Population Pyramid

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World Studies Hybrid 2/13 Due Tuesday, 2/17

1. From the world Studies Edline Website, navigate to Notes, Unit2 Population &
Migration and review the powerpoint entitled Population Pyramids.
2. Read the blog post from the PRB about Population Pyramids and do the following:
a. Compare the Population Pyramid for Zambia and for Japan (clickable links
in the text). What are the different conclusions that can be drawn by looking
at total numbers vs. percentages?
The population pyramid for Zambia has a wide base and a narrow top,
showing Zambias population is large for youth but small for the elderly. This
indicates a upcoming spike in population. As for Japans population pyramid,
the middle and top are narrow, and the middle age groups have little spikes.
Japan will decrease in population due to such a low population of youth.
b. At the bottom of the document, click the link to the US Census Bureau
International Data Base.
c. Create Pyramids for China, India, US, Germany and South Africa for both
the current year and for 2050. (Select Report: Population Pyramid Graph,
Select Year: 2014 & 2050, click Submit)

d. Draw 10 conclusions and comparisons between the countries that show

the differences in the structure of the population of these countries. For
example: China, as a result of the one child policy, has a much smaller ratio
of people younger than age 20 than the other 4 countries.
1. The middle age population for Germany is small, indicating an
upcoming decrease in population.
2. South Africas teen and young adult population is large, indicating an
upcoming increase in population.
3. Chinas middle age population is large, and there are not many youth.
4. China will have a lot of old people in the future, but not many young
people to support them.
5. The US has a population pyramid called a replacement type.
6. Germanys population will be decreased in the future.
7. The population of India currently is mainly youth, indicating an
upcoming population increase.
8. South Africa will have a more balanced population structure, but also
not many youth.
9. India will have similar sized populations aged 0-50 in the future.
10.The US will have a large middle aged population in the future, and not
as many youth as today.
e. Screen shot the population pyramids and make sure they are properly
labeled by country and year. Put your conclusions below the graphs. Post to
your google site before Tuesday, 10/7.
3. Watch the first segment of World in the Balance about India (0-23:00). What
does their population pyramid tell you about what needs to be done in the future to
support their population adequately?
In order for their population to be supported adequately, women need to be
given more rights. They should be able to chose how many kids they want, etc. Men
also cannot treat them as poorly as they do now. The Dowry System is another thing

that must be eliminated, because it values males over females. If this happens,
there will be no need for gender selection.
4. Follow the link to: Lesson Plan: 2014 World Population Data Sheet. Complete
Activity 1 (Questions 1-15), use the PRB Data Finder , charts and maps by topic,
International section to view country rankings for each indicator. Post answers to
your website before Tuesday, 10/7.
1. 7.125 billion
2. China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, Bangladesh, Nigeria,
3. Death Rate, Birth Rate, Infant Mortality Rate, Net Migration Rate
4. Highest-Lesotho, Botswana, Dem. Rep. Congo Lowest-Belize, Brunei, Kuwait
5. Highest-Afghan, Sierra Leone, Chad Lowest- Singapore, Iceland, Japan
6. Highest-Niger, Mali Lowest-Singapore
7. Youngest-Angola, Chad, Afghanistan, Uganda, Somalia Oldest-Bulgaria, Japan,
8. Highest-Japan, Andorra, Singapore Lowest-Sierra Leone, Central African Republic,
DROT Congo
9. Highest-South Africa, Lowest-Japan, Brazil, Netherlands
10.Denmark, Finland
11.Nigeria, China
12.Nigeria, China
13.India, China, Brazil, Japan
14.China, India, UK, United States, Brazil, Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Canada
15.China, India, Brazil, Russia, United States, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Spain

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