Definition and Theorems of Basic Topology

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Denition and Theorems of MATH 645: Topology

Subrata Paul March 28, 2013


Topological Spaces:

A topology on a set X is a collection of subsets of X having the following properties 1. and X are in 2. The union of the elements of any sub-collection of is in 3. The intersection of the elements of any nite subcollection of is in . A set X for which a topology has been specied is called a topological space. We say that a subset U of X is an open set of X if U belongs to the collection . 1.1.1 Basis:

If X is a set, a basis for a topology on X is a collection B of subsets of X (called the basis elements) such that 1. For each x X there is at least one basis elements B containing x 2. If x belongs to the intersection of two basis elements B1 and B2 , then there is a basis element B3 containing x such that x B3 B1 B2 . We dene open set as well as the topology generated by a basis as follows: A subset U of X is said to be open in X if for each x U there is a basis element B B such that x B and B U and the topology generated by B is nothing but the collection of such open sets.


Standard Topology, Lower limit topology and K-topology:

IF B be the collection of all open intervals of the real line (a, b) = {x|a < x < b} , the topology generated by B is called the standard topology on the real line. IF B be the collection of all half open intervals of the real line of the form, [a, b) = {x|a x < b} , where a < b, the topology generated by B is called the lower limit topology on R is denoted by Rl . 1 Let K = { n |n Z+ } and let B be the collection of all open intervals (a, b), along with all sets of the form (a, b) K . The topology generated by B is called the K-topology on R and is denoted by RK . 1.1.3 Subbasis:

A subbasis S for a topology on X is a collection of subsets of X whose union equals X . The topology generated by the subbasis S is dened to be the collection of all unions of nite intersections of elements of S as well as an element of basis is the nite intersection of elements of subbasis. 1.1.4 Lemma: Topology generated by a basis

Let X be a set; let B be a basis for a topology on X . Then equals the collection of all unions of elements of B . 1.1.5 Lemma: Basis for a topology

Let X be a topological space. Suppose C is a collection of open sets of X such that for such open set U on X and each x in U , there is an element C of C such that x C U . Then C is a basis for the topology of X . 1.1.6 Lemma: Fineness in term of basis

Let B and B be basis for the topologies and respectively, on X . Then the following are equivalent: 1. is ner than 2. For each x X and each basis element B B containing x, there is a basis element B B such that x B B .


Lemma:Relation on Rl and RK

The topologies of Rl and RK are strictly ner than the standard topology on R but are not comparable with one another.


Order Topology

Let X be a set with a simple order relation; assume that X has more than one element. Let B be the collection of all sets of the following types: 1. All open intervals (a, b) in X 2. All intervals of the form [a0 , b), where a0 is the smallest element (if any) of X . 3. All intervals of the form (a, b0 ], where b0 is the largest element (if any) of X . The collection B is a basis for a topology on X , which is called the order topology. 1.2.1 Subbasis of order topology:

If X is an ordered set, and a is an element of X , there are four subsets of X that are called the rays determined by a. They are the followings: 1. (a, +) = {x|x > a} 2. (, a) = {x|x < a} 3. [a, +) = {x|x a} 4. (, a] = {x|x a} Sets of rst two rays are called open rays, and sets of the last two types are called closed rays. The open rays are indeed open sets in the order topology. The open rays form order subbasis of the order topology on X . Because of open rays are open in the order topology, the topology they generate is contained in the order topology. On the other hand, every basis element of the order topology equals to a nite intersection of open rays; the interval (a, b) equals the intersection of (, b) and (a, ), while [a0 , b) and (a, b0 ], if they exist, are themselves open rays. Hence the topology generated by the open rays contains the order topology. Therefore the open sets form a subbasis of the order topology.


