Lesson Plan 1 - Revised - Adrienne Malmberg
Lesson Plan 1 - Revised - Adrienne Malmberg
Lesson Plan 1 - Revised - Adrienne Malmberg
Materials: Handout for student-generated diagram of the location and organs in the respiratory
system; assembly materials provided by teacher.
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)
The teacher will:
Focus/Mental Set: Ask students what they
think our lesson will be about when they
see what is in their bag of materials. Hand
out diagram/notes paper and respond to
questions. Begin by having students stand
with a partner and discussing the different
respiratory organs to each other.
Teacher Input: Power point as visual aid,
along with pauses for questions and
answers. Verbal review at the end of each
organ, reviewing and clarifying organs in
the respiratory system.
Enrichment: Students will have an
opportunity to draw and color a picture of
their body system creation, including what
candies represented what systems/organs.
They will also have the opportunity to talk
about their favorite respiratory organ and
why its their favorite.
Students JD and MW will have modified
note taking responsibilities. JD will need
an assistive device to hear the lecture.