Publication 1

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Volume 1, Issue 1

How to be a Rational Voter


Matt Monson: Jungle Bureau

What is Voting?

Special points of interest:

Understand you can make a

difference if you vote

What to vote for

How to vote

Things need to be changed

Inside this issue:

What is voting?

Purpose of voting.

What to look for in candidates.

Sherman Buchanan

Geneva Montgomery

Amount of people that actually


How to vote

Being the Democratic Republic

that America is, voting is common practice. It is how we elect
or representatives, legislatures,
senators and so forth. Voting is
a method in which a group such
as a meeting or an electorate to
make a decision or express an

In order to stop this problem the United States

Government has many
voices and minds so that
they can make the best
decision possible for all
people. Also, the president can only serve two
terms (a total of 8 years.)

Voting is a way for ones voice

to be heard over a specific issues. Our forefathers did not
want our Nation to crumble. A
solution that they found was a
relatively new kind of government in which the citizens vote
for representatives. Representatives represent the people
ideals and decisions and vote
that way. We do this because
we do not want one man to
have too much power.

In democracy, a government is chosen by voting for Presidential Voting Booth

candidates running in an
election. In the case of the Unithave a little bit more extreme
ed States, though there are
economic policy which more
many more parties, the biggest
times then not support big busitwo are the Democrats, and the
nesses and capitalism.
It is the duty of an American
Democrats are a little more
Citizen to vote and let their
reserved in economic policy and
voice be heard. Choose a side
like small business. They
and take a stand! Learn more
Support the common man.
Republicans on the other hand

Purpose of Voting.
As America is a Democratic
Republic we have the right to
vote. We can vote for whoever
we want in elections that are
fair and free! This is a privilege
because many other countries
do not have this option.
Voting gives our Government

Legitimacy because the people

back it up. Our decision effect
the whole nation. This is huge.
The fact that we control the
government instead of the government controlling us, gives us
a freedom many are deprived

The main purpose of voting is to

make change. Whether it be
who is president, or voting for a
High School student government. Remember the majority
rule when it comes to voting. In
other words the decision that
people vote on the most will be
chosen. Your 1 vote counts!

Page 2

How to be a Rational Voter

What to look for in a Candidate

Choosing the right Candidate
for you is based off of your values and political opinions, but
her are some tips when you are
looking for the perfect representative.
Step One: Decide what you are
looking for in a candidate. Look
for their leadership quality and/
or experience. Have they completed the proper requirement
to take on the responsibility
they are going to be given?
Think about local, state, and
even national problems. Will
this candidate help or hurt the

situation based off of his/her

morals and policies. This will
give you some perspective.

Step 3: Gather Materials about

the Candidates. What party are
they, and what are they going to
do to benefit you and your family. You can find information
online or in newspapers. If it is
a local race it may even be possible to interview the candidate.

Step Two: Find out about the

candidate. What is the candidate running for? What are their
specific view on things that are
important to you? You can find
the number for your local election office and data on the candidates. You can call the office
and ask specific questions, or
go to a website such as for more
candidate information.

Step 4: Find out what is best

for you. Learn how people you
trust view the candidate. Seek
opinions of those people and
others in your community, and I
guarantee you will have a better
idea if you will like them or not.

Sherman Buchanan
Sherman Buchanan is a
Democrat running to be a United States Congressman.
Age 41
Married, with two children.
Born and raised in San
Diego, California
Graduated from Ontario
High School
Graduated from the Oxford
University with a PHD
in law and a minor in
Graduated from the University of Chicago with a
Masters of Social
Work Experience
Worked at several restau-

rants San Diego while

attending the University of Ontario High
Interned with the Chicago
Community Development Organization.
Worked for 18 years as a
governor of San Francisco
Founded and currently
directs the Wasatch
Front Regional Social
Services Network.
Issue Positions
Does not support the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act
Supports increased federal
spending to fund
mass-transit projects.
Wants to stimulate the
economy by allowing
states to create special community development areas that will
be eligible for federal

infrastructure and
small-business grants.
Supports the 2nd Amendment right to bear
arms, but would enact
background checks on
all gun purchases
including private party
and gun show sales
and would ban all
clips that hold more
than 10 rounds.
Would repeal all No Child
Left Behind federal
testing requirements,
and return assessment authority to individual states.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 3

Geneva Montgomery
Geneva Montgomery is a


Republican running to be a
United States Congresswoman.

