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Vol 5 Issue 3

` 30

Design Sheets &

Creative Craft Corner
FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011


Hobby Ideas

Design Stencils

Every person wants their house to be a reflection of themselves,

but dont know how to go about making it real. You have no control
on the outside world. But when you come to your home, you come
to a place that is your own. You have a sense of control and safety in
here. That is why it is important to have a balance of all home
furnishings in your home, a place where you find inner peace.

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas

3D Cone Outliner

The way your home looks will have an impact on your life. Everyone
has a concept of self and generally people would want this to reflect
in their home. Once you decide the kind of home decor you want,
everything else falls into place. Be it bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or
living room, we offer you designs for all your needs.
Home furnishings is a great opportunity to turn your house into a
home. If you utilize this opportunity properly, you can have your
dream home in no time. Some planning and creativity is all it takes
to make your home the reflection of your personality and good taste.
Being organized is vital.
How to go about it? You want to decorate your home. Furnish it to
your choice. But you dont have any clue how? No issues. We will help
you to choose your home dcor by giving you tips and advice on how
to decorate and furnish each and every corner of your home.

Floral Table Base

Cuckoo Glass Painting
Floral Mirror Lampshade
Blooming Flowers
Tribal Curtain
Radha Krishna Wall Hanging
Floral Rangoli
Abstract Lampshade
Chinese Dragon Wall Hanging
Leafy Etched Mirror
Wall Clock
Floral Wreath Table Mat
Studio Space

MRP ` 20.00
Contents 20 ml Bottle

Your Box


Creative Craft Corner

Inspiring Creativity

MRP ` 15.00 Per Stencil

Contents 5 Stencils per pack









These shades are reproduced within the limits of printing processes and should be regarded as a guide only.

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas, Pidilite Industries Ltd., Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 059 E-mail hobbyideas@pidilite.com

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Mahesh Joshi
Chief Sales & Marketing - ASF

Edited & Published By

Mahesh Joshi
For Pidilite Industries Limited
Regent Chambers, 208 Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021

and printed by him at Printskill (i) Pvt Ltd,

39A, Sidhpura Ind Estate, S V Road,

Goregaon (W) Mumbai 400 062
Editorial Co-ordinator
Design & Layout


Ashwini Patil
Sridatta Gupta
Pidilite Design Studio
Avdhut Narvekar
Parag Parelkar



Send in your contributions as text,

drawings or photographs to
Pidilite Industries Ltd
FEVIART, Art & Craft Resource Centre, Publication Division,
Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Kondivita,
Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 059
For further details, Contact our Customer Care Department:

: 022-28357387


: 022-28357700


: feviart@pidilite.co.in

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Floral Table Base

Cuckoo Glass Painting

This table top with a unique shape and picturesque floral design created by Meena Joshi will give your home dcor a new aspect
for a corner table.

This beautiful glass painting can be artistically used as a partition wall, door panel or sliding door visual.
The artistic design has been classily merged with a utility purpose by Swati Deshpande.



Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colour (Lemon Yellow 11H, Lilac 80H,
Dark Green 06H, Baby Pink 38H, Navy Blue 73H, Crimson 04H, White
27H), Fine Art Painting Brush and Earthen table Base.

Hobby Ideas Glass Colours - Solvent Based (Pink 815, Turquoise Blue
812, Dark Green 817, Lemon Yellow 801, Orange 805, Tomato Red
806), Hobby Ideas Glass Colour Outliner (Black 832), Fine Art Painting
Brush, Smoked Glass, Tracing paper, Cuckoo Bird Design and Pencil


4 Take Fine Art Painting Brush and paint the design with
Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colours - Lemon Yellow, Lilac,
Dark Green, Baby Pink, Navy Blue, Crimson as shown
in the picture.
A~ \$mBZ AmQ> noqQ>J ~e boH$a hm~r AmB{S>`mO Amb ga\o$g EHo${bH$

1 Soak the earthen table base in water for 3- 4 hours and

let it dry completely.

{_Q>Q>r Ho$ Q>o~b ~oO H$mo 3 go 4 KQ>m| VH$ nmZr _| {^Jmo X|. Bgo AN>r Vah gyIZo X|.

2 Take the earthen table base and paint the whole surface with
Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colour White. Let it dry.

A~ Bg {_Q>Q>r Ho$ Q>o~b ~oO H$s nyar gVh H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO Amb ga\o$g EHo${bH$
H$ba-hmBQ> go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.
3 Draw a floral design on the upper portion of the table base and
some geometrical design on the lower portion of table base as
shown in the picture.

H$bg-bo_Z `obmo, bm`bH$, S>mH$ JrZ, ~o~r qnH$, Zodr by , {H$_gZ Ho {M _|

~VmE AZwgma {S>OmBZ H$mo n|Q> H$a b|.

5 Let it dry.

Bgo AN>r Vah gyIZo X|.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

5 Mix Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based Pink and

Turquoise Blue, to paint the feathers of the bird.

1 Clean the smoked glass with a dry cloth to remove dust.

_moS> bmg H$mo gyIo H$nS>o go nm|N>H$a AN>r Vah gm\$ H$a b|.

~S> Ho$ nI n|Q> H$aZo Ho$ {bE hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-qnH$ Ama
Q>aH$mBO by {_bmE.

2 Trace the cuckoo bird design on the glass in mosaic pattern.

bmg na _moOoH$ nQ>Z _| H$Hy$ ~S> H$s {S>OmBZ Q>og H$a b|.
3 Paint the head, beak and leg of the Cuckoo bird with Hobby Ideas
Glass Colour Solvent Based - Orange.

H$Hy$ ~S> H$m ga, Mm|M Ama nam| H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-Ama|O
go n|Q> H$a b|.
4 Mix Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based- Tomato Red and Pink
colour to paint the body of the birds.

