caused by grinding and polishing, these gloves protect workers'
hands from most water solutions of acids, alkalis, salts and ketones.
Latex gloves have caused allergic reactions in some individuals and may
not be appropriate for all employees. Hypoallergenic gloves, glove liners
and powderless gloves are possible alternatives for workers who are
allergic to latex gloves.
Neoprene gloves are made of synthetic rubber and offer good pliability,
finger dexterity, high density and tear resistance. They protect against
hydraulic fluids, gasoline, alcohols, organic acids and alkalis. They
generally have chemical and wear resistance properties superior to those
made of natural rubber.
Nitrile gloves are made of a copolymer and provide protection from
chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene.
Although intended for jobs requiring dexterity and sensitivity, nitrile
gloves stand up to heavy use even after prolonged exposure to
substances that cause other gloves to deteriorate. They offer protection
when working with oils, greases, acids, caustics and alcohols but are
generally not recommended for use with strong oxidizing agents,
aromatic solvents, ketones and acetates.
The following table from the U.S. Department of Energy (Occupational
Safety and Health Technical Reference Manual) rates various gloves as being
protective against specific chemicals and will help you select the most
appropriate gloves to protect your employees. The ratings are abbreviated
as follows:
VG: Very Good;G: Good; F: Fair; P: Poor (not recommended).

Table 4
Chemical Resistance Selection Chart for Protective Gloves
Chemical Neoprene Latex/Rubber Butyl Nitrile
Acetaldehyde* VG G VG G
Acetic acid VG VG VG VG
Acetone* G VG VG P
Ammonium hydroxide VG VG VG VG
Amy acetate* F P F P
Aniline G F F P
Benzaldehyde* F F G G
Benzene* P P P F
Butyl acetate G F F P
Butyl alcohol VG VG VG VG
Carbon disulfide F F F F
Carbon tetrachloride* F P P G
Castor oil F P F VG
Chlorobenzene* F P F P
Chloroform* G P P F
Chloronaphthalene F P F F
Chromic acid (50%) F P F F
Citric acid (10%) VG VG VG VG
Cyclohexanol G F G VG
Dibutyl phthalate* G P G G
Diesel fuel G P P VG
Diisobutyl ketone P F G P
Dimethylformamide F F G G
Dioctyl phthalate G P F VG
Dioxane VG G G G
Epoxy resins, dry VG VG VG VG
Ethyl acetate* G F G F
Ethyl alcohol VG VG VG VG
Ethyl ether* VG G VG G
Ethylene dichloride* F P F P
Ethylene glycol VG VG VG VG
Formaldehyde VG VG VG VG
Formic acid VG VG VG VG
Freon 11 G P F G
Freon 12 G P F G
Freon 21 G P F G
Freon 22 G P F G
Furfural* G G G G
Gasoline, leaded G P F VG
Gasoline, unleaded G P F VG
Glycerin VG VG VG VG
Hexane F P P G
Hydrazine (65%) F G G G
Hydrochloric acid VG G G G
Hydrofluoric acid (48%) VG G G G
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydroquinone G G G F
Isooctane F P P VG
Kerosene VG F F VG
Ketones G VG VG P
Lacquer thinners G F F P
Lactic acid (85%) VG VG VG VG
Lauric acid (36%) VG F VG VG
Lineolic acid VG P F G
Linseed oil VG P F VG
Maleic acid VG VG VG VG
Methyl alcohol VG VG VG VG
Methylamine F F G G
Methyl bromide G F G F
Methyl chloride* P P P P
Methyl ethyl ketone* G G VG P
Methyl isobutyl ketone* F F VG P
Methyl metharcrylate G G VG F
Monoethanolamine VG G VG VG
Morpholine VG VG VG G
Naphthalene G F F G
Napthas, aliphatic VG F F VG
Napthas, aromatic G P P G
Nitric acid* G F F F
Nitric acid, red and white
Nitromethane (95.5%)* F P F F
Nitropropane (95.5%) F P F F
Octyl alcohol VG VG VG VG
Oleic acid VG F G VG
Oxalic acid VG VG VG VG
Palmitic acid VG VG VG VG
Perchloric acid (60%) VG F G G
Perchloroethylene F P P G
Petroleum distillates
Phenol VG F G F
Phosphoric acid VG G VG VG
Potassium hydroxide VG VG VG VG
Propyl acetate G F G F
Propyl alcohol VG VG VG VG
Propyl alcohol (iso) VG VG VG VG
Sodium hydroxide VG VG VG VG
Styrene P P P F
Styrene (100%) P P P F
Sulfuric acid G G G G
Tannic acid (65) VG VG VG VG
Tetrahydrofuran P F F F
Toluene* F P P F
Toluene diisocyanate
Trichloroethylene* F F P G
Triethanolamine (85%) VG G G VG
Tung oil VG P F VG
Turpentine G F F VG
Xylene* P P P F

Note: When selecting chemical-resistant gloves be sure to consult the
manufacturer's recommendations, especially if the gloved hand(s) will be
immersed in the chemical.

Some people may develop an allergic reaction to latex gloves. To avoid
reactions, you can provide reduced-protein and powder-free gloves, ensure
good housekeeping to reduce latex build up and advise workers to wash
hands thoroughly after removing latex gloves.

Care of Protective Gloves

Protective gloves should be inspected before each use to ensure that they
are not torn, punctured or made ineffective in any way.

A visual inspection will help detect cuts or tears but a more thorough
inspection by filling the gloves with water and tightly rolling the cuff towards
the fingers will help reveal any pinhole leaks.
Gloves that are discolored or stiff may also indicate deficiencies caused by
excessive use or degradation from chemical exposure.

Any gloves with impaired protective ability should be discarded and
replaced. Reuse of chemical-resistant gloves should be evaluated carefully,
taking into consideration the absorptive qualities of the gloves.
A decision to reuse chemically-exposed gloves should take into
consideration the toxicity of the chemicals involved and factors such as
duration of exposure, storage and temperature.

2.1.5 Hearing Protection

Noise is measured in units called deciBels (dB). It should be noted that
dB(A) is a logarithmic scale thus a change of approximately 3 dB(A) is the
equal to a doubling of noise levels.
Exposure to noise during various processes can result in temporary or
permanent deafness if the appropriate precautions are not taken. Hearing is
at risk during the following:

Constant noise above 80db for an 8 hour work period;
Impact noise; and
Explosive noise.

A good indicator of noise level being above the db threshold has to raise
your voice to speak to someone m away. However, the Control of Noise at
Work Regulations 2005 require a risk assessment to be conducted.
Protection must be selected to provide sufficient noise attenuation from the
frequencies to which the worker is exposed.

Employee exposure to excessive noise depends upon a number of factors,

The loudness of the noise as measured in decibels (dB).
The duration of each employee's exposure to the noise.
Whether employees move between work areas with different noise
Whether noise is generated from one or multiple sources.

Generally, the louder the noise, the shorter the exposure time before
hearing protection is required.
For instance, employees may be exposed to a noise level of 90 dB for 8
hours per day (unless they experience a Standard Threshold Shift) before
hearing protection is required.
On the other hand, if the noise level reaches 115 dB hearing protection is
required if the anticipated exposure exceeds 15 minutes.
Table below shows the permissible noise exposures that require hearing
protection for employees exposed to occupational noise at specific decibel
levels for specific time periods.

Noises are considered continuous if the interval between occurrences of the
maximum noise level is one second or less.

Noises not meeting this definition are considered impact or impulse noises
(loud momentary explosions of sound) and exposures to this type of noise
must not exceed 140 dB. Examples of situations or tools that may result in
impact or impulse noises are powder-actuated nail guns, a punch press or
drop hammers.

