Chapter 5 Ventilation and Air Conditioning PDF
Chapter 5 Ventilation and Air Conditioning PDF
Chapter 5 Ventilation and Air Conditioning PDF
Engine Room Ventilation.........................................................1
Sizing Considerations ........................................................ 2
Cooling Air................................................................... 2
Combustion Air ............................................................ 2
Ventilation Airflow ........................................................ 3
Calculating Required Ventilation Airflow ...................... 3
Engine Room Enclosure Temperature ........................... 4
Atmospheric Heat Rejection Correction Factor .............. 5
Ventilation Fans................................................................ 7
Fan Types.................................................................... 7
Fan Location ................................................................ 7
Fan Sizing .................................................................... 7
Exhaust Fans................................................................ 7
Two Speed Fan Motors ................................................. 8
Routing Considerations...................................................... 9
General Routing Principles.............................................. 9
Single & Dual Engine Applications..............................10
Multiple Engine Applications......................................14
Special Application Routing .......................................17
Marine Exhaust Ejector Automatic
Ventilation System...................................................24
Additional Considerations .............................................24
Radiator Sizing ........................................................24
Radiator Fan Sizing ..................................................24
This section of the Application and Installation Guide generally describes
Engine Room Ventilation for Cat engines listed on the cover of this section.
Additional engine systems, components and dynamics are addressed in other
sections of this Application and Installation Guide.
Engine-specific information and data is available from a variety of sources.
Refer to the Introduction section of this guide for additional references.
Systems and components described in this guide may not be available or
applicable for every engine.
Sizing Considerations................ 2
Cooling Air
Combustion Air
Ventilation Airflow
Refrigeration Equipment
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Page 1
Sizing Considerations
Cooling Air
A portion of fuel consumed by an
engine is lost to the environment in
the form of heat radiated to the
surrounding air. In addition, heat
from generator inefficiencies and
exhaust piping can easily equal
engine-radiated heat. Any resulting
elevated temperatures in the engine
room may adversely affect
maintenance, personnel, switchgear,
and engine or generator set
Engine room ventilation air (cooling
air) has two basic purposes.
To provide an environment that
permits the machinery and
equipment to function properly
with dependable service life.
To provide an environment in
which personnel can work
comfortably and effectively.
It is important to note that cooling
air is needed for more than just the
engine; the generator intake also
requires cool clean air. The most
effective way to do this is to provide
a ventilation air source low to the
ground at the rear of the package.
The use of insulation on exhaust
pipes, silencers, and jacket water
pipes will reduce the amount of heat
radiated by auxiliary sources.
Radiated heat from the engines
and other machinery in the engine
room is absorbed by engine room
surfaces. Some of the heat is
transferred to atmosphere or, on
marine installations, to the sea
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Combustion Air
Combustion air is discussed in detail
in the Air Intake Systems section
of the Application and Installation
Guide. Some aspects of the intake
air system are discussed in this
guide because they significantly
impact the engine room ventilation
system design.
In many installations, combustion
air is drawn from outside the engine
room via ductwork that is designed
to move a large amount of air with
very little restriction. These
installations have very little impact
on engine room ventilation design.
Other installations, however, require
that combustion air be drawn
directly from the engine room. In
these installations, combustion air
requirements become a significant
ventilation system design parameter.
Approximate consumption of
combustion air for a diesel engine is
0.1 m3 of air/min/brake kW (2.5 ft3
of air/min/bhp) produced. Enginespecific combustion air requirements
can be found using the resources
mentioned in the foreword of this
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Ventilation Airflow
Required ventilation airflow depends
on the desired engine room air
temperature as well as the cooling
air and combustion air requirements
outlined above. While it is
understood that total engine room
ventilation airflow must take all
equipment and machinery into
account, the following sections
provide a means for estimating the
airflow required for the successful
operation of Cat engines and
Calculating Required Ventilation
Engine room ventilation air required
for Cat engines and packages can
be estimated by the following
+ Combustion Air x F
D x CP x T
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+0 x1
1.099 x 0.017 x 11
V = 3206.61 m3/min
+0 x1
0.071 x 0.24 x 20
V = 109970.7 cfm
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Page 5
For generator set installations, the
heat radiated by the generator can
be estimated by the following
HRG (kW) = P x [(1/Eff) 1]
HRG (Btu/min) = P x [(1/Eff) 1] x 56.9
Page 6
A 3512B, 975 ekW standby
generator set has a generator
efficiency of 92%. The generator
radiant heat for this genset can be
calculated as follows.