Q>o~b ~oO Ho$ D$nar {hgo na {M _| ~VmE AZwgma bmoab {S>OmBZ Ama Q>o~b ~oO Ho$
{ZMbo {hgo _| Hw$N> `m{_{Q>H$b {S>OmBZ ~Zm b|.


~S> Ho$ eara H$mo n|Q> H$aZo Ho$ {bE hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-Q>_oQ>mo aS>
Ama qnH$ H$ba {_bmE.

6 Paint the leaves of the tree with Hobby Ideas Glass ColourSolvent Based - Dark Green and Lemon Yellow.

PmS> H$s n{m`m| H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-S>mH$ JrZ Ama bo_Z
`obmo go n|Q> H$a b|.
7 Paint the branch of the trees with a thin layer of Hobby Ideas
Glass Colour- Solvent Based - Dark Green and the eyes with
Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner - Black. Let it dry.

PmS> H$s emImAm| H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-S>mH$ JrZ go nVbr
naV bJmH$a n|Q> H$a b| Ama AmIm| H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg AmCQ>bmBZa- bH$ go
n|Q> H$a X|. AN>r Vah gyIZo X|.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Floral Mirror Lampshade

Blooming Flowers

Shanthi S. Mani has redefined the state-of-art in lampshades by creating this mirror lampshade.

This beautiful One Stroke Floral design created by Amruta Pathre can give your door,
door panel or a room partition a very vibrant and different look.



Hobby Ideas Glass Colour Solvent Based (Turquoise Blue 812,

Tomato Red 806, Orange 805, Dark Green 817),Hobby Ideas
Shilpkar, Prime Eezytear Tape, Fine Art Painting Brush,
Fevicol MR,4 pieces of mirror ( size 12x5, 3mm ), Sharp knife,
Hydrochloric Acid, Cotton buds, White carbon paper, Floral stencil,
Pencil and Small pieces of Square mirrors

Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colours (Crimson 04H,

Dark Green 06H, Black 02H, Golden Yellow 09H, White 27H,
Brown 86H ), Fine Art painting Brush, Fevicol Wudfin-Glossy
and palette



1 Wipe the polished door and trace the design on it.

1 Wash and clean all the mirror pieces.

g^r {_aa Ho$ Qw>H$S>m| H$mo YmoH$a nm|N> bo.

nm{be {H$E XadmOo H$mo AN>r Vah nm|N>H$a, Bg na {S>OmBZ Q>og H$a b|.

2 On the backside of the mirror, fix the white carbon paper with the
stencil design over it using Prime Eezytear Tape.

2 Mix Hobby Ideas Acrylic All Surface - Yellow and Brown

colours in a palette. Start painting strokes from the center
of the flower.

{_aa Ho$ {nN>bo {hgo na mB_ BOrQ>o`a Q>on go Q>|{gb {S>OmBZ aIH$a, Bg
na H$m~Z bJm X|.

3 Now scratch the design carefully using a knife to remove the

mercury layer from the mirror. Clean the mercury dust thoroughly
which was created due to scratching.

A~ EH$ MmHy$ go ~hV hr gmdYmZr Ho$ gmW {_aa H$s _`war dmbr naV IwaM X|. IwaMZo
Ho$ H$maU {ZH$bZo dmbo H$Um| H$mo {_aa na go AN>r Vah gm\$ H$a b|.
4 Dip a cotton bud into hydrochloric acid and rub it on the
scratched portion of the mirror to create evenness and get clear
view of the design.

H$mQ>Z ~S> H$mo hm`S>mobmoamBS> E{gS> _| Sw>~moH$a, Bgo {_aa Ho$ IwaMo hE {hgo na
aJS>H$a gVh H$mo EH$ g_mZ ~Zm b|.

5 Now paint the corner designs with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour
Solvent Based Turquoise Blue, the flowers with Tomato Red and
Orange and the leaves with Dark Green. Let it dry.

A~ H$moZo dmbr {S>OmBZ H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-Q>aH$mBO

by go, \y$bm| H$mo Q>_oQ>mo aS> Ama Ama|O go Ama n{m`m| H$mo S>mH$ JrZ go n|Q> H$a bo
Bgo gyIZo X|.

6 Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form even

EH$ VVar _| hm~r AmB{S>`mO EHo${bH$ Amb ga\o$g H$bg- `obmo Ama ~mCZ
{_bmE. Bg H$ba go \y$b Ho$ ~rM go n|qQ>J Q>moH$ bJmZm ew$ H$a|.

3 To get a lighter shade mix -Yellow, Brown and White and add
these strokes to the same flower with a thick brush.

hH$m eoS> V`ma H$aZo Ho$ {bE `obmo, ~mCZ Ama hmBQ> H$ba {_bmH$a, EH$ _moQ>o
~e go Bgr \y$b na n|qQ>J Q>mog bJm X|.

4 To complete the flower mix Crimson, Yellow, Brown

and White.

\y$b H$s noqQ>J nyar H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$_gZ, `obmo, ~mCZ Ama hmBQ> H$ba {_bmE.

5 Paint the leaves with few strokes of a mixture of Dark

Green, Crimson and White.

n{m`m| H$mo n|Q> H$aZo Ho$ {bE S>mH$ JrZ, {H$_gZ Ama hmBQ> H$ba Ho$ {_lU H$mo
~e _| boH$a Q>mog bJmE.

6 After completion of the design, let it dry and give a coat of

Fevicol Wudfin varnish.

{S>OmBZ V`ma hmo OmZo Ho$ ~mX Bgo nyar Vah gyIZo X| Ama {\$a Bg \o${dH$mb nwS>{\$Z
dm{Ze H$m EH$ H$moQ> bJm X|.

A~ hm~r AmB{S>`mO {enH$ma ao{OZ ~og Ama hmS>Za H$mo {_bmH$a, EH$ g_mZ
{_lU V`ma H$a b|.