Was an intern for Florida Governor Martinson.


Worked for 14 years as a Governor of New Mexico

Age 37
Married 3 Children
Born in Arizona,
Raised in Florida
Graduated from
Springville High
Graduated with a
Bachelors in Sociology
At Florida State
Graduated with a
Masters in Political
Science also at Florida
Work Experience
Worked at Walmart as
a greeter during high

Current CEO of Geneva Consolidated.

Issue Positions:
Does not support the 2nd
Amendment and want to limit
gun use.
Supports the Affordable care
Would cap interest rates on
student loans at 4% and delay
the start of repayment until the
loan recipients has full-time
employment after graduation.
Supports immigration reform,
but opposes any amnesty for
undocumented persons.

Does not support the gay marriage act.

Believes that execution by lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment, and wants to
run more test to se how humane it really is.
Thinks the cost of college is to
and supports the Free Community College act.

If you refuse to
use your right to
vote, then you may
be punished
because the people that
will come into office
may be your inferiors.
-Geneva Montgomery

The amount of people that actually vote

Did you know that in the
last 10 years the total
voting age for the eligible
population has not
breached 50%? This is
only for the presidential
vote, the average voting
according to population is
even smaller in local voting events. The most recent US election had the
lowest voter turnout since
World War II. Only 36
percent of eligible voters
showed up to cast their
vote. This is really bad if
you are a Democrat because Republicans have
a grand majority.

If you look to the left, the chart

shows a survey of why United
States citizens did not vote for
the president in 2008.
Everyone that does not vote
thinks that they have a viable
excuse. This is not true.
Whether you excuse is that you
are too busy or forgot, it is your
If you look above then you can
see Geneva Montgomerys
quote that if you do not vote
you are at risk to get an incompatible representative. The last
thing that we need is an incompatible leader. Let your
voice be heard!

Here at Jungle Bureau our purpose is to make you a


more politically inclined citizens. Voting is a great

way to become active in your community. Often people

Jungle Bureau

make mistakes when they vote whether it is because

they read one article on a candidate and have an ex-

Primary Business Address

4896 W 8494 S
West Jordan, UT 84081

tremely polarized opinion instead of getting other information. They might not vote at all! This news letter

Phone: 801-410-1400
Fax: 801-410-3798

was compiled to fix some of these basic problems and

make you a better voter. If you found our newsletter

We make YOU a political THINKER!

minimally helpful, call a representative at (801) 4101400. We have great customer service and the representatives that know all about political policies and

We are on the web @


they can answer more detailed questions. If you want

to take to me personally call (801) 410-1400 extension 385.

How to Vote!
Voting is a process that is
fairly simple, and free to
do! Here are the steps to
help you learn how to

Step 3: Learn where your

polling place is. To help
you find your polling place
go to

Step 6: Review your ballot

to make sure you did not
make any mistakes, and

Step 1: Find out if you are

eligible to vote in the next
election. This includes
being 18 or older, a U.S.
citizen, and living in the
state you are voting in.

Step 4: See who the candidates are. Research

them to see which candidates opinion/morals on
present issues are ones
you desire in your future

you have carefully read
and followed this How to
be a Rational Voter
newsletter, you have become a more successful
and independent voter!

Step 2: Register to vote!

This can be done online,
in person, or by letter depending on the state you
are residing in.

Step 5: Go to your polling

place and cast your vote.
Casting your vote may be
done electronically, or on
a paper ballot.

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