Product Topology:

Let X and Y be topological spaces. The product topology on X Y is the topology having as basis the collection B of all sets of the form U V , where U is an open subset of X and V is an open subset of Y . 1.3.1 Theorem:Basis of product topology

If B is a basis for the topology of X and C is a basis for the topology of Y , then the collection, D = {B C |B B is a basis for the topology of X Y 1.3.2 Projection and C C}

Let 1 : X Y X be dened by the equation 1 (x, y ) = x let 2 : X Y y be dened by the equation 2 (x, y ) = y The maps 1 and 2 are called the projections of X Y onto its rst and second factors, respectively. 1.3.3 Theorem: Subbasis of product topology

The collection
1 S = {1 (U )|U

open in

1 X } {2 (V )|V

open in


is a subbasis for the product topology on X Y


Subspace Topology

Let X be a topological space with topology . If Y is a subset of X , the collection Y = {Y U |U } is a topology on Y , called the subspace topology. With this topology, Y is called a subspace of X ; its open sets consist of all intersections of open sets of X with Y .


Lemma: Basis of subspace topology

If B is a basis for the topology of X then the collection BY = {B Y |B B} is a basis for the subspace topology on Y . 1.4.2 Lemma: Open set in subspace

Let Y be a subspace of X . If U is open in Y and Y is open in X , then U is open in X . 1.4.3 Theorem: Product of Subspace topology

If A is a subspace of X and B is a subspace of Y , then the product topology on A B is the same as the topology A B inherits as subspace of X Y 1.4.4 Convex

Given an ordered set X , let us say that a subset Y of X is convex in X if for each pair of points a < b of Y , the entire interval (a, b) of points of X lies in Y . 1.4.5 Theorem: Order topology and inherited topology

Let X be an ordered set in the order topology; let Y be a subset of X that is convex in X . Then the order topology on Y is the same as the topology Y inherits as a subspace on X


Close Sets and Limit Points

A subset A of a topological space X is said to be closed if the set X A is open. 1.5.1 Theorem: Close set in subspace

Let Y be a subspace of X . Then a set A is closed in Y if and only if it equals the intersection of a closed set of X with Y . 1.5.2 Theorem: Close set in superspace

Let Y be a subspace of X . If A is closed in Y and Y is closed in X , then A is closed in X .


Interior and Closure

Given a subset A of a topological space X , the interior of A is dened as the union of all open sets contained in A, and the closure of A is dened as the intersection of all closed sets containing A. Fact: If A is open, A = Int A; while if A is closed, A = A 1.5.4 Theorem: Closure in subspace

Let Y be a subspace of X ; let A be a subset of Y ; let A denote the closure of A in X . Then the closure of A in Y equals A Y . 1.5.5 Theorem: Closure in terms of Basis

Let A be a subset of the topological space X . (a) Then x A if and only if every open set U containing x intersects A. (a) Supposing the topology of X is given by a basis, then x A if and only if every basis element B containing x intersects A. 1.5.6 Limit Point

If A is a subset of the topological space X and if x is a point of X , we say that x is a limit point of A if every neighborhood of x intersects A in some point other than x itself. 1.5.7 Limit Point and Closure

Let A be a subset of the topological space X ; let A be the set of all limit points of A. Then A=AA A subset of a topological space is closed if and only if it contains all its limit points. 1.5.8 Hausdor Space

A topological space X is called a Hausdor space if for each pair x1 , x2 of distinct points of X , there exist neighborhoods U1 , and U2 of x1 and x2 , respectively, that are disjoint. 1.5.9 Theorem: Finite point set

Every nite point set in a Hausdor space X is closed.


T1 axiom

Finite point sets are closed. 1.5.11 Theorem:

LetX be a space satisfying the T1 axiom; let A be a subset of X . Then the point x is a limit point of A if and only if every neighborhood of x contains innitely many points. 1.5.12 Theorem: Sequence in Hausdor

If X is a Hausdor space, then a sequence of points of X converges to at most one point of X . Remark If the sequence xn of points of the Hausdor space X converges to the point x of X , we write xn x, and we say that x is the limit of the sequence xn . 1.5.13 Characterization of Hausdor

1. Every simply ordered set is a Hausdor space in the order topology. 2. The product of two Hausdor spaces is a Hausdor space. 3. A subspace of a Hausdor space is a Hausdor space.