Duration per day,
in hours
Sound level in
8 90
6 92
4 95
3 97
2 100
1 105
1/2 110
1/4 or less 11

If engineering and work practice controls do not lower employee exposure to
workplace noise to acceptable levels, employees must wear appropriate
hearing protection. It is important to understand that hearing protectors
reduce only the amount of noise that gets through to the ears.
The amount of this reduction is referred to as attenuation, which differs
according to the type of hearing protection used and how well it fits. Hearing
protectors worn by employees must reduce an employee's noise exposure to
within the acceptable limits.
Exposure, for detailed information on methods to estimate the attenuation
effectiveness of hearing protectors based on the device's noise reduction
rating (NRR). Manufacturers of hearing protection devices must display the
device's NRR on the product packaging. If employees are exposed to
occupational noise at or above 85 dB averaged over an eight-hour period,
the employer is required to institute a hearing conservation program that
includes regular testing of employees' hearing by qualified professionals.

Some types of hearing protection include:
Single-use earplugs are made of waxed cotton, foam, silicone rubber or
fiberglass wool. They are self-forming and, when properly inserted, they
work as well as most molded earplugs.
Pre-formed or molded earplugs must be individually fitted by a professional
and can be disposable or reusable. Reusable plugs should be cleaned after
each use.
Earmuffs require a perfect seal around the ear. Glasses, facial hair, long hair
or facial movements such as chewing may reduce the protective value of

Following must be kept in mind while selecting:
requirement for the device to attenuate noise to a level not greater than
85 dB(A)
clamping force of earmuffs, and ear canal caps
suitability for use with other personal protection equipment such as
helmets or goggles
Acceptability to the wearer.

Types : -

The following types of hearing equipment are commonly available.

disposable hearing protection device - a hearing protection device
formed by packing a suitable material into or around the ear canal.
Disposable hearing protection devices are discarded after a single
earplug - a hearing protection device, other than disposable hearing
protection devices, that is inserted into the ear canal
ear canal cap - a hearing protection device that covers the ear canal
entrance and is held in place by a headband
earmuff - a hearing protection device that covers the entire ear and is
held in place by a suspension system
helmet - a hearing protection device that covers the ears and an
appreciable part of the head
suspension system - a device that holds the hearing protection device
in proper position on the wearer's head. A suspension system may be
a headband, a neckband or a safety helmet.

2.1.6 Body And Skin Protection

Employees who face possible bodily injury of any kind that cannot be
eliminated through engineering, work practice or administrative controls,
must wear appropriate body protection while performing their jobs. In
addition to cuts and radiation, the following are examples of workplace
hazards that could cause bodily injury:

Temperature extremes
Hot splashes from molten metals and other hot liquids
Potential impacts from tools, machinery and materials
Hazardous chemicals

There are many varieties of protective clothing available for specific hazards.
Employers are required to ensure that their employees wear personal
protective equipment only for the parts of the body exposed to possible
injury. Examples of body protection include laboratory coats, coveralls,
vests, jackets, aprons, surgical gowns and full body suits.

If a hazard assessment indicates a need for full body protection against toxic
substances or harmful physical agents, the clothing should be carefully
inspected before each use, it must fit each worker properly and it must
function properly and for the purpose for which it is intended.
Protective clothing comes in a variety of materials, each effective against
particular hazards, such as:

Paper-like fiber used for disposable suits provide protection against
dust and splashes.
Treated wool and cotton adapts well to changing temperatures, is
comfortable, and fire-resistant and protects against dust, abrasions
and rough and irritating surfaces.
Duck is a closely woven cotton fabric that protects against cuts and
bruises when handling heavy, sharp or rough materials.
Leather is often used to protect against dry heat and flames.