7 Now join the four glasses in the shape of a lamp using the dough.
Let it dry.

Bg {_lU go Mmam| bmg H$mo OmoS>H$a bn H$m AmH$ma ~Zm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

8 Stick small mirror pieces on the edges of the lampshade

using Fevicol MR to give the lampshade a neat look.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

bneoS> Ho$ {H$Zmam| na \o${dH$mb E_ Ama go N>moQ>o {_aa Ho$ Qw>H$S>o {MnH$m X|.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Tribal Curtain

Radha Krishna Wall Hanging

Tribal design curtains are a unique way of creating a designer curtain mixed with ethnicity,
Apexa Tailor has created it in this curtain.

A spiritual decorative item always fills your home with a devotional aura.
Bharati Sanghvi has created this beautiful wall hanging to add that aura to your home.

Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based (Tomato Red 806, Lemon
Yellow 801, Orange 805, Turquoise Blue 812, Pink 815, Dark Green
817), Fine Art Painting Brush, Hobby Ideas Glass Colour Outliner
(Black 832) and Textured glass 19x6

1 Clean the glass thoroughly to remove dust.

bmg H$mo nm|N>H$a, AN>r Vah gm\$ H$a b|.

2 Draw or trace the design on the reverse side of the

textured glass.

Q>ogMS> bmg H$s {nN>br Va\$ {S>OmBZ ~ZmE `m Q>og H$a b|.

3 Outline the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Outliner Black.

Let it dry.

hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg AmCQ>bmBZa-bH$ go {S>OmBZ H$s AmCQ>bmBZ ~Zm b|.

Bgo gyIZo X|.

4 Fill the design with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based
Tomato Red, Lemon Yellow, Orange, Turquoise Blue, Pink and Dark
Green as shown in the picture. Let it dry.

{S>OmBZ H$mo {M _| ~VmE AZwgma hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba- gmd|Q>

~oS>-Q>_oQ>mo aS>, bo_Z `obmo, Ama|O, Q>aH$mBO by, qnH$ Ama S>mH$ JrZ
go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo AN>r Vah gyIZo X|.

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Fabric Pen (Black R02, Cherry Red R01), Pencil
and Jute curtain

1 Wash, dry and iron the jute curtain.

OyQ> Ho$ H$Q>}Z H$mo YmoH$a, gwImH$a BVar H$a b|.

2 Draw or trace a tribal design on the centre of the curtain,

tribal figures on the loops of the curtain and a traditional
border along the border of the curtain.

H$Q>}Z Ho$ ~rM _| H$moB ^r Q>mB~b {S>OmBZ, H$Q>}Z Ho$ byg na Q>mB~b AmH${V`m
Ama H$Q>}Z H$s ~mS>a na nman[aH$ ~mS>a {S>OmBZ Q>og H$a b| `m ~Zm b|.

3 Shade the tribal figures and the intricate designs of the

traditional border with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Fabric
Pen-Cherry Red.

\o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO \${~H$ noZ- Mar aS> go Q>mB~b AmH${V`m| Ama
nman[aH$ ~mS>a H$s _hrZ {S>OmBZ H$mo eoS> H$a b|.

4 Outline the figures with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas

Fabric Pen Black.

\o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO \${~H$ noZ-bH$ go AmH${V`m| H$s AmCQ>bmBZ ~Zm b|.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Floral Rangoli
Sonali Javeri has created these floral diyas to add a special touch to your festive decoration or lighten up your room during a
special gathering.

Create a
new dimension
in Glass Painting

Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Colour Based (Tomato Red 806,
Orange 805, Dark Green 817), Hobby Ideas Glass Colour Outliner
(Black 832), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner (Shimmer Mint
Green 452, Orange 17), Fine Art Painting Brush, Fevicol
Decoration Glue, Mirror finish round acrylic sheets of size 3
(8 pieces) , 4( 1 piece), 10(1 piece), Glass beads and Glass diyas
1 Stick the round mirror measuring 4 in the centre of the mirror
measuring 10 using Fevicol Decoration Glue. Let it dry.

10 Ho$ {_aa Ho$ ~rM _| EH$ 4 Jmob {_aa H$mo \o${dH$mb S>oH$moaoeZ bw go {MnH$m X|. Bgo
gyIZo X|.

2 Stick a diya on the centre of the smaller mirror using Fevicol

Decoration Glue. Let it dry.

N>moQ>o Jmob {_aa Ho$ ~rM _| \o${dH$mb S>oH$moaoeZ bw go EH$ {X`m {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

\o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa- {e_a q_Q> JrZ Ama Ama|O go \y$bm| H$s
{S>OmBZ Ho$ ~rM Ym[a`m ~Zm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

5 Stick small diyas on the small mirrors of 3 size using Fevicol

Decoration Glue. Let it dry.

EH$ 3 Ho$ N>moQ>o {_aa na \o${dH$mb S>oH$moaoeZ bw go N>moQ>m gm {X`m {MnH$m X|.
Bgo gyIZo X|.

6 Stick the beads in a floral pattern around the diyas using Fevicol
Decoration Glue. Let it dry.

3 Paint the glass beads with Hobby Ideas Glass Colour Solvent Based
- Tomato Red, Orange and Dark Green. Let it dry.

7 After all the diyas are made, create the rangoli pattern outside
your house.

A~ bmg ~rS>g H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba gmd|Q> ~oS> Q>_oQ>mo aS>, Ama|O Ama S>mH$
JrZ go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

4 Make streaks in between the flower design using Fevicryl Hobby

Ideas 3D Outliner Shimmer Mint Green and orange. Let it dry.

{XE Ho$ Amgnmg \o${dH$mb S>oH$moaoeZ bw go bmoab nQ>Z _| ~rS>g {MnH$m X|.
Bgo gyIZo X|.
g^r {XE ~Z OmZo Ho$ ~mX, Ka Ho$ ~mha aJmobr ~ZmE.