P = 975 ekW
Efficiency = 92% / 100% = 0.92
HRG = 975 x (0.92 1)
HRG = 84.78 kW
HRG = 975 x (0.92 1) x 56.9
HRG = 4824 Btu/min
Note: This data is available in the
TMI for Cat generators. It is located
in the Performance Data section.
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Ventilation Fans
Except for special applications, natural
draft ventilation is too bulky for
practical consideration. Adequate
quantities of fresh air are best supplied
by powered (fan-assisted) ventilation
Fan Types
The following types of ventilation
fans are typically used.
(squirrel cage blowers)
The selection of fan type is usually
determined by ventilation air volume,
pressure requirements and space
limitations within the engine room.
The fans have various qualities that
make them better suited to certain
Fan Location
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Fan Sizing
Fan sizing involves much more than
just selecting a fan that will deliver
the airflow volume needed to meet
the cooling air and combustion air
requirements. It requires a basic
understanding of fan performance
characteristics and ventilation system
design parameters.
Similar to a centrifugal pump, a fan
operates along a specific fan curve
that relates a fans volume flow rate
(m3/min or cfm) to pressure rise
(mm H2O or in. H2O) at a constant
fan speed. Therefore, fan selection
not only requires that the volume
flow rate be known, but also that
the ventilation distribution system
be known in order to estimate
the system pressure rise. This
information allows the optimum
fan to be selected from a set of
manufacturers fan curves or tables.
Exhaust Fans
Ventilation air exhaust systems
should be designed to maintain a
slight positive or negative pressure
in the engine room, depending on
the specific application.
Positive pressure should normally not
exceed .050 kPa or (0.2 in. H2O). This
positive pressure provides the
following advantages.
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Routing Considerations
General Routing Principles
Correct ventilation air routing is vital
for proper operation of Cat engines
and packaged units. Maintaining
recommended air temperatures in
the engine room is impossible
without proper routing
of the ventilation air. The following
principles should be considered
when designing an engine room
ventilation system.
Fresh air inlets should be located
as far from the sources of heat as
practical and as low as possible.
Ventilation air should be
exhausted from the engine room
at the highest point possible,
preferably directly over the
Ventilation air inlets and outlets
should be positioned to prevent
exhaust air from being drawn into
the ventilation inlets
Ventilation air inlets and outlets
should be positioned to prevent
pockets of stagnant or
recirculating air, especially in the
vicinity of the generator air inlet.
Where possible, individual
exhaust suction points should be
located directly above the primary
heat sources. This will remove
heat before it has a chance to
mix with engine room air and
raise the average temperature. It
must be noted that this practice
will also require that ventilation
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Ventilation Type 1
Figure 1
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Ventilation Type 2
Figure 2
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Ventilation Type 3
Figure 3
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Ventilation Type 4
(Less Effective Design)
If Ventilation Type 1, Type 2
and Type 3 are not feasible, the
following method can be used;
however, it provides the least
efficient ventilation and requires
approximately two and a half times
the airflow of Ventilation Type 1.
Incorrect Airflow
Figure 5 illustrates an incorrect
method to vent engine room heat.
Although the inlet duct has louvers
to direct airflow toward the engine,
rising heat will warm the cool air
before it can reach the engine.
Ventilation Type 4
Figure 4
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Incorrect Airflow
Figure 5
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Correct Airflow
Figure 6
Incorrect Airflow
Figure 7
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Figure 8
Bottom-to-Top Airflow
Figure 9
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Figure 10
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Figure 11
Figure 12
Thermostatically controlled louvers
can be installed to recirculate some
of the radiator exhaust in order to
maintain a warm airflow across
the engine. Refer to Figure 12.
This also maintains a comfortable
working environment for
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Air Curtains
Figure 13
It is important to stretch the air curtain
inlet the full length of generator set.
