Guidelines On Optical Fibre Laying On ROW

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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Parivahan Bhavan, ee 1, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001 No. NH-12037/24/2012/SARDP-NE Dated: 29" June, 2012 To, The Secretary, Department of Telecommunication, Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi -01 Sub: Laying of Optical fibre cables in National Highway land for establishing telecom infrastructure by private licensees in North Eastern States. Please refer to Ministry's circular No, RW/NH-33044/17/2000-S&R_ dated 29.9.2000. RWINH-33044/27/2005-S&R® dated 21.3.2006 and RW/NH-33044/27/2005-S@R® dated 21.9.2010 wherein use of land of land for laying utilities including OFC cable and levying of appropriate fees were stipulated. In the said circular dated 29.9.2000 the user agency is required to take permission of highway authority for laying OFC cable along National Highways within Right of Way. 2, You are, therefore requested to ensure the stipulations of aforesaid Ministry's ciecular for ‘smooth implementation of your programme. (V.S. Meena) Assistant Executive Engineer For Director General (Road Development)& Special Secretary Enclosure: As above. Copy to 1. The Chief Secretaries of North Eastem States. 2.The Principal Secretaries/Secretaries, Public Works Department dealing with National Highways, other Centrally Sponsored Schemes and States Schemes for North Eastem Region 3. The Engineers-in-Chef and Chief Engineers of Public Works Departments of North Last States Scaling with National Highways, other Centrally Sponsored Schemes and State Schemes. 4. The Chairman, National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), G-S&6, Sector-10. Dwarka, New Delhi- 110075. 5, Director General (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhwan, Ring Road, New Delhi-110010, eee GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS Parivahan Bhavan, 2, Sansad Mare New Delhi-110001 No. RW/NH-33044/27/2005-S&R(R) Dated: 21st September, 2010 10. 1. The Chief Secretaries/Administrater of ali State Governments/U.Ts. The Principal Secretaries /Secretaries of all States/U.¥s. Public Works Department dealing with Nationat Highways, other Centrally Sponsored Schemes and State Schemes, 3. The Engingers-in.Chief and Chief Engineers of Public Works Departments of States/U.Ts dealing with National Highways, other Centrally Sponsored Schemes and State Schemes. 4, The Chairman, National Highways Authority of india (NHAI), 6-585, Sector-10, Owarka, New Delhi-110 075. 5. Director General (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, New Delt 110 010. 5 including levying of appropriate fees Subject: Use of NH Land for laying of Ut Sir, As per the present policy of the Ministry, Public utilities are permitted to be laid along National Highway on the extreme edge of the Right of Way and across the National Highway subject to certain technical requirements being fulfilled and a license deed being signed by the iicensee. These utilities were permitted without levying any faes, More recently a provision ‘was made in the policy for securing a performance guarantee @ € 50 per meter from the Ticensees for satisfactorily laying of OFC cables. The copies of the existing guidelines on the subject are enclosed at Annexure |to this circular 2. Over the years, the economic environment has changed. Now, as a rule the services are provided by charging the user no matter whether the service provider is a public or private sector entity, Besides, the massive highway development programme undertaken by the Government, casts upon it the responsibility to acquire additional right of way at huge cost to accommodate the highway and other facilities to meet the operational and safety requirements of the highways. Under these circumstances, it has not been foun: to _permit_any entity the free use_of NH right of way for laving utilities, which are almost invariably operated on commercial basis. Accordingly, it has been decided to levy fee on the ities seeking permission for use of National Highway Right of Way (ROW). 