Rubber, rubberized fabrics, neoprene and plastics protect against certain
chemicals and physical hazards. When chemical or physical hazards are
present, check with the clothing manufacturer to ensure that the material
selected will provide protection against the specific hazard.
Employees who are required to work outdoors and are exposed to the sun's
rays should:

attempt to schedule work in full sun to take place outside the hours of
10am to 3pm
use shade wherever possible
wear dark, loose and closely woven clothing (long sleeved, button up,
collared shirt)
wear a 10 cm wide brimmed hat or hat with a neck flap
wear gloves
put on broad spectrum water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen at least 10-15
minutes before going out in the sun. Re-apply every two hours while
drink plenty of water
wear close fitting EPF10 rated sunglasses that meet AS 1067
Check your skin regularly for changes.

Insect Repellants
Employees who are required to work outdoors in areas where insect borne
disease may be contracted (such as Ross River Virus) shall be provided with
an adequate supply of insect repellent. Selection of insect repellents must
take account of:

o form of the product suitable for environmental conditions
o user acceptance of product (odour, consistency, colour)
o existence of product literature on health effects (for example, allergic
reactions, dermatitis, long term effects)
o suitability and durability of packaging
o adequacy and permanence of labeling.

Use of Protective Creams

Barrier creams may also be used as a form of body protection.
These include

Sunscreens to protect parts of your body from UV radiation that are
not easily protected by clothes and thus protect against subsequent
skin cancer when working
outdoors or on field trips
Hand creams to be used when wearing gloves for long periods of time
which reduce
the chances of developing contact dermatitis
Where workers have to frequently wash their hands.

2.2 Respiratory Protective Equipment

Oxygen Deficiency

Every living organism needs constant supply of oxygen. Cells in the brain
and the nervous system, if starved of oxygen for more than 4 to 6 minutes
can be severely damaged and even die due to permanent damage.

Oxygen deficient atmosphere is a major hazard in the industry. Table-1
gives the signs and symptoms of a person at rest at different levels of
oxygen deficiency.


Oxygen content in air

Sign and symptoms of person at rest

12% - 14%
Respiration deeper, pulse up, co-
ordination poor.

10% - 12%

Respiration fast & shallow, giddiness, poor
judgement, lips blue.

8% - 10%

Nausea, vomiting, unconscious-ness,
ashen face.

6% - 8%
8 min 100% fatal, 6 min 50% fatal, 4-5
min Recovery with treatment.

Coma in 40 secs, convulsion, respiration
ceases, death

It is important that one should not enter atmosphere containing less than
19.5% oxygen without a breathing apparatus set.
The air we breathe is sometimes contaminated with dust, vapours, toxic
fumes or gases. Various types of respiratory protective equipment are
provided which enable us to breathe in uncontaminated air even in the
presence of contamination.


Type Designed Use



Fresh air breathing apparatus

Oxygen breathing apparatus

Compressed air breathing

To be used in tanks,
pits or areas where
gas tests show
harmful amount of
gas, dust, mist,
vapour, lack of
4. Demand flow type compressed
air line
Breathing apparatus

5. Filter of chemical cartridge

i. Canister type gas masks
ii. Dust Respirators

Protection against low
concentration of
gases, dust, fumes or

Each type of equipment has a definite purpose but its limitations must be
kept in mind. These will not provide protection in an atmosphere
contaminated by a substance which can be absorbed by skin.



It must be used in all cases when it is necessary to enter an enclosed area
where :

Hydrogen sulphide, Carbon Monoxide or any other combustible/toxic
gas is present even in slight concentration.
Canister cannot be used because the concentration exceeds the limit
for canister.
There is a heavy smoke.
There is an oxygen deficiency.


i. Antipoy industrial breathing apparatus.
ii. Blowman blower operated breathing apparatus.


The face piece should be adjusted and tested.
See that the hose and the lifeline are not entangled.
The blower must be placed where there is plenty of fresh
uncontaminated air.
Where a hand driven blower is used, the crank must be turned
continuously from the time the man puts on the face piece until he
returns to pure air and removes the face piece completely.
Two persons must be deputed to perform the cranking operation
alternatively and as stand by.
Do not use more than 76 feet of hose on each blower connection.
Do not place the blower where the air may be contaminated, such as
in the vicinity of sewer manholes or catch basins.
Use only those men who are experienced in this type of work.
Always have a man present to assist in any emergency which may
A separate lifeline must be attached.