Special care must be used to ensure
adequate cool airflow at the generator
air intake and at the generator
Air curtains present ducting challenges
when local fan radiators are used.
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Page 19
Power Modules
Power modules generally utilize
radiator cooled diesel generator sets.
The power module enclosures trap the
radiated heat from the engine and
generator, and direct it through the
radiator, decreasing cooling
capabilities 8 to 10C (14 to 18F).
Even with doors open, radiators can
Figure 14
Fuel/Water Separator
Fuel Tank
Vertical Discharge Chute
Figure 15
Page 20
Fuel/Water Separator
Fuel Tank
Partition Wall
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Drop-Over Enclosures
Drop-over enclosures are utilized
for applications requiring some
degree of weather protection or
noise attenuation, when a standard
building is not available for housing.
If the enclosed package is cooled by
an engine-mounted radiator, then the
power module requirements outlined
above apply. If the enclosed package
is cooled by a remote radiator or other
means, then the enclosure must be
provided with a fixed ventilation
Figure 16
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Figure 17
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Figure 18
Marine Through-Hull Opening Design
There must be openings for air to
enter the engine room and openings
for air to leave the engine room.
There should be an inlet for cool air
to enter, and a discharge for hot air
to leave, on each side of the hull. If
it is impractical to have two separate
openings per side, then avoid having
hot discharged air mix with cool air
entering the engine room.
Figure 19
If air is to enter the engine room from
the accommodation spaces, good
design practice will include sound
deadening treatments for the
opening(s) that conduct air from
the accommodation spaces to the
engine room. Heating and/or air
Page 23
conditioning of accommodation
spaces will be made much more
complicated if the engines must
rely on that heated/cooled air for
combustion. Engine room air inlets
through accommodation spaces
simplify the task of ensuring the
engine room inlet air is kept clean
and free from rain or spray.
Air Leaving the Engine Room
The through-hull or through-deck
openings for discharge of heated
ventilation air should be located aft
of and higher than all intake openings
to minimize recirculation.
The ventilation air opening,
discharging heated ventilation air,
should be located aft of, and at a
higher elevation than the intake
air opening in order to minimize
recirculation. Cross- and followingwinds make total elimination of
ventilation air recirculation nearly
Marine Exhaust Ejector Automatic
Ventilation System
A relatively simple system utilizing
an engines exhaust for ventilating
an engine room can be arranged
with most dry exhaust systems.
Ductwork can be installed around
the engine exhaust piping in such a
way that the exhaust flow creates
a vacuum that is utilized to draw the
hot air out of the upper part of the
engine room.
An exhaust ejector system may
draw out a quantity of ventilating air
approximately equal to the flow of
exhaust gas. This method has been
used successfully in marine
applications with small engine
Page 24
Additional Considerations
Radiator Sizing
The frontal area of a radiator core
should be as large as possible to
minimize restriction of airflow. Low
radiator core restriction allows the
use of a larger slower turning fan.
Radiators that are nearly square
can provide the most effective fan
performance. They can be installed
with a minimum of unswept core
area. As a rule, keep core thickness
to a minimum, with a maximum
of 11 fins per 2.54 cm (1.0 in.).
Increasing the number of fins per
cm (in.) does increase the radiator
heat rejection for a given air velocity
through the core, but also increases
the resistance to airflow.
While the most economical initial cost
will be maximum core thickness and
fins per cm (in.), this involves higher
fan horsepower with consequent
operating cost and noise penalties
throughout the life of the installation.
In addition, a radiator with more fins
per cm (in.) is much more susceptible
to plugging from insects and debris.
Radiator Fan Sizing
As a rule, the most desirable fan is
one having the largest diameter and
turning at the lowest speed to deliver
the required airflow. This also results
in lower fan noise and lowest fan
horsepower draw from the engine.
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Figure 20
Louver Operation
Louvers which open from the
discharge pressure of the radiator
fan are discouraged. Rain, ice and
snow can render them inoperative
within a short time and result in
engine overheating and shutdown.
Do not wait to activate the
louvers until the engine warms
up. In an emergency, the engine
will be loaded immediately and
require full airflow. Open the
louvers as soon as the engine
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Figure 21
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Figure 22
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