2. _After careful consideration, it has bsen decided to charge 10% of the prevailing market value of the area of land required for laying the utifities as one time license fee charged al Time of grant of license and a Surcharge of 15% levied every subsequent 3 years. The license hall be granted for a period of 25 years, Area of land required for various utilities shall be Talculated as per existing guidelines or as per requirement. The grant of license shall be — subject to the requirement of the licensed land by the Government for the purpose of {-vclonment of National Highway, In case such a requirement arises any time during the license period, the Government will revake the license without in any manner being liable for Gisruption of services. If additional land! acquisition is feasibie and not prohibitively costly, the ilies can be permitted to be shifted by the licensee at his own cost, in the additional land so acquired, 3 Lhe provisions of para 3 shall apply uniformly to all entities, aublic as well as private. In exceptionl creumatances, such of utter TeqUITED by GEIGHCE and secant estabior nen, Charitable trusts, State run haspitais, ete, the fees can be waived with the specific approval of the Ministry © apritt-tee shall apply prospectively to the existing licensees as well, who will be required 0 deposit the fees and sign the license deed within 6 montis of the date of this circular & The license shall be subject to the fulfillment of the following other conditions [1] _Nolicensee shalt claim exclusive right on the sight of way and any subsequent user will Be permitted to use the right of way, either above or Below, or by the side of the utilities wid By the first user, subject to technical requirements being fulfilled. Whether the technical fequirements are fulfilled or not, shall be decided by Highway Administration/ Government in heir sole discretion. In case of any disruption/damage caused to any existing user by the Subsequent_user, the “Goverment would not be accountable or lable in any tonnes ‘whatsoever (ii) No use of NH ROW will be permitted for any purpose other than that specified in the teense deed eg Tor Revertisemem towers, Statues, Stuctures, etc. {il)_— “Highway Administration” notified under Section 3{1) of the National Highways (Land & Traffic) Act, 2002 would be the authorized! person to levy and charges fees from the licensee ahd granting permission for carrying out any of the activities a5 mentioned in Section 38|1) of the said Act. Market value of the land referred to Para 3 shall be rate notified by the Government every year as an average rate, applicable for granting utilities during the year. The rate applicable for 2010-11 shail be 2 250 per sam for rurat areas, 500 per sqm for Municipal arees and £ 1000 per sqm for cities having population more than 10 lakhs as per 2001 census. In metropolitan cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and large ties such as Bangalore, Hyderabad, Thiruvamanthapuram anc Pune (and others which may be se declared by the Government}, the rate will be % 2,000 per sqm. No licensee shall have the ‘ight {0 question whether the above mentioned average rates correctly reflect the market rate in any particular area iv) Three copies of 'as laid drawings” of utilities (hard and soft copies) shall be submitted to highway authorities for verification and record with in 2 month of completion of works (a) Other conditions as iaid down in existing guidelines/Ciccuiars shall be followed by the ficensees, -t— wi) inelings shall be underground at approved depth, Any structure above Bround shall be aesthetically provided for/ landscaped with required safety measures as 9 sted by the Highway Administration, (wil "The Licensee shall have to provide the safety measures like barricading danger lighting and other necessary caution boards while executing the work (ill) "Grant of license is subject to the licensee Satisfying (2) minimum disruption of traffic and (b) no damage to the highways, ceaaation. The Highway Administration Rules 2004 wil be modified accordingly. This sigular will come into effect from the date of natication of the modified Highway ‘Administration Rules Encl: As above Yours faithfully, (Stnil Kumar) Superintending Engineer SR&T (Roads) For Director General (Road Development) & $5 1. Alitthe Technical officers in the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways 2. All ROS and FLOs The Secretary General, indian Roads Congress The Director, NITHE Technical Circular File of S&R Section & NIC - for office intranet ANNE YORE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 'Y OF SHIPPING, ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS (Deptt oF Road Transpor & Highways) Transport Bhavan No.1. Parliament Street New Deihi- +40 007, R(R ) Dated the 27" March, 2008 No RWIMH-33044/27/20¢ To 1 The Secretaries of States / Uni (dealing with National Highways) 2 All Chief Engineers of States / Union Territories (dealing with Nationat Highways) 3 The Chairman, National Highway Authort Dwarka, New Delhi ~ 710 078 4 The Director General (Border Roads). Seema Naraina, New Delhi — 110 070 on Teritories, Public Works Departmen ly of India, G-586, Sector-10. Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road Subject: Laying of Optical Fibre Cables on NH tand — Amount of bank guarantee ~ Revision thereof. Sir, 3 Baia! modification of Ministry Circular No. RWINH-3 Gated 28.08.2000. forwarding (model guideline for streamniining the provision of Right of Way to telecom nasatisfactory compaetion / restoration and damages caused to other underground Geiallations / tilly services and interference, interruption . disoston oF failure changes nere0! te any services to be reviewed every 5 years, iis states tran the saic Spr"Ges Nave been reviewed and now revised from Re 25” per mate meier to Rs 50/- per route meter with immediate effect ioenselt, hetetore, requested to ensure thal te bank guarantee # fumished bythe htoensee on the basis of the revised rate. 3. This #ssues with the aaproval of Secretary (RT-8H) Yours faithfully (Digvijay Mish; Executive Engineer (SBR: For Director General (2) Lees No, RWENH-33044:1 2000-58 R Dated. the 2h Seprevnber, 2000 5 of all Sites T'Ts. PAED (dealing sith Satan tor General Borssr Roads. Clesnmman Notaul Secretaries, PWD of all SatesUTs: Chief En Highways and other Cenally Sponsired Schemest. Di Highways Authority of tadia oving of Chie! Fibre Cabs Nevonal Mighiay fou fr ess shing else by pro This Ministry in circular No, RW/NH-12037/826 8 - KNT dated 17.08.1999 issued wuidelines existing private telecom lteensees to lay optical fibre cables “or celular mabile’bacie telephone servic the DOT As regards future licensees if was indicated thereisy that separate guidelines would feller au The model guidelines including the egreemiert format having eperational details that may: he unifornsly porsued ranting right-of-way permissions to licensed telecom operators and registered infrestrocture prawitiets "orig telecom cables duets on NH land have since been Analised ar enclosed at Anneaure-d. These guidelines ave send dated 17.08.1999, 1m supersession of the circul 2 The guidelines provides for the facility of right of way to he extended for Javing undergrmune txcra ailes, 19 all hvonsves tirrespective of existing or future) ard rewistreredicensed in re providers, sith ‘scriination and without payment of any cnmpensitors charges levy leave rental Feo tice havin subject 10 the condition that this right uf Way facility shall be available to the cir hcense agreeates may, howevsi, be levied amtome by aed compact Restoration el exert of provisions comsined in i licensees to sure proper restora of the diy portions of tie ueuehes sof Departinent of TelccomiRegistered sion The tight of way permission shall be rence uf Regional Otticer of the Ministry nission in respect of the NII routes held 3 The guneline make it clear that any authomized. licen Infescucture Provider is eligible o seclvavail right of way taclity’perm ganted by the State Chief Engineer (National Highways) with the eoncu of Surface Transport in respect of the Nfis held by the State PWD. The pe by the NILAL and BRDB shall be granted by the designated officers vf NHAL and BRDB respectively However, fafioceabitiy of the permission so granted shall be sestrictel w the extent of provisions'seope of sevice cont Sefined in th licenes agreement of that licensee & fur the purpose fur which it 1s granted (part | of yuidelinesy The cable