Design Example V1: End Conditions Wall Part of 4 Storey Building
Design Example V1: End Conditions Wall Part of 4 Storey Building
Design Example V1: End Conditions Wall Part of 4 Storey Building
Wall part of
4 storey
Find the characteristic strength (fk) of masonry made from Group 1 clay brick
masonry units of standard format size (width 102.5mm) with a normalised
compressive strength (fb) of 42,5 N/mm2. The attestation of conformity
(manufacturing control) is Category II and the masonry will be constructed using an
M4 general purpose mortar using Class 2 execution control. Check that the load
capacity of such a wall is sufficient to withstand the loading applied.
Recalculate the above using Group 1 concrete block masonry units with a normalised
compressive strength (fb) of 20 N/mm2. The masonry units are 140mm in thickness.
Ignore the self weight of the wall.
John Roberts