Addition Strategies Parent Handout
Addition Strategies Parent Handout
Addition Strategies Parent Handout
Below are the strategies the students are expected to use with addition of 3-digit numbers in
the Common Core for Mathematics. These strategies are used with and without composing
(regrouping) numbers into different forms of the same value.
Base Ten Place Value Blocks: These are concrete tools that every student has
access to manipulate and model place value groups of hundreds, tens, and ones.
To find the sum of 125 + 137= ? Use 1 hundred 2 tens 5 ones to model the first
Next, check to see if any regroupings (composing) are needed. In this case, only a
regroup of 10 ones for 1 unit of ten is necessary. Then add all the other like terms
together (hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones). It does not
matter the order in which the units are added together, it will still result in the
same sum.
Count the values of the base ten blocks to get the total sum.
100 + 100 + 10+10+10+10+10+10 + 1+1 = 262 ( 200 + 60 + 2 = 262)
Place Value Proof Drawings: This is a strategy requires students to represent the
place value blocks with a quick drawing. The student uses a box to represent 100,
a line to represent 10, and a circle to represent 1. A place value chart is used to
keep the proof drawing organized.
To solve 125+137 = ?, First draw 1 hundred 2 tens 5 ones to model the first
addend and then draw 1 hundred 3 tens 7 ones to model the second addend.
Look to see if any regroupings are needed. In this case, only a regroup of 10 ones
for 1 unit of ten is necessary. So a group of 10 ones are circled and then and
arrow drawn over to tens place value to show the even exchange traded for 1 unit
of ten.
Then add the other like terms together(hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens,
ones and ones). Count the values of the proof drawings to get the total sum.
200 + 60+ 2 = 262
Expanded Method of Addition: For this show all totals strategy requires students
use numbers instead of a drawing to show the addition by breaking apart the
numbers into the values of each digit within the place value system.
To solve 125+ 137=? Decompose the number 125 into its expanded form which is
100+ 20+5. Next decompose the number 137 into its expanded form which is
Next add the like terms together (hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones
and ones) 100+100 = 200; add 20+30 = 50; and add 5+7 =12. The final equation is
one that can be solved using mental math 200+50+12 = 262.
125 = 100 + 20 + 5
+ 137 = 100 + 30 + 7
200 + 50 + 12 = 262
Number Line It is easier to first start adding on the number line with the larger
addend. So for the equation 125+137=?, that would be 137. It does not matter
the order of addends in which we start adding first, it will result in the same sum.
Next draw a horizontal line and put the number 137 at the beginning of it.
Students should know since they will be adding on the number line they will be
moving to the right.
Next, look at the other addend which for this problem is 125 and break it apart
based on place value to add in groups on the number line. The number 125 is
composed of 1 hundred, 2 tens, 5 ones.
On the number line, start at 137 and show a jump forward of 100 then two jumps
forward of 10 and finally five jumps forward of 1. The resulting number stopped
on is 262 which is the sum of 137 + 125.
+ 10
261 262
There are multiple ways to show the mental addition on a number line. For
more information and examples with number lines see link below:
2.NBT.7 Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and
strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship
between addition and subtraction; Relate the strategy to a written method.
Understand that in adding or subtracting three digit numbers, one adds or
subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, and ones and ones; and
sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds.