Drury Resume

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Travis Drury

1208 Longford Lane

Bloomington, IL 61704

(217) 415-8652

To continue to help students grow as people and in the classroom, while challenging myself to
improve my teaching ability
Illinois State University
Bachelor of Science in Communication Studies Teacher Education 2008
Minor: English
Professional Educator License I
American College of Education
Administrative Masters Degree Educational Leadership 2011, Certificate: Type 75
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Journalism 2006
Bloomington Junior High School 8th Grade English Teacher, Fall 2008 to present
Classroom responsibilities:
Worked with 8H team, which is the ELL and instructional IEP team for the 8th grade
Responsible for teaching students various forms of writing including informational,
argumentative, research-based and narrative pieces
Utilized sentence patterns to teach and reinforce grammar for sentence variety
Employed strategies, such as close reading and using graphic organizers, to help students
understand complex texts
Co-taught with instructional English special education teacher during 2011-12, 2012-13,
2013-14 and 2014-15 school years
Collaborated with schools ELL teacher to differentiate instruction for ELL students
Created a writing rubric based on the common-core standards and the PARCC writing
rubric that is used by the English department throughout BJHS
Transitioned traditional English classroom to effectively utilize laptops as part of the
One-to-One program
Used student surveys to monitor progress for learning targets
Used parent surveys periodically to encourage parental involvement in student learning
and to get parental input on the curriculum and learning targets
Proctored the 8th grade ELA PARCC testing sessions for my team
School and District Leadership:
Provided building-wide professional development on use of technology for educators
during a spring SIP day of the 2014-15 school year
Facilitated a professional development session in the District 87 Academy at our opening
SIP day of the 2013-14 school year
Interim administrator administered discipline for office referrals sent by teachers when
filling in for administrators who were out of the building
Curriculum development with 8th grade ELA teachers
School-level Rising Star Committee evaluated current level of implementation for
educational initiatives in our school
Founded the BJHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes huddle
Respect Committee helped create programs for teachers to foster an atmosphere of
respect in our school
Co-coordinator/founder of staff vs. student basketball game promoted school spirit and
raised over $9,000 for various local charities that have a direct impact on students/staff in

Professional Development:
Illinois Computing Educators (ICE) Conference National technology conference for
educators held in Rosemont, IL
Youre Going to Love This Kid District 87 offered course to help with differentiation
for students with autism
Love and Logic District 87 offered course for classroom management strategies
The Feast Regional week-long conference on technology use in the classroom held at
Bloomington High School
Co-teaching Workshops District 87 offered workshops to learn more about how to
successfully co-teach and work directly with the co-teachers
Administrative masters program American College of Education
Extracurricular responsibilities:
Bloomington Jr. HS Baseball Head Coach, 2012 to present (3 seasons)
Bloomington High School Baseball Varsity Assistant Coach, 2007 to present
(9 seasons)
Bloomington Jr. HS Boys Basketball 7th Grade Head Coach, 2011-12 (1 season)
Normal Community High School Student Teacher, Spring 2008: Two sections of junior
Basic Fiction, one section of junior regular literature and two sections of journalism
University High School Practicum Teacher, Fall 2007: Sophomore Oral Communication

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