It is designed primarily for emergency conditions. It may be used when a
gas hazard or lack of oxygen exists or may exist except in atmosphere which
irritates or poisons through the skin.
Pure oxygen from a high pressure bottle is supplied to the face piece. The
full face piece gives excellent vision.

Description and Technical Details :

This apparatus which is supported upon a broad body belt composed of
leather and reinforced canvas, and by braces passing over the shoulders,
consists of the following parts:

Oxygen cylinder

It is a steel cylinder with six cubic feet of oxygen gas which is compressed to
120 atmospheres (1,800 pounds per square inch) and will last for one hour
when fully charged.

Main supply valve
Safety locking bolt
Pressure gauge valve
Reducing valve
Breathing bag
Relief valve
By-pass valve
Mouth piece and nose-clip
Skull cap

Operational Use

Consult the gauge frequently.
Gently shake the protosorb at regular intervals
Open by-pass valve when the bag collapses
Use relief valve when the bag is too much inflated or heated.
Pressure gauge valve to be always kept open.
Come out of the place of incident with at least five minutes of oxygen
left in the cylinder.

Care and Maintenance

Grease, oil, fat, paint etc. should not come in contact with the set.
Undue force should not be used to tighten any joint. Washer should
be replaced, if necessary.
Use distilled water to lubricate all washers.
The set should preferably be kept in a hanging position to avoid
knocking of the valve group.
The set should not be kept near the exhaust pipe of the motor or fire
Mouth piece plug should be kept filled when the set is not in use.
Skull-cap, goggles, spanners and B.A. lamp should always be provided
with a set to keep the set in commission.
absorbent to be kept always air tight, once the CO
absorbent is
used even for a few minutes, it should be discarded and not to be kept
for future use.

The reducing valve must not be opened by any unauthorized person.



It is similar to Roberts compressed air set with a little variations. The face
mask is of molded rubber and incorporates a demand regulator, a speech
transmitter and a wide vision perspex visor. A bonded air-cushion seal
round the inside edge of the mask forms a leak-proof seal on the face with
only light tension on the adjusting straps.

The demand regulator is such that the wearer is supplied with whatever air
he requires depending on his physical exertion. During light work and
shallow breathing, it supplies on a small volume of air. The flow of air is
increased with harder work and deeper breathing.
This variation of flow of air is automatic and no further adjustment of the
regulator is necessary. As the demand regulator provides ample air for the
highest possible rate of work, no by-pass value is required. The regulator is
so designed that it may be manually operated, if required, by pressing on
the diaphragm through one inch diameter hole, provided in the centre of the
outer casing.

Care and Maintenance of compressed air sets

The following points should be observed during routine maintenance :

The apparatus should be cleaned after use.
The face mask and breathing tube, where provided, should be washed
and disinfected. The whole apparatus should be thoroughly dried
before assembling.
The eye-pieces or visor should be anti-dimmed.
If the cylinder pressure is less than five sixths of the maximum
charging pressure, it should be replaced with a fresh cylinder.
Washers and other parts found defective during tests should be
When tightening nuts, excessive force should not be used.
Oils or grease should not be allowed to come into contact with any
part of the apparatus.

