Leatham Management Plan
Leatham Management Plan
Leatham Management Plan
Discipline Protocol
1. Verbal warning.
2. Confer with student and remind or review classroom expectations.
3. If behavior continues and a third reminder is required, student will be
asked to leave the classroom in order to reset. (see below for details)
3. Reset sheet to be returned the following day sign by a parent/guardian.
4. If misbehavior continues a behavioral plan is to be considered.
5. Serious/Repetitive behavior will merit a referral and potentially, a
meeting with parent/guardian.
Teaching Expectations: Establishing and teaching classroom
expectations: This includes the use of a Power Point presentation, which
clarifies the various teaching and learning roles, responsibilities, and
expectations students are likely to experience in the classroom. Students will
create classroom contracts and teamwork guidelines. Expectations are
taught, reviewed, and modeled by instructor.
Encouragement procedures: Catching students being positive, giving
extended breaks and rewards. Classroom discussion of issues will be address
as they arise with a positive solution mindset.
The result will be the on-going creation of an open and caring community.
Possible Corrective Consequences: Conference with student, loss of
privileges, student to stay after school or to stay in at lunch, conferring with
parent, reviewing student cum file, conferring with colleagues, setting up
behavior plans, discussion with administration.
Reset Procedures:
a. When a student prevents the teacher from teaching or students from learning, teachers
will warn a student that present behavior is not acceptable and that any further trouble
will result in a reset.
b. If a student continues to disrupt the class after a warning, s/he is given a reset. The
student is sent to the office or buddy classroom with a think sheet/reset form and the
office will then record the time of arrival. The student is to complete the Think
Sheet/Reset Form in the office. The reset form must be signed by a parent/guardian.
The office, or teacher as appropriate, will contact the parent to inform them of the