Csec Information Technology: Problem-Solving and Program Design
Csec Information Technology: Problem-Solving and Program Design
Csec Information Technology: Problem-Solving and Program Design
Write a program to accept the price of 4 items in the array ITEM[ ]. Calculate a 10%
discount for each item and display the discounted prices.
Write a program to accept two values and determine the larger of the two. Store the
larger number in the array LARGE[ ]. Do this 5 times, then display all 5 larger values.
Write a program to accept the weight of 10 produce items being bought at a market
in the array PRODUCE[ ]. When a weight bigger than 75kg is entered, it should
prompt the vendor to give the customer brawta.
A credit union pays 4% interest on shares and requires that all members make a $500
deposit besides the share amount. Write a program that prompts the user to input 6
share values to the array SHARES[ ]. Calculate the total savings as shares + $500
deposit + interest on shares. And store them in SAVINGS[ ]. Output the 6 total savings
from SAVINGS[ ] after all values have been calculated.
Write a program that requests that the user input a set of 6 positive numbers which
are stored in the array
N[ ]. Search for those values entered as less than 2,000, and reduce those by 20.
Display all 6 numbers.
Write a program for meteorologists to use during the course of a week. In that time, it
should ask for the temperature at the start of the day and store those numbers in
DAYSTART[ ] and do likewise for the end of the day DAYEND[ ]. Calculate the
differences between the starting temperatures and the ending temperatures for each
day. Identify those differences greater than 10 o
Adjust the program from # 6 to identify those savings that are greater than or equal
to $1500.