Practical No. 9: Aim: To Explicitly Control The Output of Multiple Observations To A SAS Data Set and Create
Practical No. 9: Aim: To Explicitly Control The Output of Multiple Observations To A SAS Data Set and Create
Practical No. 9: Aim: To Explicitly Control The Output of Multiple Observations To A SAS Data Set and Create
Aim: To explicitly control the output of multiple observations to a SAS data set and create
multiple SAS data sets using conditional processing.
Assignment 1:
Write a data step to create a new data set work.price_increase that forecasts unit prices for
the next 3 years. Use explicit OUTPUT statements to forecast Unit_price for the next 3 years
using Factor as the annual rate of increase.
Print the new data set to include only product_id, unit_price and year.
Assignment 3: