Case Study

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Teaching Learning

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1 At the end of Introduction:- What you all
teaching What you all feel while studying in the clinical setting which method feel while
students will we can use for better understanding or learning? studying in the
be able to Group: - answers the question (discussion, demonstration, clinical setting
observation studies, case studies etc.) which method
Yes you all are right; here in clinical setting these all methods can be we can use for
used for better understanding. So, today we are going to see one of better
the method in clinical teaching understanding
2 or learning?
2min 1) State Meaning of Case study:- L.C.D.
meaning of “Nursing case study is the blueprint of nursing care rendered by a projector
Can any one
Case study nursing student to a selected patient, for a particular period by state meaning
following nursing process approach, with an intention to develop of case study?
comprehensive nursing care abilities”

5 min 2) Enumerate Purposes of Case study:-

3 purposes 1) It provides opportunity to the student to learn the nursing skills
of case What are the
using problem solving approach. chart
study purposes of
method case study?
2) Student learns to identify and define patient’s problem.

3) It trains the student’s to locate; gather and process the information

require solving the patient’s problem.
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4) To develop a sense of accomplishment from providing
individualized comprehensive care.

5) It helps the student to solve the patient’s problem by critical and

reflective thinking.

6) It emphasizes the facts that the patient is an individual personality

and not just

7) It accentuates the health and social aspects of nursing.

8) It points out the relationship and cooperation of the various

agencies interested in the patients problem and welfare, such as
social service and public health nursing

10mi 3) List down Principles used in case study as a method of teaching:- L.C.D. What
n the principles we
principles 1. The students should be able to make her nursing care study on a should follow
used in patient for whose nursing care she is responsible. while
case study 2. The selection of the patient can be done by coordination between presenting a
as a clinical instructor and student. case study?
method of With the help of case study the student should be able to study the
teaching. patient’s state of health and self help abilities, his cultural
background, his economic level,
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3. is hobbies and interests, for an understanding of all these factors
will contribute to patients welfare.
4. The first part of the study should be concerned with the
information and facts about the patient, his disease condition and
his social and personal history and how this knowledge is applied
in the nursing care for the patient.
5. The second part of the nursing study takes in the responsibilities
and the activities with which the nursing student will be
concerned in giving complete comprehensive nursing care to the
6. It should emphasis on the individual needs of the patient and how
these are met.
7. Special emphasis should be made on patient learning.
8. If out patient experience and home nursing is included in the
study it helps us in better evaluation of the patients recovery and
his ability to maintain healthy health habits.
9. It should serve as an excellent tool to demonstrate nursing skills,
scientific knowledge, and her sociologic or psychologic insight in
to the problems of the patient.
3min Discuss forms 10.It should encourage the critical evaluation of solutions presented In which
of care studies by others and the student is presented with the whole situation so way we can
and its that she may visualize it completely. present case
presentation Forms and presentation:- WHITE
4 study?
1. Written 2. Verbal/ oral BOARD
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5 8 min 4. Explain Advantages of case study:- What are the
advantages advantages
of case L.C.D.
Advantages of written case study:- of case
study presentation?
1. It provides for individual differences of the student
2. It provides an opportunity for self expression in writing.
3. It provides experience in organizing and writing a paper in
scientific manner.
4. It provides a source of material for future reference.
Advantages of oral case study:-
1. It provides an opportunity for the instructor to direct a
students thinking into new channels and to correct errors of
2. It serves as a basis for better personal understanding and
relationship between the instructor and the student.
3. It is the time saving, does not require lengthy recopying of the
notes in to acceptable forms.
4. It offers an opportunity for public speaking experience.
5. If discussion is invited after presentation the case becomes
cooperative and all benefit from the study. This is a source of
motivation to the student because she shares the benefits of
her study with other students.
6. The student feels thrill of achievement in presenting her study
to others.
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6 4min 5. Identify Limitations of case study:-
limitations Limitations of written case study:-
of case What are the
1. It leaves no opportunity, once the study is completed, to L.C.D.
study limitations
branch out and incorporate new ideas. of case
method. 2. It requires a great deal of time to rewrite in to acceptable form. study?
Limitations of oral case study:-
1. It doesn’t offer an opportunity for writing and other creative
expression, since only notes are used for the presentation.
2. As it generally used it leaves no record which may be kept for
future reference.
3 min 6. Summarize So what all things we have learned today is meaning,
the topic Purposes, principles, forms, advantages and disadvantages of
case study method. And this is the very good method of
learning in clinical / community setting.
1. Loretta E Heidgerken, Teaching and Learning in schools of
Nursing Principles and methods, 3rd edition, Konark 2008, 489-
2. K.P.Neerja, Textbook of Nursing Education, 1st
edition2008,Jaypee, 237
3. B. Sankarnarayan, B. Sindhu,Learning and TeachingNursing,1st
SUBMITTED ON: - 29/08/09



Title of the Course : - M. Sc. Nursing

Unit : - Unit-II Teaching Learning Process
Topic : -Case Study Method
Name of the Student Teacher : - Achla Dagdu Gaikwad
Duration : - 35 Minutes
Date and Time : -29/08/09 at 11.30am
Place : - N.I.N.E.
Students : - First Year M. Sc. Nursing
Method of Teaching : - Lecture Come Discussion
Audio-Visual Aids : - White Board
Power Point Presentation
Previous Background of Trainees : - Students Has Basic knowledge about Education,
Teaching Learning Process


Students will gain in depth knowledge about case study method and will be able to practice it through
out their carrier.

Objectives: -
At the end of classroom teaching cum discussion students will be able to
1. State meaning of case study method.
2. Enumerate purposes of case study method.
3. List down the principles used in case study as a method of teaching.
4. Discuss forms of care studies and its presentation.
5. Explain advantages of case study method.
6. Identify limitations of case study method.
7. Summarize the topic.

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