Working duration of breathing apparatus

It is not always possible to determine actual duration of a breathing
apparatus as there are certain variable factors depending on the
circumstances in which the set is used.
In the case of a closed circuit oxygen set the duration is fairly determined,
though it can be reduced by the use of by-pass valve, whereas in case of
compressed air open circuit set it varies widely depending on the physical
exertion of the wearer.
It is therefore, necessary to allow for a wider variations in duration with
compressed air sets, than with an oxygen set. The following terms are to be
understood by the breathing apparatus wearer before he tries to find out the
working duration of breathing apparatus sets.

i. Full duration

It is the time a breathing apparatus is expected to last from the moment it is
started-up until the cylinder is exhausted.

ii. Working duration

It is time a breathing apparatus is expected to last from the time it is started
up until the cylinder pressure is reached at which the low cylinder pressure
warning device, i.e. the whistle, starts to operate.

iii. Safety margin

It is the time from the moment the whistle starts to sound until the cylinder
is exhausted.
In short,
Working duration = Full duration - Safety margin.

The duration of a breathing apparatus depends on the quantity of oxygen or
air in the cylinder and the average rate of consumption. The contents of a
cylinder are referred in liters and consumption in liters per minute. For
example, if the cylinder of an oxygen breathing apparatus set contains 150
liters and the constant flow is 2.5 liters per minutes.

The full duration would be

150 / 2.5 = 150x2/5 = 60 minutes.

Formula for determining the working duration of breathing

i. Oxygen Apparatus

Contents of cylinder in ltrs
Working duration in minutes = ---------------------- - 15
(or 2 for salves)

ii. Compressed air apparatus

Contents of cylinder in ltrs
Working duration in minutes = ------------------------ - 10

Average rate of consumption

For oxygen sets with a constant flow, the average rate of consumption is
taken as 2.5 litres per minutes for Proto and 2 liters for Salvas sets. In the
case of oxygen apparatus with a smaller constant flow augmented by a lung-
governed valve, 2 litres per minute is also taken as the average rate of

In the case of compressed air sets the average rate of consumption is to be
taken as 40 litres per minutes which is the average rate for a man walking at
4 miles per hour. Where a wearer undertakes exceptionally heavy work, the
rate may well be higher and the duration correspondingly becomes less.

Safety Margin

The safety margin recommended for all types of breathing apparatus sets is
10 minutes. In the case of one hour Proto set the whistle operates when the
cylinder is at one quarter pressure i.e. when the cylinder is one quarter full,
so that theoretically the set still has 15 minutes to run.
The whistle, however, consumes nearly 2 litres per minute and so the actual
safety margin is about 10 minutes. In the case of compressed air sets,
however, the loss of air due to the whistle is small compared with the rate of
consumption and has a negligible effect on the remaining duration of the
set. Therefore, no allowance is made for the consumption of the whistle.


It is a constant flow airline respirator which provides complete respiratory,
eye and facial protection and is designed for use with a factory compressed
air line or a low pressure air compressor.


The respirator assembly consists of a vista full face mask fitted with a
mushroom type non return exhalation valve assembly and a T piece linked
to two narrow bore PVC breathing tubes. The tubes are designed to pass
over the wearers shoulders and to join at a Y union on the wearers back.
This union is connected by a single PVC tube to a combined filter box and
hand operated regulating valve mounted on a PVC waist belt. The filter box
is fitted with a nut and serrated tail connection for attaching the air supply

The regulating valve on the filter box allows the wearer to control the flow of
air into the mask but bleed holes in the valve prevent the wearer shutting off
the air supply completely and provide a built-in safety device. The respirator
is recommended for use with inlet pressures up to 120 psi.

The vista full face mask is comfortable to wear, provides unrestricted vision
and the flow of air is directed over the Perspex visor to prevent misting up
and to provide a cooling effect for the wearer. The filter unit in the
regulating valve assembly utilizes replaceable cotton wool filter pads, which
are designed to remove any solid particle contained in the air. The filter will
not remove toxic vapours or very fine dust particles, which means the air
supplied to the respirator must be both clean and dry.

The vista mask air line respirator can be fitted with a PVC belt or
alternatively with a Terylene harness suitable for connection to a safety line.
Normally manufactured in black rubber, the vista mask is also available in
white rubber for use in Tetra Ethyl Lead atmosphere.