Let X and Y be topological spaces. A function f : X Y is said to be continuous if for each open subset V of Y , the set f 1 (V ) is an open subset of X . Where f 1 (V ) = {x X |f (x) V } If the topology of the range space is given by a basis or subbasis then to prove continuity of f it suces to show that the inverse image of every basis or subbasis element is open. 1.6.1 Continuity Theorem

Let X and Y be topological spaces; let f : X Y . Then the following are equivalent: 1. f is continuous. 2. For every subset A of X , one has f (A) f (A). 3. For every closed set B of Y , the set f 1 (B ) is closed in X . 4. For each x X and each neighborhood V of f (x), there is a neighborhood U of x such that f (U ) V If the condition in (4) holds for the point x of X , we say that f is continuous at the point x. 7



Let X and Y be topological spaces; let f : X Y be a bijection. If both the function f and the inverse function f 1 : Y X are continuous, then f is called a homeomorphism. Another way to dene homeomorphism is to say that it is a bijective correspondence f : X Y such that f (U ) is open if and only if U is open. 1.6.3 Topological Imbedding

Suppose that f : X Y is an injective continuous map, where X and Y are topological spaces. Let Z be the image set f (X ), considered as a subspace of Y ; then the function f : X Z obtained by restricting the range of f is bijective. If f happens to be a homeomorphism of X with Z , we say that the map f : X Y is a topological imbedding of X in Y . 1.6.4 1.6.5 Constructing Continuous Functions Rules for constructing continuous functions

Let X ,Y , and Z be topological spaces (a) (Constant Function) If f : X Y maps all of X into the single point y0 of Y , then f is continuous. (b) (Inclusion) If A is a subspace of X , the inclusion function j : A X is continuous. (c) (Composites) If f : X Y and g : Y Z are continuous, then the map g f : X Z is continuous. (d) Restricting the domain If f : X Y is continuous, and if A is a subspace of X , then the restricted function f |A : A Y is continuous. (e) Restricting or Expanding the Range Let f : X Y be continuous. If Z is a subspace of Y containing the image set f (X ), then the function g : X Z obtaining by restricting the range of f is continuous. If Z is a space having Y as a subspace, then the function h : x Z obtained by expanding the range of f is continuous. (f) (Local formulation of continuity) The map f : X Y is continuous if X can be written as the union of open sets U such that f |U is continuous for each 1.6.6 Pasting Lemma

Let X = A B , where A and B are closed in X . Let f : A Y and g : B Y be continuous. If f (x) = g (x) for every x A B , then f 8

and g combine to give a continuous function h : X Y , dened by setting h(x) = f (x) if x A, and h(x) = g (x) if x B 1.6.7 Maps into products

Let f : A X Y be given by the equation f (a) = (f1 (a), f2 (a). Then f is continuous if and only if the functions f1 : A X and f2 : A Y

are continuous. The maps f1 and f2 are called the coordinate functions of f.


The Product Topology

If we take basis of the Cartesian products X1 X2 X3 . . . Xn or X1 X2 X3 . . . . . . in two ways. Topology on the product space which take as basis the sets of the form U1 Un or U1 U2 . . . . . . , where Ui is an open set in Xi for each i is termed as box topology. Another way is to take as subbasis all sets of the form 1 (Ui ), where i is any index and Ui is open in Xi . 1.7.1 Notation of J-tuple

Let J be an index set. Given a set X , we dene a J tuple of elements of X to be a function x : J X . If is an element of J , we often denote the value of x at by x rather than x(); we call it the th coordinate of x. And x is often denoted by the function x itself by the symbol (x )J . The set of all J -tuples of elements of X by X J 1.7.2 Cartesian Product

Let {A } J bw an indexed family of sets; let X = [ J ]A . The cartesian product of the indexed family, denoted by A ,

is dened to be the set of all J -tuples (x ) J of elements of X such that x A for each J . That is, it is the set of all functions x : J J A such that x() A for each J 9


Box Topology

Let {X }J be an indexed family of topological spaces. Let us take as a basis for a topology on the product space X

the collection of all sets of the form U


where U is open in X , for each J . The topology generated by this basis is called the box topology. Note that intersection of two basis elements is another basis elements as (

U ) (

V ) =

(U V )


Product Topology

Let S denote the collection

1 (U ) open in Xb eta}, S = {

and let denote the union of these collection S= S .