Pidilite Industries Limited Regent Chambers Mumbai 400 021


FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Abstract Lampshade
Abstract art is such that it can adapt with all kinds of environments and interiors. Amruta Pathre has created
such a lampshade which can fit into any kind of interior and adapt to any kind of colour palette.

Hobby Ideas All Surface Colours (Cerulean Blue 32H, Baby Pink
38H, Brown 86H, Cream 83H, Dark Green 06H, Chrome Green Light
85H, Golden Yellow 09H, Black 02H, Orange 17H, Mulberry 82H),
Fine Art Painting Brush, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue,
Satin fabric, Mount board, Knife and Wooden lamp stand.

1 Cut four pieces of mount board measuring 16x12.
_mCQ>~moS> go 16x12 Ho$ Mma Qw>H$S>o H$mQ> b|.
2 Cut 4 satin pieces measuring 18 x 14.
18x14 Ho$ 4 g{Q>Z Qw>H$S>o H$mQ> b|.
3 Draw the design on the satin fabric using a pencil.

no{gb go g{Q>Z \${~H$ na [SOmBZ ~Zm b|.

4 Paint the design with Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic ColourCerulean blue, Baby Pink, Brown, Cream, Dark Green, Chrome
Green Light, Golden Yellow, Black, Orange and Mulberry. Let it dry.

Bg [SOmBZ H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO Amb ga\o$g EHo${bH$ H$ba goa`ybrZ by, ~o~r qnH$,
~mCZ, H$s_, S>mH$ JrZ, H$mo_ JrZ bmBQ>, JmoS>Z `obmo, bH$, AmaoO Ama _b~ar go n|Q>
H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

5 Stick the painted fabrics on the mount boards using Fevicryl Hobby
Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue. Let it dry.

Bg n|Q> {H$E \${~H$ H$mo _mCQ> ~moS> na \o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO Zmo pQ>M \${~H$ by go
{MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

6 Stick the mount boards on the wooden base using fabric glue to
form your lamp shade.












Bg _mCQ> ~moS> H$mo bneoS> Ho$ bH$S>r Ho$ ~og na \${~H$ bw go {MnH$mH$a bneoS> V`ma
H$a b|.



These shades are reproduced within the limitations of printing processes and should be regarded as a guide only

Pidilite Industries Ltd., Ramkrishna Mandir road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 059 E-mail: hobbyideas@pidilite.com

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 11

Chinese Dragon Wall Hanging

Leafy Etched Mirror

Chinese dragons always make very good wall hanging. K. B. Indira has excelled in this by creating it on a piece of glass.

This beautifully etched mirror created by Bharati Sanghvi can do wonders as a designer piece of
mirror as well as a decorative wall hanging.



Fevicol Decoration Glue, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue,

Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based ( Turquoise Blue 812,Pink
815, Dark Green 817, Tomato Red 806, Orange 805, Lemon Yellow
801), Hobby Glass Colour Outliner( Black 832), Small glass pieces,
Toothpick, White oil paint and 3x5 glass piece.

Hobby Ideas Glass Etching Paste, Hobby Ideas Glass Etching Stencils
(GES-1), Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based (Turquoise
Blue 812, Lemon Yellow 801, Tomato Red 806, Dark Green 817),
Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner ( Pearl White 301), Fevicol MR,
Round cornered textured glass and Mirror (8x 8)


4 Now colour the small glass pieces with Hobby Ideas Glass
Colour- Solvent Based- Lemon Yellow, Orange, Tomato Red,
Turquoise Blue, Pink and Dark Green.

1 Clean the 3x5 glass piece thoroughly to remove dust.

3x 5 bmg Ho$ Qw>H$S>o H$mo nm|N>H$a, AN>r Vah gm\$ H$a b|.
2 Draw or trace a dragon design on the glass piece using Hobby Ideas
Glass Colour Outliner Black and paint it as shown in the picture.
Let it dry.

hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba AmCQ>bmBZa-bH$ go bmg Ho$ Qw>H$S>o na S>JZ H$s
{S>OmBZ [Mm _o [XImE AZwgma ~Zm bo. Bgo gyIZo X|.

3 Draw abstract design on the small glass pieces using Fevicryl Hobby
Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue and spread them using a toothpick.
Let it dry.

N>moQ>o bmg Ho$ Qw>H$S>m| na \o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO Zmo pQ>M \${~H$ by go EgQ>Q>
{S>OmBZ ~Zm b|. Qy>W{nH$ go Bgo \$bm b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

A~ N>moQ>o bmg Ho$ Qw>H$S>m| H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-bo_Z `obmo,
Ama|O, Q>_oQ>mo aS>, Q>aH$mBO by, {nH$ Ama S>mH$ JrZ go n|Q> H$a b|.

5 Drop little bit of White oil paint on the glass pieces with Hobby
Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based Dark Green to create a
marbelling effect.

bmg Ho$ Qw>H$S>m| na hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-S>mH$ JrZ Ho$ gmW WmoS>m gm
hmBQ> AmBb n|Q> {Jam X|. Bggo bmg Ho$ Qw>H$S>m| na _m~b Ogm ^md nXm hmo OmEJm.

6 Assemble the glass pieces on the bigger glass piece with the
dragon design in an abstarct manner and stick them using Fevicol
Decoration Glue.

A~ bmg Ho$ BZ Qw>H$S>m| H$mo, EH$ ~S>o H$mM Ho$ Qw>H$S>o na S>JZ H$s EgQ>Q> {S>OmBZ Ho$ $n
_| O_mE. Bh| \o${dH$mb S>oH$moaoeZ bw go {MnH$m X|. Bgo gyIZo X|.