shall ordinarily be laid at the edge of the Right of Way or st a minimum distanee of 1m ftom the eens line 6f the of the neacest carriageway where the road land is Wider. In vase of resuisted width of ROW. which mney be adequate only to accommodate the carriageways, central verge, shoulders, slopes uf embankn the {abies shal be lad beyond tbe te line of the eabankanemts and clear ofthe dain. in eases where no land stip van Pr conveniently earmarked for laying of eables, the permission may be ielused The restoration charges are to be ome by the biensee (para 4 af guidelines), As far as possible cuttmg of the road fdr ceossing is w be avoided and itsicad ms done by drilling 4 hole beneath the pavement i the road needs to bu cut, necessary restoration cock ‘ul be deposited with the designated representative of the owe ant the sane credited to the Central Govt. head of sscount “Major dead 1054 - Reads and Bridges - Other Reveipls’. I: vase any Jamage is caused to the toad paeoitt the samie shall be restored to the original condition at the livesees cust (Clause HT of areementy. The See PRDENHATBRDD way examine the option of laying ductsieurlits ang the alignment of all NHs being juttuceupgraded by thein to enable Future comuerciab exploitation of this facity para 8 of & agreemeat shal be signed by the State Chief EngineeisNHAVBRDB oc his designsiod representatives u tic wane. For zny relaxation on the provisions ofthe yuidelines andor usicement, prior appeal fom the Minisry shall be obtain 4 Before recommending for such permission, the Stute PDs are required te keep it view the fequiremeat ot 46 tuning of tke NHs especially in case of NHs proposed tw be Bast-West corridors ard Golden quadrilateral finking Dethi-Calcutia-Mumt 5 Zhe Divisionalixceutive Engincer (oF equivatent) of the Highway Authority will keep 2 register of (acer! el right uf way permissions to the licensees who have been permiiied access to the Nationa! Highway under Is sesidiction sn the format enclosed (Annesure-Hf) with this ciccular A copy of the record shout he sent to the Gicie Office as weil as t the Regional Officer of the Ministry. The revord showid be periodically checked! by inspecting officials, ved 291h Sept, 2000) (Enclosure to Ministy’s Circular No, BI NHL33044- 171-2000 §, Annexure] MODEL GUIDELINES FOR STREAMLINING THE PROVISION OF RIGHT OF WaY TO TELECOM SERVICE LICENSEES/INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDERS ‘cation infiastructure with adequate lion Technology Goverument has realized the need fur creating a robust telecosnit bandwidth at affordable rates in order to promote develupment and profiferation of Inforeaa Erecuronie Governance, E-Commerce, convergence of liformiation, Comatutcation and Entertaiment sectors eeene {0 improve the state of economy, enhance the quality of lie of the citizens aitd to ensure development of usben and rural areas with equity throughout the country Keeping the ubove objectives in view. the Group of Telecom and Information Technology Convergence Gow of Indi has revonineaded she following broad! guidelines under which Right of Way perassions moy be Brand to licensed telecom operators and registered infrastructure providers for laying telecom ceblestduets uader along, across, n oF upon a property vested in or under the control vr management of 8 Loci, authority oF of Public authority. public corporation, autonomous boy, State Govt or Cenual Govt in of their Hiecnee any over person includ their respective iikensed service area ducing the cuvtency © Seek asl ight oF Woy Rewistered inastacics Piwente oy Dept of Teh Sh Any suid icensee ty staple ot nai 8 hgensee a+ secmity agers pep a! anes & ere, ‘latter serena sacra Sorta tthe reepecte Sire Cee Rah at 5 sel! Nod! ove cerca of ape comes However, coe ef SH Wd. Seems nelle lens! Weare af INIT ey en Stic fr Iayg af eats Ad rls SM routes aueuta ny cbs Site PID, et once ores eres 3° 30 nd pe gl faiow wr eoredint the sctais sharon ecioat of the SH ros Mohd 'e SHAT aa BRIM aoe oe eet oF SAL tad BRD vy eek 1 The Feght al Yas potas say Ae gaan Wica 16 4 bee Fqriens ROM gpnanise at eo sefatinil datas The “ sean he en af Hal tel Fogorouddac s+ alegre a bagheapeand say vals he a owsoe hats