Tech Note: 3 " 12.95 LB/FT L-80 Series 500 Type 533 Make-and-Break at High Torque
Tech Note: 3 " 12.95 LB/FT L-80 Series 500 Type 533 Make-and-Break at High Torque
Tech Note: 3 " 12.95 LB/FT L-80 Series 500 Type 533 Make-and-Break at High Torque
Hydril Company
P. O. Box 60458
Houston, Texas 77205-0458
(281) 449-2000
To evaluate the Series 500 Type 533 connection for use in drilling followed by production service, Hydril and a
major operator jointly conducted make-and-break tests at an independent test facility in 2002. Two samples of
3" 12.95 lb/ft L-80 Type 533 were manufactured to thread and seal tolerance extremes and subjected to ten
make-and-break assemblies using API Modified thread compound, with torques at 100%, 120%, 150% and
200% of the specified minimum make-up torque.
The gap at the external shoulder on Sample 1 was measured after each make-up and varied from .059" at initial
make-up to .038" at the 11th make-up. Make-ups 3, 4 and 5 were at 120% of the specified minimum; make-ups
6, 7 and 8 at 150%; make-ups 9 and 10 at 200%. Break-out ratios averaged 95% of the make-up torque.
Thread compound was applied to Sample 1 after each break-out and cleaning. Minor scratches were apparent
after break-outs 6 through 10. Scratches were repaired and molybdenum disulfide was applied prior to makeups 7 through 11. Sample 1 successfully completed ten make-and-breaks without galling or significant
The gap at the external shoulder on Sample 2 was measured after each make-up and varied from .076" at initial
make-up to .035" at the 11th make-up. Make-ups 3, 4 and 5 were at 120% of the specified minimum; make-ups
6, 7 and 8 at 150%; make-ups 9 and 10 at 200%. Break-out ratios averaged 101% of the make-up torque.
Thread compound was applied to Sample 2 after each break-out and cleaning. Molybdenum disulfide spray
was not used on Sample 2. Sample 2 successfully completed ten make-and-breaks without galling or other
The graph below shows the shoulder gap (zero gap is indicative of a worn out connection) as a function of
make-up torque and number of make-ups. Both samples successfully completed the make-and-break
assembly tests at high torque. The Type 533 connection demonstrated that it could be made-up and broken
out multiple times at high torque without causing excessive wear or yielding in the connection. Cleaning the
connection and re-applying fresh thread compound can extend the life of the connection.
120% of minimum MU
200% of minimum MU
150% of minimum MU
Sample 1
Number of Make-ups
Sample 2