M Blanklessonplantemplate Keys

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Appendix M.

Georgina Perez

Blank Lesson Plan Template

Language Level
Unit Theme and Question
Daily topic:

Novice Mid - Novice High




Day in



Identity: Heroes in our Latin American Culture

What causes ordinary people to be heroes in the eyes of others?
What is a hero? What does a hero do? What is a hero NOT?


What are the communicative

and cultural objectives for the



Which modes of
communication will be

X Interpersonal
X Interpretive
X Presentational

Students can:
Discuss the characteristics and actions of a hero.
Compare & contrast the characteristics of a hero with a nonhero.
Summarize to the class in two minutes the characteristics of a
hero & a non-hero.

If applicable, indicate how
Connections Comparisons

Communities Common
Core will be part of your

Lesson Sequence

Interpersonal Communication (1.1): Engage in conversations, provide and obtain
information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Interpretive Communication (1.2): Understand and interpret written and spoken language
on a variety of topics.
Common Core
Presentational Communication (1.3): Present information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Cultures: Practices & Perspectives (2.1): Use appropriate verbal & non-verbal behavior in
Materials Resources
How many
What will learners do?
What materials will you
minutes will this
materials will you
What does the teacher do?
segment take?
bring in from other sources?

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M.

Blank Lesson Plan Template

The teacher will display a variety of real heroes & cartoon
super hero images that students are familiar with, such as
Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln,
Spider Man, Super Man, Captain America, etc.

Gain Attention / Activate

Prior Knowledge

Provide Input

Elicit Performance / Provide


Students will call out the names of as many heroes they

know. I will have 3 students share which was their
favorite hero & explain the reason(s) in Spanish. The
teacher will provide a sentence frame (Mi heroe favorito
esporque) on how students should start their response
for students who need that extra support.
The teacher will then read and point to the daily lesson
objectives that will be posted in the classroom.
The teacher will show the students slide 2 from the
teacher power point. The teachers recorded voice will
read the two questions off of the power point: What is a
hero? What does a hero do? The teacher will read the
examples (A hero is brave. A hero helps others.) & point
to the matching pictures.
The teacher will have 2-3 student volunteers share with
the whole class two more responses of what is a hero?
What does a hero do? While the teacher writes the student
responses on the white board.
The students will each have a copy of the student
worksheets (What is a hero? What does a hero do?) That
follow the power point teacher presentation.
Students will work in small interactive groups (composed
of 4 students) and exchange ideas and opinions orally and
in writing. In their groups, after discussing their answers
to what is a hero? What does a hero do? Students will
write their responses on their worksheets.
The teacher will have one person in each group share

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Images of the various

heroes from the
teacher power point

Pictures of cartoon
super heroes that will
be glued onto
construction paper.


Teacher power point



Student worksheets
what is a hero? What
does a hero do?

Power point teacher


Appendix M.

Blank Lesson Plan Template

their responses orally with the whole class. The teacher
will write the student responses on the white board.

The rest of the students will then show a thumbs up/down

to the student that is sharing a response to signal
agreement or disagreement.

The teacher will show the students slide 3 from the

teacher power point where it compares and contrasts
heroes with non-heroes. The teacher will read the
questions from the power point teacher presentation what
is a hero? And what is a hero NOT? And read the example
response: A hero perseveres. A hero is NOT lazy. The
teacher will also point to the illustrations on the power
point for each response.

The teacher will have the students see their responses they
created earlier on what is a hero? The teacher will have
three student volunteers share some of their answers from
that list. The teacher will then ask the students that they
must find the opposite words to find the contrast. The
teacher will model: A hero perseveres. A hero is NOT
lazy. A hero is caring. A hero is NOT uncaring. A hero is
strong. A hero is NOT weak.

Provide Input

Elicit Performance / Provide


Students will watch a short you tube video clip on

character traits.

The teacher will pass out a list of character traits in

English and Spanish and review the words.
The students will each have their compare/contrast chart,
their responses from what is a hero? From the earlier
activity, and a list of character traits in Spanish & English.

Students will interpret the video & list of character traits

by discussing, sharing, comparing answers, and
Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013



Teacher power point


You tube video clip on

character traits

Character trait list

chart or worksheet

Character trait list

Appendix M.

Blank Lesson Plan Template

explaining with their group character traits of hero and a
non-hero (What is a hero? What is a hero NOT?).
Students will write their responses on their
compare/contrast chart/worksheet.

As a group, students will create one poster to share out

with the whole class the responses their group came up
with; characteristics of a hero and a non-hero. One
student from each group will share and explain the poster.

Students will be asked to do a quick write on their mom or

dad writing characteristics that describe him/her as a hero
and support it by writing an example of their actions.
Students will also write characteristics that their parents
are NOT.
Students will write a compare & contrast paragraph
describing someone they know well and consider heroic
with a non-heroic figure. Students will provide evidence
of their character traits by giving examples.


Enhance Retention &

Reflection Notes to Self
What worked well? Why?
What didnt work? Why?
What changes would you
make if you taught this
lesson again?

Quick write prompt

What worked well and what didnt work well and why?

What changes do I need to make to make the lesson better?

Where the transitions smooth from one activity to the other?

Do I need to explain or model more/differently so all students easily comprehend the assignment?

Are all students meeting the objectives?

Are students engaged? If not, what can I do to make the lesson more interesting?

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

Appendix M.
Blank Lesson Plan Template
* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

Keys to Planning for Learning, 2013

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