Me sim evo com a ted ee ee eae eivis wah ev canner save iweibe nesta oe earaeis ir sine of Gre Grn hy he Fe pumas da bea een Ps ey Hage oa en Catal Sta ends s avertes 95 consider gene doce te wanes of ads Bae Inve selene cae fo " june sno costs st ensure ary at set troenl natal ons stings 04s ad shal he eles rpms AGREEMENT REGARDING RIGH UF ay, FOR LAYING TELECOM CABLES DUCTS, venient te is Telewom Cubles duets um eee kan ot lad Thos Agrewment made this day wt setts ot 7 eu between iettog ws bts envouta leu Giereimaater ster te as Queues wlich expressuoit shall gikess excluded Li wt sepia ta the cuttesb, ilu bis sinetsauns pany registered under the sis) op the one past atid ADs. abo Corepanice Avi, 1930, und having uy Kevisiered Oflice an Uesassey obich sspression shuld unless excluded by ur repegint tiie eantent include his sux cessor sliciantrae thereinatter sulle the fxs eer thy sexsi Whsrets the Quaer ss responsibfe, interata, for des elupinent ang tninteauuee ot roads Whereas the Ligenoce prupenss tor jay Telecian cables cis « Peles cables ducts trate i Whaisos dhe Licensee has applied to the Onis tor pesitissicts te te Dr tea eotte upte = aid Heer ki to kin eT ross route upto, Noe whereas the Usner has agreed 6 ysl sich pertmssiett ott the ters and vunuitions hereinatter wiles Lertennedl and on the feenicnl witnsseth ths! 14 considerstioa of the vontativns he Now this wg owed, the Ouaer berets grants to he Licensee petiuission to ls Fest oF the Ligenser i Be observed and p. “sean Cables ducts par the approved drawing atta hereto subiet to the flowing vondtians, namely he cable stat di ib ts edge of We Keghtwt Way ot ats pte dane of TS at as he wea he ME he ncaa catagessy Whats th food had wid fies co ectenteg oa be aloguts uy He scoombeaate the earoue sige, shusllets saps of 6 las Beye the tos fine ofthe etnbakascas ad lt ofthe dain tn vases wlae ts fad soe ana eee saat it eyang ot cles, epoca hay tony 151 Ths tp af the emi pine erage able all yo leat 124s Behe the ute U he rude te emg atleast OS im below ha aussie (25 Ae Locenie shall turd sang gl Sh Enea a tu Fea props alg at vost a sat ts ad othe aus coun ay 9s beds tg guns es og dsbus hane sath pte de NSTI esa lao Sue an lun the ee o he ugh ae Um teem ata mh Bank bans for an spunea cael ye 2S (apse bosy ve eal pot rk res hs Us ko pct ut wi eal (etendible retinue Ul sassy eugene acrae Nee Le caatng aban: gud Wi esate woh Yr Liang the tava shuts oy Boos ae eat proce ie of ening last 0 ih day Ite ele ut de ght ct may M28 1 hable Gti reviewed avery $ gents Mu fupinc alle payshe bye Sener te setae tare cath i sane the wont sterile Wisi ist eu le the steernee cae od of TI sts me dite nt te te Hac nes 5 pstial uw peat can he lage tu lou \ie tenses abl ether tural test gaara stan tiling ty diehinge the wigs erent he guises for eakng goed oils eXcaNate to Imai ged he datas cade 1 edsasaioh abt ott Ihe Lincince and Hoorn a snccut by eae Sytaeatcs Hamer stom ave oS hae teat od nthabp te nal Banh poaanece te par geee eee stetees would fans We wade a wong bye betes ni Leh ve MSY os Mrepeee see Whe cites date ay Be cared ase ‘tcc ll ath Hs alee sy os a td aia ae espns assy all athe de , eat erase axcein fn: epee areca Sno gaa es emcand tates ene The tq sal nas hele ey # oles mtlainns ihe fede ee tefrs commertiones oie ee rene a Meh lesen idle rt coment ite Fin Wf sonnel sens aged rare Caner IMME rest dsnags caved te sin wpneoreows fl era ae agers FOS emcee agency te emrvdion nih Bane shill a hae se eae Jomages seems she clams fete ol the Hook enone fete pect cnn ae] above ws sain a he nae di ate ee vt exec hs the Dusen sal kk the foes ‘nereten instllionscesfaectee ee dates tench Sins on ae ek RENEE alo eat he tea eoteng Highs, e kes Re ed ete q tan pce he 1a Sing hole honcath theres postmen Inca sn damage comedian ene he ead Nene rh tied We ett he rad tn te geal Contant nea Keke ee matt carte se for erasing oF tang 2 eae he License Fist igo concent rte da oan EN: 8 or he oncom gener deigaed hy Cane a lent Lhe ab ih . itt RRing lence foe Bash or mrzeancoiepalt Worst septa a Tee naiMenanec tee Wore shal hav to he Femisland s ohe Lieu mores he eet gsi the wesches shld Es stl etd a Het sabes ae nt ant ences edn ae