5 Draw a floral design on the sides of the mirror on the textured glass.

1 Clean 8x8 mirror to remove dust. Peel and stick the Hobby Ideas
Glass Stencil on the two corner of the mirror .
8x8 Ho$ {_aa H$mo nm|N>H$a AN>r Vah gm\$ H$a bo. {M _| {XImE AZwgma hm~r
AmB{S>`mO bmg Q>|{gb H$mo {ZH$mb| Ama Bgo {_aa Ho$ Xmo H$moZm| na {MnH$m X|.
2 Apply Hobby Ideas Glass Etching Paste on the design using an
applicator and leave it for 30 minutes.
{S>OmBZ na EbrHo$Q>a go hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg EqMJ noQ> bJmE Ama 30


FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

EbrHo$Q>a go {S>OmBZ na bJm noQ> {ZH$mb| Ama Q>|{gb AbJ H$a X|. Zb Ho$ ZrMo aIH$a
Bgo Ymo b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.
A~ Q>ogMS> bmg na ha Va\$ go g_mZ OJh N>moS>H$a, \o${dH$mb S>oH$moaoeZ bw go {_aa
{MnH$m X|.

\$mBZ AmQ> n|qQ>J ~e H$mo hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-Q>aH$mBO by _|

Sw>~moH$a, Bgo \y$bm| dmbr {S>OmBZ H$s nR>^y{_ na S>~ H$a|. Bgo gyIZo Xo.

8 Using the Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner- Pearl White, put dots on
the centre of the flowers. Let it dry.
\o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO 3D AmCQ>bmBZa-nb hmBQ> go \y$bm| Ho$ ~rM Ho$ {hgm| _| {~Xw

4 Stick the mirror on the textured glass leaving equal space from all
sides using Fevicol Decoration Glue.

hm~r AmB{S>`mO bmg H$ba-gmd|Q> ~oS>-Q>_oQ>mo aS> Ama S>mH$ JrZ {_bmH$a ~mCZ eoS>
V`ma H$a| Ama Bggo \y$bm| Ho$ ~rM dmbm {hgm n|Q> H$a b|.

7 Dip the Fine Art Painting Brush into Hobby Ideas Glass ColourSolvent Based - Turquoise Blue and dab it on the background of the
floral design. Let it dry.

3 Remove the paste from the design using an applicator and peel off
the stencil. Wash it under running water. Let it dry.

{_ZQ> ahZo X|.

Q>ogMS> bmg na bJo {_aa Ho$ Mmam| Va\$ bmoab {S>OmBZ ~ZmE.

6 Mix Hobby Ideas Glass Colour- Solvent Based - Tomato Red and
Dark Green to form a brown shade, and paint in the centre of the

~ZmE. Bgo gyIZo X|.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 13


Workshop Kits for Schools & Hobby Class Teachers

Easy to Learn and Fun to Make
Sand Ar
Ship & Isl

Cricket Bat
Memorabilia Kit

Warli W
Wall Hanging

Glass Colour

Sequin Art

g Card

Flower & Butterfly

Paper Quilling
Animal Theme

My Theme


Home Dcor
Terracotta Sun


Paper Quilling




Bookmark & Pencil Cap

ncil Ca
rk & Pe

For More Details on WORKSHOP KITS

Please contact your local Pidilite Distributor or Contact on 022 - 2835 7387

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Pidilite Industries Ltd.

Regent Chambers Mumbai 400 021.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 15

Wall Clock

Floral Wreath Table Mat

Warli design on this wall clock is a very creative concept which Anju Patel has created to add a very traditional
and warm look to your home.

Table Mats are special accessories which complete the table decoration. Sonali Javeri has created these
beautiful mats to add to the collection.



Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colours (Black 02H, White 27H),
Hobby Ideas Glue n Gloss, Fine Art Painting Brush, Earthen Tawa
and Small Mirrors

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour ( White 27, Sap Green 21,
Crimson 04, Golden Yellow 09, Lemon Yellow 11, Burnt Sienna 01,
Black 02, Pink 18), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No Stitch Fabric Glue, Fine
Art Painting Brush, Sponge, Pencil and Acrylic sheets (6 diameter)

1 Make a small hole in the center of earthen tawa and soak the tawa
in water for 3 to 4 hours. Let it dry.

{_Q>Q>r Ho$ Vdo Ho$ ~rM _| EH$ N>moQ>m N>oX ~ZmE Ama Vdo H$mo 3 go 4 KQ>o VH$ nmZr _| {^Jmo
X|. AN>r Vah gyIZo X|.

1 Dip the piece of sponge in a mixture of Fevicryl Hobby Ideas
Acrylic Colour- Lemon Yellow and Golden Yellow and dab it on the
fabric to make the background of the painting. Let it dry.

2 Apply Hobby Ideas All Surface Colour - Black with Fine Art brush.

Bgo hm~r AmB{S>`mO Amb ga\o$g EHo${bH$ H$ba-bH$ go \$mBZ AmQ> bQ> ~e go n|Q>
H$a b|.

3 Paint Warli design with Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic

Colours - White.

hm~r AmB{S>`mO Amb ga\o$g EHo${bH$ H$bg- hmBQ> boH$a Bg na dmbu {S>OmBZ ~Zm

4 Stick the mirrors as shown in the picture with Fevicol MR.

{M _| ~VmE AZwgma \o${dH$mb E_ Ama go Bg na {_aa {MnH$m X|.

5 Apply 2-3 coats of Hobby Ideas Glue n Gloss with Fine Art brush.

\$mBZ AmQ> bQ> ~e boH$a Bg na hm~r AmB{S>`mO bw EZ bmg Ho$ 2-3 H$moQ> bJm X|.

6 Fix the clock on the centre of the earthen tawa.


A~ [_QQr Ho Vdo Ho ~rMm|-~rM KS>r bJm X|.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

\o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO EHo${bH$ H$ba- bo_Z `obmo Ama JmoS>Z `obmo Ho$ {_lU _| nO
H$m Qw>H$S>m {^JmoH$a, Bgo \${~H$ na S>~ H$a| Ama n|qQ>J H$s nR>^y{_ V`ma H$a b|.
Bgo gyIZo X|.

