Notes On Topology: 1 Fundamental Groups 2 Covering Spaces

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Notes on topology

Tianyu Tao
July 7, 2015

1 Fundamental groups
2 Covering spaces
All spaces are assumed to be path-connected and locally path-connected.
pq of a topological space X consists a space X

Definition 2.1 A covering space pX,

X, which is called the covering map, it satisfies the following
and a map p : X
1. p is continuous and surjective (Hatcher uses a slightly different definition,
where surjectivity is not necessary, but I will stick with others);
2. for each x P X, there is a neighbourhood U of x in X such that p1 pU q
each of which is mapped homeomorphically
consists of disjoint open sets in X,
onto U by p. Such a neighborhood U is called elementary neighborhood of x,
and U is said be evenly covered
Some facts:
there is a
1. A covering map is a local homeomorphism, that is for each x P X,
nbhd of x on which p is a homeomorphism. Hence it is an open map.
2. R covers T by pptq pcos t, sin tq.
i , pi q are covering spaces of Xi for i 1, 2, then X
1 X
2 is a covering
3. If pX
space for X1 X2 . So the torus T2 is covered by R T, R R, or itself.
4. The projective space P is covered by S 2 via the natural quotient map which
identifies antipodal points.
5. A path-component A of a locally path-connected and connected subspace
with the restriction of the covering map p on A
A of the covering space X
covers A.


Tianyu Tao

2.1 Lifting properties

The lifting properties are the most important things to start the whole covering
space business
pq cover X with x0 P X,
and x0 pp
1. (path lifting) Let pX,
x0 q, then any path
which starts
f : I X which starts at x0 can be lifted to a path g : I X
at x0 .
with the freedom to
In other words, we can lift a path in X to a path in X
pick the starting point in the fiber of the original starting point under the
This lifted path g is unique by specifying its staring point, because:
pq cover X and Y is a connected space, with f0 , f1 : Y X
2. Let pX,
satisfy pf0 pf1 , then either f0 f1 agrees on all of Y or on H.
pq cover X, and g0 , g1 : I X
be two paths
3. (path homotopy lifting) Let pX,
which satisfy pg0 pg1 in X, then g0 g1 . i.e. lifts of homotopic paths
in X
are homotopic.
by path lifting, we have
pq cover X, then p1 pxq has the same cardinality for each x P X.
4. Let pX,
This number is called the number of sheets of the cover.
We have N, Z, Q, R, C, T right, and
Examples of commutative diagram:


V bW


F pXq

GpY q

F plq

F pY q


Tianyu Tao

x0 q

pX, x0 q

Another lifting


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