agg ITE WOME Mt Ea. Fling shoi be completed atc atatews te ecg eee! “eth Omer doc Be Hy te saccular Wi one agin anes sean ey duc 1 the dipping oF wenches fx tning sage tac Fema ent entemins wh eval ef acne aan Mepant ?Tseememeyoge The To he Deponan er neem Aone cae senator Sie hee aed Feed or Aa ff Teens, The Cane ste ae ng secre he eres ead Fim’ tps Ba a SNE MANS Shing eps shes ees Si ace We ah Sih 9 separats Bn Caaraice cadet oe al et wor pre pment img he fence AE Sr von we Da anderiake ay otk f shin, repauis ur aeration: ‘athe rad Fence eaten ce Irae tae repeat diging. mathe same nites, if pes, the Eisemsee is fee fn vol grits wh sia capaci 0 a8 to ae cate of fete nets The eapacn ees Seca wresiree by rath hh ice una sarees not the Owner or hi dante agency Hoseren se eee ‘apacty By the Licensee 6 mt a precnndition for Wight of Way sermon een ‘Te nermissm granted salle in any way’ be deemed ts donvey to fe Laces an wm ‘weitandinghsoy tadrepeny iter han wha heron canrets vied rave Be tenes a is ercemet deen ables cs oe in High nd pec al be at Foe ca te an eatied cn by the ensert and permincin nf he Dene so ths fe ele dra ‘othe use there shall not become aksote and imdefeac le by less stone he Lcensee chal hey the sey iss charged on th agreement ico cate Walt te MLSE Ino te the Licensee don 9 caption cere He ee ge Sea act ex bec nul accenince wth he anyone spcsigtnon and donee oat ee ‘Ren Bledp tee saison of concerned agency in Footinaion “thie Once he ha en redone eeek yume! Rein i Aree! may he cate a an ey te 4 eth ag ton ag alte seme et rtir he etd an npencon fara hac ooh at "rollanrn nce shal Whe abel Fa any hits. neue nese Leet a te pode Saree, date phn am i esta nin ar ws eg any ust dsosion works ate Hal acces ding te bey SS provid EE 023 expiry of the agrevinn, the Lace sl ove Me cabents wit days and he Site ie origi conn ang wish the Lise wil kine the right Yo Fshane ds sable s However boone taking up she work of rcv! wt cables My Lastace all ucnish « Bank Gharice lo ke Owen for 4 period ol one year hr taint apne By the Once far Naking gi the ewe! tench hy epee lig id npaction, clearig debris, loose eth produced due to excavation of renchang al least $0 awry Hem tbe cage wl fightul ay Sha be brought back ppernin yran erin shall he eestited tothe J the Sigemsee with Deparvent of Tolocnt a his Hight uf Way fay ft 20) The eoloreabity of the Right. Wi save contaned/detined in the license apron porpose for which is granted. Ether by somteat of By ane, te parpase ul exe tu enchance she wpe of Licence ofthe Licensce with the sparc of Tae fucotons ad fr sent of ie umplemsemtation aul be rele Any dapetes i interpretation of the tris a emis uf eis lwithe High Level Commies comprising the desigated epics sganuics and the deesion of the wowace sl be Fal a bing a fon af the Ownce Licensee ia the concn This Agreements has been made in duplicate, exch on a Stamp Paper, Each party t0 this Agreement bas ped enpy each IN WININESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES IIERETO HAVE CAUSED THIS AGREEMENT TO BE EXECUTED. [HROUGH THEIR RESPECTIVE AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVES THE DAY AND ULE YEAR FIR’ ABOVE WRITTEN SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED FOR AND ON BEIALE OF OWNER BY SHRI (oigmature, name & address with stamp) SIGNED ON BERALF OF MIS. BY SHRI Isignature, name & address with starup) HOLDER OF GENERAL. POWER OF ATTORNEY DATED. ______ EXECUTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RESOLUTION NO. DATED PASSED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN THE MEETING HELD ON_ IN TIE PRESFNCE OF (WITNESSES), leo jure ses Minsstes“s Cinvalce Nex RWONEE S204 1° OND.SEER cated “9h Sept. 2000} Format for Maintaining Records af Right-of-Way peemission yranted for faving OFC ‘ery PWD Division or equivalent (to be maintained separately tor every NET and Stat Sane of State panama neraesen 2 Sime of Asen:y PD-BRONHAL HEC Same of PWD Divs oF Fauve i Heese 2 NI Number HE TEE eee - + | toton | Lamerrins | secon | aster | sameae | Damar ss 7 Sy tie | SESH | Sota] Sekt | teks | Sei Shaina Carian oe ieee irom increasing ] altro MOST. Am aa Eee

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