Lesson Plan 1 - Revised - Adrienne Malmberg

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Lesson Cycle

Lesson Title/Topic: The Guts and Bolts of Your Body

Target Concept: Understand and correctly identify the main systems of the body; this lessons
system is the respiratory system. Understand its basic function and be able to give a basic
description of each organ within the system.
Standards/Rationale: (12) Organisms and environments. The student knows that living
systems at all levels of organization demonstrate the complementary nature of structure and
function. The student is expected to:
(B) identify the main functions of the systems of the human organism, including the
circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive, excretory, reproductive, integumentary,
nervous, and endocrine systems;
Lesson Objectives: Given an in-class
introduction and diagram, the student will
correctly approximate the locations and
functions of the respiratory system using
edible materials.

Assessment: Completed model and roving

assessment, as this is a beginning
introduction to body systems. Exit ticket of
how students think the respiratory system
impacts the circulatory system.

Materials: Handout for student-generated diagram of the location and organs in the respiratory
system; assembly materials provided by teacher.
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)
The teacher will:
Focus/Mental Set: Ask students what they
think our lesson will be about when they
see what is in their bag of materials. Hand
out diagram/notes paper and respond to
questions. Begin by having students stand
with a partner and discussing the different
respiratory organs to each other.
Teacher Input: Power point as visual aid,
along with pauses for questions and
answers. Verbal review at the end of each
organ, reviewing and clarifying organs in
the respiratory system.

The student will:

Stand and discuss with their partner the
different respiratory organs and their
functions in the body as a whole.

Follow along on a body diagram as they

watch the presentation slides at their desks.
They will answer questions as appropriate
when the teacher asks for responses to the
Guided Practice: Finish Q&A and review Students will raise their hands and offer
general things about how our respiratory
suggestions, with guidance. Students will
system works together with other body
split into groups and work to finish
systems, to keep them supplied with oxygen
brainstorming and begin assembly of their
so they can function properly. Then, begin
brainstorming on the board for 3-4 items in respiratory system.

their bag as to what items could be used for

lungs, etc. Teacher will monitor students as
they split into groups of 2-3 to brainstorm
further, until they are ready to assemble
their systems.
Independent Practice: Teacher will
monitor the classroom to verify that
students have begun assembling their
body parts. Teacher will ask students
which items represent which system.
Closure: Teacher will close by allowing
the students to dispose of their creation.
Teacher will also ask students which body
system is doing the disposing. Teacher will
also ask for an exit ticket from each

Enrichment: Students will have an
opportunity to draw and color a picture of
their body system creation, including what
candies represented what systems/organs.
They will also have the opportunity to talk
about their favorite respiratory organ and
why its their favorite.
Students JD and MW will have modified
note taking responsibilities. JD will need
an assistive device to hear the lecture.

Students will finish their assembly, attach

the pieces to the paper, and discuss and
label their creation.
Students will write any questions down on
their brainstorm paper. Students will also
disposal break!

Reteach: The teacher will work with

students as needed if they have trouble
getting their systems assembled, or need
help with ideas.

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