It is used for extended work in a toxic or oxygen deficient atmosphere either
in a factory from the works airline or in an outside location from a low
pressure air compressor. Applications include tank cleaning, zinc spraying
and paint spraying or as a maintenance breathing apparatus.


1. A Breathing Apparatus field center shall be set up outside the area where
entry has to be made.
2. A Fire & Safety Officer shall manage the Breathing Apparatus field center.
3. Breathing Apparatus field center shall have sufficient number of ready BA
sets,as per nature of job
4. A BA Control Board for recording the details of the BA set wearer entering
into area shall be positioned.
5. Before making entry into a hazardous area with Breathing Apparatus set,
pre-entry test shall be done .

Breathing apparatus pre-entry test :

Check the general condition of BA set.
Check the available pressure in BA set as per nature of job.
Check the leak test & positive pressure test.
Check the function of warning whistle.
BA wearers shall always go in pairs while making entry into a building
with guide line.
BA Control Room officer shall note the expected time of return of BA
wearers and immediately send two more persons with BA sets to
search for the BA wearers if they do not return back on time.

Dust Respirator

Where to use

Respirators may be used for all operations where annoying or irritating
gases or dust may be present in such small quantities that the canister gas
mask is not needed.

How to use

The face piece should be adjusted so as to fit snugly on the face. The head
straps should be adjusted to maintain tension without discomfort.

Limitation and Caution

i. It must not be used in closed vessels where there is oxygen deficiency.
ii. Do not wear a respirator which has been worn by someone else until it
has been sterilized.
iii. Keep the respirator dry.

Air purifying devices

These devices cannot be used in oxygen depleted atmospheres.
Air purifying devices fall into four major categories.

Dust masks used for protection against nuisance dusts such as sawdust,
chalk, plant-related and sanding dusts. These are generally not suitable for
toxic substances

Gas filters - filter fitted into a half face mask, full face mask or hood,
suitable for removing low concentrates of certain gases and vapours. Filters
have limited use and storage lives and are specific to certain gases or
vapours. They are not generic - a specific filter needs to be matched to a
specific make of mask.

Particulate filters - used to remove finely divided solid or liquid particles
from inhaled air. Particulate filters have a prefix 'P' and a number indicating
a class corresponding to filtration efficiency against a laboratory challenge
aerosol of sodium chloride. P1, P2 and P3 filters roughly correspond to the
former L, M and H cartridges. There are three types of particulate filter
suitable for filtering finely divided solid or liquid particles, or both, from
inhaled air. These are classified, in accordance with tests in AS 1716, as:
CLASS (P1) Intended for use against mechanically generated particulates,
(for example, silica, asbestos).
CLASS (P2) Intended for use against both mechanically and thermally
generated particulates, (for example, metal fumes).
CLASS (P3) Intended for use against all particulates including highly toxic
materials, (for example, beryllium). Class P3 requires a full face mask.

Note: Cotton fibre or plastic foam pads are not permitted.
Combined gas and particulate filters - filter combinations are used where
both hazard types may exist.

3. Conclusion

To have effective personal protective equipment program, one person
(manager, supervisor, safety) must be responsible for its coordination. First-
line supervisors must be convinced of the hazards and must be held
accountable for their employees use of PPE. It is necessary for new
employees to receive training during orientation. Employees should be
motivated to continue to use protective gear through an on-going
safety program.
A work area assessment is required to determine the potential hazards and
select the appropriate PPE for adequate protection. Employees must receive
training which includes the proper PPE for their job, when this PPE must be
worn, how to wear, adjust, maintain, and discard this equipment, and the
limitations of the PPE. All training must be documented.
Personal protective equipment can be effective only if the equipment is
selected based on its intended use, employees are trained in its use, and the
equipment is properly tested, maintained, and worn.


Safety Manuals of Refineries
Safety Bulletins and training materials of various safety trainings
Universal Oil Products (UOP-USA)

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