How inconsiderate, I thoughtand its not just the fireworks. I was also upset that my neighbors used chemicals on
their vegetable patch, which is only a few yards from my own
garden, and which is separated from my yard only by a sixinch-high decorative fence.
Then it struck me: They had sprinkled their garden with
some sort of white powder the same weekend Lucy got sick.
When the fireworks stopped, I went next door to find out what
the powder was.
Sevin Dust, they told me. Perfectly safe, they assured.
I looked up Sevin online and discovered the active ingredient was carbaryl. The symptoms of carbaryl poisoning
include excessive salivation, vomiting and muscle weakness.
Allethrin, a common ingredient in home mosquito products (coils, mats, oils and sprays)
and other bug sprays, has been linked to liver
problems in dogs, according to a 1989 study by
the World Health Organization.
The 1989 edition W.C. Campbell Toxicology textbook reports that chronic exposure to abamectin,
an insecticide often used by homeowners on fire
ants can affect the nervous system of dogs and
cause symptoms such as pupil dilation, lethargy,
and tremors.
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