2 Draw a floral design along the edge.

BgHo$ {H$Zmam| na bmoab arW {S>OmBZ ~ZmE.

3 Paint the floral design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic

Colour Pink, Sap Green, White and Burnt Sienna. Let it dry.

bmoab {S>OmBZ H$mo \o${d{H$b hm~r AmB{S>`mO EHo${bH$ H$ba-qnH$, gn JrZ, hmBQ> Ama
~Q> {gEZm go n|Q> H$a b|. Bgo gyIZo X|.

4 Take the round shaped acrylic sheet, a apply Fevicryl Hobby Ideas
No Stitch Fabric Glue at the edge of the circle and paste the cloth
in between both the acrylic sheets Let it dry.

A~ EH$ JmobmH$ma EHo${bH$ erQ> boH$a, gH$b Ho$ {H$Zmam| na \o${dH$mb hm~r AmB{S>`mO Zmo
pQ>M \${~H$ bw bJmE Ama XmoZm| EHo${bH$ erQ> Ho$ ~rM _| H$nS>o H$mo {MnH$m X| Bgo gwIZo Xo.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 17




Wall Hanging

Tortoise Candle Holder

African Motif Curtain

Pen & Pin Holder

Bharati Kantaria has created this artistic portrait which can

ideally be treated as a wall hanging.

Vinita Gupta has used simple diyas to create beautiful

candle holders.

Swati Deshpande has created this beautiful designer curtain

to give your home a look of elegance.

Bharati Sanghvi has created this cute little

pen stand with lots of space and a very unique shape which will
surely enhance the look of your reading table.





Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colour (Navy Blue 73H, White 27H,
Crimson 04H, Cream 83H, Black 02H), Fevicol MR, Fine Art Painting
Brush, Hardboard, Mirror, Kachi clay and Sawdust

Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour

(Black 02, Pearl Metallic Gold 352), Earthen Diya, Sandpaper and
Ball pen refills

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Shimmer Colours ( White 376, Peach 380, Pink 378,
Emerald Green 388, Olive Green 381), Fine Art Painting Brush, Pencil
and Blue Satin Curtain

Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour

(Olive Green 16, Indian Red 10, Black 02), Fine Art Painting Brush,
Hobby Ideas Glue n Gloss, Fevicol MR, Gold dust, Handmade paper,
Balloon, Sponge and Jute piece



1. To prepare the dough, soak the sawdust in water for 2hrs.

2. Add kachi clay to it and required amount of water to form even
3. Take hardboard and trace a design on the rough side of the board.
4. Apply Fevicol MR on the design and roll the dough on it,
to give it an embossed mirror look for the border.
5. Emboss the mirrors on the mirror shaped dough pieces.
Let it dry thoroughly.
6. Paint the painting with Hobby Ideas All Surface
Acrylic colour- Navy Blue, Crimson, White, Cream and Black.
Let it dry.

1. Soak the diya overnight and dry it.

2. Scrape the surface of the diya with a sandpaper to make it even.
3. Mix Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form a even
4. Make long coils out of the dough, place the diya upside down and
wrap the coil around it to form the body of the tortoise.
5. Mould the head, four legs and a tail out of the dough and fix
them to the diya.Let it dry thoroughly.
6. Paint the diya with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic colour- Black.
After drying use dry brush technique and apply Fevicryl Hobby
Ideas Acrylic Colour- Pearl Metallic Gold. Let it dry.



1. Wash, dry and iron the satin curtain.

2. Draw or trace African coil design on the upper side of the curtain in
descending order.
3. Draw or trace rose flowers and leaves on the lower side of curtain
in ascending order.
4. Paint the African Coil Design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Shimmer
Colours- White and Peach alternately with Fine Art Painting Brush.
5. Paint the rose flowers with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas
Shimmer Colours - Pink and leaves with Emerald Green and Olive
Green with Fine Art Painting Brush. Let it dry.
6. Iron the reverse portion of the curtain after 24 hours.

1. Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Hardener and Resin Base to form the
2. Now roll the dough in circular shape and use the piece of jute to
create textures on it.
3. Take a balloon, blow it and use the dough to cover the balloon to
form a potli by pleating the extra dough around it. Leave it to set.
4. In the same way create the tissue holder and the pin holder.
5. Paint the article with Fevicryl Acrylic Colour- Black.
6. Give dry brush strokes using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour
Olive Green. Let it dry.
7. Apply gold dust with sponge and apply a coat of Hobby Ideas
Glue n Gloss to varnish the pen stand.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 19

Jasmine Table Clock

Mini Kitchen Murals

Elizabethan Candle Stand

Tribal Mask

Bharati Sanghvi has created this beautiful table clock using the
art of punch craft to decorate your tea table.

Kitchens always have a simple dcor. To enthuse it with some

vibrancy Apexa Tailor has created these artistic mini kitchen
fridge magnets.

Amruta Pathre has skillfully created this candle stand to

create the elegance of the Elizabethan age candle holder.

Tribal Masks make very interesting

decorative wall pieces. Smita Nandkarni has made one to add
to innumerable ideas of home decorative items.





Hobby Ideas Paper Punches (Jasmine flower punch, Lily flower punch,
leaf punch), Coloured paper (Lemon Yellow, White, Light Green, Grey),
Fevicol GlueDrops, Fevicol MR, Big ball tool, Small ball tool, Clock
machine and Scissor

Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Hobby Ideas Medium-1, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas

Acrylic Colour (Black 02), Fevicol MR, 2 wooden cuttings of figurative
fork and spoon, Talcum powder, Golden powder, Silver Powder, Magnets,
Tracing paper Yellow, Old Pens/Pen Caps and Toothpick.

Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colours(Cerulean Blue 32H, Navy Blue
73H, Cream 83H, Black 02H), Fine Art Painting Brush, Hobby Ideas
Crackle Medium and Wooden Carved Elizabethan Candle Stand

Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour

(Black 02,Shimmer Emerald Green 388, Pearl Green 304), Fine Art
Painting Brush, Bamboo and Ghungroos





1. Mix Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form even
2. Make a petal shape to emboss the face part. Put it on the wooden
piece and press it lightly with the finger to make the nose, ear and
3. On the head part and the neck part apply very thin coat of
Hobby Ideas Shilpkar as shown in the diagram.
4. Paint the whole mural with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic ColourBlack. Let it dry.
5. Mix Gold dust with Hobby Ideas Medium- 1 and paint the spoons
with same. Let it dry.
6. Mix Silver dust with Hobby Ideas Medium- 1 and paint the
ornaments on the neck and the head of the murals. Let it dry.

1. Clean the wooden stand to remove dust.

2. Paint the stand with Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic Colour- Cream.
Let it dry.
3. Apply a coat of Hobby Ideas Crackle Medium on the wooden stand.
Leave it for 30 minutes.
4. Once tacky apply random strokes of Hobby Ideas All Surface Acrylic
Colour- Cerulean Blue, Navy Blue and Black on the wooden candle
stand. Cracks will form in the direction of the brush strocks.
5. After 20 minutes cracks will start appearing. Let it dry.

1. Take a wide half cut bamboo.

2. Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Resin Base and Hardener to form even
dough.Make a rectangular sheet out of the dough and cover the
bamboo to form the mask.
3. Mould out eyes, nose and lips using the dough on the mask.
4. Roll dough to make thin cords and roll them below the ear to form
coiled ornaments. Place the ghunghroos on the head of the mask.
5. Mould out leaves from the dough and place them over the
ghunghroos to form the head gear of the mask.
6. Paint the mask with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Black.
Give dry brush strokes on the mask using Fevicryl Acrylic Hobby
Ideas Colour- Shimmer Emerald Green and Pearl Green. Let it dry.

1. Punch out jasmine flowers from the lemon yellow paper using
Hobby Ideas Jasmine Paper punch, lily flowers from the white paper
using lily punches & leaves from the light green paper using leaf
2. Give eight cuts on each petal of the yellow flower using a scissor.
Use the small ball tool on the reverse side of the yellow flowers to
emboss them. Use the big ball tool to emboss the reverse side of
the leaves.
3. Cut an oriental intricate design from the white paper and paste it
on the board with Fevicol MR
4. Stick the oriental design cut out from the white paper using
Fevicol GlueDrops.
5. Stick the flowers in a bunch along with leaves around it on the
three corners of the grey paper.


FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 21

Studio Space

What are the obstacles you faced in setting up your own

I faced similar kinds of obstacles which everybody faces in the
beginning of their career. The biggest problem which I faced
was to arrange manpower to start a dormant site and then to
attend the office work, like drawing and handling quotations.
I had to sit for late hours to give my best, which of course is
paying off now.
How long have you been practicing as an interior
Its almost 10 years now that I am practicing as an
Interior Designer.

Dollye Vasu
Dollye Vasu is a new age interior designer who gives the shape
of reality to your dreams and creates the prefect home for
you. In an interview with Sridatta Gupta she tells us about the
vibrancy of this field and the gradual ascent which led her to
this stage.
What drove you to choose interior decoration as a profession?
I was always passionate about art and my father guided me to
choose the right career path. He suggested me to take up
Interior Decoration where in I could professionally beautify a
place and at the same time use my creativity at my own free
will. Moreover, this is one genre where creativity, aesthetics,
artistic insight have been mingled, so its kind of amalgamation
of all the aspects of art under one roof.

When you take up a project what are the different

aesthetics which you keep in your mind?
While taking up a project the most important thing which
I normally keep in mind is to enhance the natural beauty of the
place, with required things added with an artistic taste and
finally something which should fulfill my creativity. Vaastu
based designs are easy to maintain.
The latest trend is to use designer tiles, furniture shapes and
fabrics. Textures are all planned at the very
beginning and presented to the client during the
commencement of the project.
What should be the essential qualities which one should imbibe
to be an interior decorator?
The three most essential qualities which are required to be an
interior designer is creativity, audio-video
imagination and implementing the ideas on the paper and then
the proper execution of those ideas. Two more very important
ingredients which are very much required are honesty and
dedication. Basic knowledge of the various softwares, the
knowledge of Vaastu, the different aspects like carpentry, civil,
pop, painting, plumbing works are also very important to pace
up the work.

Which is the most interesting project that you have

worked on?
More than commercial some of my residential sites are more
interesting and there are few such sites where I received lots of
appreciation from my clients.
What is your dream project?
My dream project is to design & implement a full township with
latest technology, something that will give me the opportunity
to utilize my ideas even for the interiors & exterior of the
transport, road designs with odd shaped pools. I want to include
lots of landscaping and beautiful childrens parks, etc.
Were you ever interested in art?
I was born in a creative family of musicians and artists. At the
age of 2 years I was capable of making human faces & animals.
I never had any formal training; still I managed to win lots of
drawing & painting competitions in school & college. I believe
the ultimate artist is the Almighty, who has done different types
of creations.
Do you feel art & craft is important in building a childs career? If
yes, why?
Of course, it is totally important otherwise children wont understand things without making them practical. Art & craft is also
a very interesting way to make children understand the ways of
life. Besides, practical work goes deeply into their brains. The
study of Art & craft makes them aware about their surroundings.
Have you ever used Pidilite products? If yes, which one you liked
the most and why?
I have used almost all Pidilite products. your products are the
best. As a student I used Fevicol a lot. Today for my work
purpose I use Fevicol, M-Seal for almost all the carpentry & civil
works. The Roff Cement is also my favourite recommendation to
my clients.

For further details contact

Dollye I. Vasu
K. D. Consultants
10, Pushtikar Society,
Patel Estate Road,
Jogeshwari (W),
Mumbai 400 102
Tel: 2679 3526
Mobile: 9167658822

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 23

Your Box
Key Chain Holder

Floral Stole

Creative Craft Corner

Ashwini Shah has created this beautiful key chain holder which
will not only serve as a utility item but a decorative piece too.