The topology generated by the subbasis S is called the product topology. In this topology J X is called the product space. 1.7.5 Theorem: Comparison of the box and product topologies

The box topology on X has as basis all sets of the form U , where U is open in X for each . The product topology on X has as basis all sets of the form U , where U is open in X for each and U equals X except for nitely many values of . Facts 1. For nite products
n =1 X

the two topologies are precisely the same.

2. The box topology is in general ner than the product topology.



Theorem: In terms of basis elements of the components:

Suppose the topology on each space X is given by a basis B . The collection of all sets of the form B ,

where B B for each , will serve as a basis for the box topology on on J X . The collection of all sets of the same form, where B B for nitely many indices and B = X for all the remaining indices, will serve as a basis for the product topology J X 1.7.7 Theorem: Relation with subspace topology

Let A be a subspace of X , for each J . Then A is a subspace of X if both products are given in box topology, or if both products are given the product topology. 1.7.8 Hausdor X is a Hausdor space in

If each space X is a Hausdor space, then both the box and product topologies. 1.7.9 Closure Property

Let {X } be an indexed family of spaces; let A X for each . If is given either the product or the box topology, the A = 1.7.10 A

Continuous Function on product space


Let f : A

X be given by the equation f (a) = (f (a)) J

where f : A X for each . Let X have the product topology. Then the function f is continuous if and only if each function f is continuous.


Metric Topology

If d is a metric on the set X , then the collection of all -ball dened by Bd (x, y ) = {y |d(x, y ) < } for x X and > 0 is a basis for the topology on X called the metric topology induced by d.



Open set

A set U is open in the metric topology induced by d if and only if for each y U there is a > 0 such that Bd (y, ) U . Remark The topology induced by the standard metric on R dened as, d(x, y ) = |x y |, is same as the order topology in R 1.8.2 Metrizable

If X is a topological space, X is said to be metrizable if there exists a metric d on the set X that induces the topology of X . A metric d that is metrizable space X together with a metric d that gives the topology of X . Metrizability depends only on the topology of the space in question. 1.8.3 Boundedness and Diameter

Let X be a metric space with metric d. A subset A of X is said to be bounded if there is some number M such that d(a1 , a2 ) < M for every pair a1 , a2 of points of A. If A is bounded and nonempty, the diameter of A is dened to be the number diam A = sup{d(a1 , a2 )|a1 , a2 A} 1.8.4 Theorem: Standard bounded metric

Let X be a metric space with metric d. Dene d : X X R by the equation d(x, y ) = min{d(x, y ), 1}. Then d is a metric that induces same topology as d. The metric d is called the standard bounded metric corresponding to d. 1.8.5 Some familiar spaces

Given x = (x1 , . . . . . . , xn ) in Rn , we dene the norm of x by the equation

2 2 1/2 ||x|| = (x2 1 + x2 + . . . + xn )

and we dene the euclidean metric d on Rn by the equation d(x, y ) = ||x y || = [(x1 y1 )2 + . . . + (xn yn )2 ]1/2 . We dene the square metric by the equation (x, y ) = max{|x1 y1 |, . . . . . . , |xn yn |}



Lemma: Fineness

Let d and d be two metrics on the set X ; let and be the topologies they induce, respectively. Then is ner then if and only if for each x in X and each > 0, there exists a > 0 such that Bd (x, ) Bd (x, ) 1.8.7 Theorem: Comparison of d and

The topologies on Rn induced by the euclidean metric d and the square metric rho are the same as the product topology on Rn . 1.8.8 Uniform Metric

Given an index set J , and given points x = (x )J of RJ , let us dene a metric on RJ by the equation (x, y ) = sup{d(x , y )| J } where d is the standard bounded metric on R. It is easy to check that is indeed a metric; it is called the uniform metric on RJ , and the topology it induces is called the uniform topology. 1.8.9 Relation between uniform, box and product topology

The uniform topology on RJ is ner than the product topology and coarser than the box topology; these three topologies are all dierent if J is innite.


Connectedness and Compactness

Connected Space

Let X be a topological space. A separation of X is a pair U , V of disjoint nonempty open subsets of X whose union is X .


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