Su15 Eduf7235lakesyl
Su15 Eduf7235lakesyl
Su15 Eduf7235lakesyl
Robert Lake
Office Location: Room 2126 Education Building
Telephone Number: (912) 478-0355
Fax Number: (912) 478-5382
Office hours by appointment
Multicultural Education - EDUF 7235-CRN-51942-Summer 2015
Course Description
Multicultural Education. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this seminar investigates
underlying theoretical concepts and social assumptions that both inform and impede
efforts in multicultural education. Specifically, this course is designed to examine: 1) the
nature and function of culture; 2) the development of individual and group cultural
identity; 3) definitions and implications of diversity, and 4) the influences of culture on
learning, development, and pedagogy.
Conceptual Framework in a Nutshell
We believe that Reflective Educators for Diverse Learners, as the theme for our
conceptual framework, considers all learners and represents a vision of professional
practice for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty, joining together to
form a community of learners. Therefore, we believe that all educators, at all levels,
must acknowledge the multifaceted nature of their work and engage in an informed
pedagogy that both recognizes and celebrates the diversities of contemporary life.
Reflective Educators for Diverse Learners is the framework that permeates various
orientations to the foundation of education, students reflections upon their educational
experience, observations of teachers in practicum, and the portraiture of schools.
Course Objectives
As a result of completing this course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply principles of the course content to field experience.
2. Examine the nature and function of culture.
3. Explore how history and culture shape world views.
4. Examine the development ones cultural identity and learning styles.
5. Develop and apply strategies for observing, analyzing, and comparing
differences related to family structures, socioeconomic status,
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
below 60 = F
Required Readings
Nieto, S. & Bode, S. (2011).Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural
Education (6th Ed).Boston: Allen & Bacon. THIS MUST BE THE 6TH EDITION.
Minn. Humanities Comm. (1991) Braided Lives: An Anthology of Multicultural American
Writing. Minneapolis. (This book lists for an average of around $5.00 through
online vendors).
Choose one of the following: (or you can suggest a title to me).
Carger, C. (1996). Of borders and dreams: Mexican-American experience of urban education. New
York, NY: Teachers College.
Delpit, L. (1995). Other people's children: Cultural conflict in the classroom. New York, NY: The
New Press.
Igoa, C. (1995). The inner world of the immigrant child. New York, NY.
St. Martins Press.
Kozol, J. (2005) .The shame of the nation: The restoration of apartheid schooling in America.
New York, NY: Random House.
Satloff, R. (2006) Among the righteous: Lost stories from the holocaust's long reach into Arab
lands. New York, NY : Public Affairs Publishers.
Expectations for written work
Demonstrate a thoughtful analysis and presentation of your topic.
Demonstrate thorough research wherever applicable.(e.g. bibliography and citations)
Avoid strings of quoted or paraphrased material. Your paper must be yours, write in first
person. Your paper must include your own ideas and perspectives generated from your
Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
You will not receive credit for written work if any of the following apply:
1. You include quoted material without proper quotation marks or citations.
2. You fail to cite paraphrased material.
3. Your paper is filled with quotes or paraphrasing without your own analysis of the
Academic Integrity Expectations
Students are expected to abide by the GSU Student Conduct Code and Regulations
regarding academic integrity. Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism
will be reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs and appropriate penalties imposed that
could affect course grade. See Student Conduct Code, Section III.
The Eagle Eye and The Student Code present an overview of university policy
regarding academic honesty. Each student should be aware of these guidelines, as every
student is required to adhere to them. The minimum penalty for any breach of these
guidelines will be the assignment of the grade of AF@ for the assignment. Egregious
breeches of academic honesty will result in failure of this course. (Of particular
importance for this course are the guidelines regarding plagiarism.)
Disability Accommodations: If a student has a documented and declared disability,
reasonable accommodations will be provided if requested by the student according to
the recommendations of the GSU Disabled Student Services office
Rubric for Essay Questions and Reflective Journal Entries.
This rubric will be used to grade essay questions and your reflective journal entries.