Fashion with creativity is the style statement which

Kirti Thakur has tried to give to this winter wear.


Creative Minds is the offshoot of Creative Craft initiative which was
launched last year under the larger banner of Pidilite Industries Ltd
with a larger mandate. This was initiated to not only instill art &
craft among children but also to enrich their learning experience in
other subjects. This initiative was meant to make the students dream,
imagine, observe and create.
Creative Mind started its journey with Fevicol Project Challenge a quest to nurture the next generation of scientists and thinkers. This
contest was for students from standards 5th to 10th and was piloted in
schools in New Mumbai.
The topics given were
Model of mechanism and machines that influence our daily life
Manufacturing process and principle of objects of everyday use
Space technology
Human body systems
Devices that extend human capacity
Energy conservation and sources of renewable energy
Human settlements of the future

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour (Lemon Yellow 11, White 27),
Fevicol MR, Hobby Ideas Glue n Gloss, Spices-Black Pepper,
Cardamom, Red Chilly, Clove, Cinnamon, Star Anise and MDF Board


Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Pearl Metallic Acrylic Colour (Gold 352, Red 356,
Green 357), Fine Art Painting Brush, Yellow Pencil and Plain Stole.







FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

More than a competition it was a fun experience, where in the

students got to employ their creativity and create workable models
related to their daily life experience. It gave them a scope to broaden
their creative horizon and experiment with their skills, talents
and intelligibility, which could have some substance and futuristic
implications. Hence, Creative Craft aspires to host many such events in
future for the upgradation of the students.


Draw a design on the MDF board with pencil.
Apply Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour Lemon Yellow and White
on the MDF board.
Stick all spices according to the design pattern on the MDF board
with Fevicol MR. Let it dry.
Apply 3 coats of Hobby Ideas Glue n Gloss. Let it dry.
Fix hooks on the mount board to complete the key chain holder.

In this contest the students were encouraged to think about subjects

that were related to everyday life and which were futuristic concepts.
In doing so it provided the students the opportunity to compete with
their own creativity and convert their class room learning to workable
concepts and models.

Wash, dry and iron the stole.

Draw or trace a floral design on the stole.
Paint the floral design with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Pearl Metallic
Acrylic Colour- Gold, Red and Green. Let it dry.
Iron the reverse portion of the stole after 24 hrs.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 25

Inspiring Creativity

Inspiring Creativity

Walsingham High School of Mumbai is a true cradle of talent and creativity.

African Mask

Tribal Woman

Corn Leaves Bouquet

1. Paint the corn leaves using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic
Colour Pearl Metallic Gold and Pearl Metallic Red. Let it dry.
2. Fold a Pearl Metallic Red corn leaf to form a petal and fix it
on the stick using green tape.
3. Similarly use 5 more Pearl Metallic Red corn leaves to form the
other petals and fix them around the stick to complete the flowers.
4. Make two more flowers using the same procedure with Pearl
Metallic Gold and Pearl Metallic red corn leaves.
5. Fix all these flowers in a small earthen pot filled with mud.
6. Fix artificial leaves around them to give the bouquet a plush look.
7. Paint the straws with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour- Pearl
Metallic Red, Pearl Metallic Gold and Pearl Blue. Let it dry.
8. Insert small metallic balls on the top of the straws.
9. Fix these decorative straws in between the floral sticks to give the
bouquet a complet look.
10. Wrap the earthen pot with a blue net.

Creative Hand: Mushan Langalia , Class IV-B.



Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Pearl Acrylic Colour (Lemon Yellow 302, Pink 303,
Green 304, Blue 305, Lilac 307, Golden Yellow 308, Rose Pink 310,
Spring Green 311, Black 306), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Oultiner (Glitter
Green 304, Glitter Gold 401, Glitter Pink 410), Fevicryl Hobby Ideas No
Stitch Fabric Glue, Fevicol GlueDrops, Fine Art Painting Brush, Paper
plate, Stones , Feathers, Chart paper and Scissor

Hobby Ideas Shilpkar, Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic colour

( Olive Green 16, Indian Red 10, Black 02), Fine Art Painting Brush,
Hobby Ideas Glue n Gloss, Fevicol MR, Gold dust, Handmade paper,
Balloon, Sponge and Jute piece

Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour ( Pearl Metallic Gold 352, Pearl
Metallic Red 356, Pearl Blue 305), Fine Art Painting Brush, Metallic
Balls, Blue net, Earthen pot, Artificial leaves, Green tape, Straws,
Sticks and Corn Leaves


1. Draw the African mask on the paper plate.
2. Paint the mask using Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Pearl Acrylic
Colour Lemon Yellow, Pink, Green, Blue, Lilac, Golden Yellow,
Rose Pink and Spring Green as shown in the picture. Let it dry.
3. Outline the mask with Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Pearl Acrylic
Colour- Black. Let it dry.
4. Outline the different portions of the maske like the eyes, lips with
Fevicryl Hobby Ideas 3D Outliner Glitter Green, Glitter Gold and
Glitter Pink to enhance these features. Let it dry.

1. Mix the Hobby Ideas Shilpkar Hardener and Resin Base to form an
even dough.
2. Take a small portion of the dough to cover the cap of the ketchup
bottle and mould the head of the tribal woman.
3. Take more portions of the dough to form the legs and hands of the
woman on the bottle.
4. Use small portion of the dough to mould her facial features like
eyes, ears, lips and nose. Let it dry.
5. Paint the tribal woman with Fevicryl Acrylic Colour- Black.
6. Use Fevicryl Hobby Ideas Acrylic Colour- Pearl Metallic Bronze to
give dry brush strokes on the bottle. Let it dry.

Creative Craft Corner

Your moments of fame is one mail away. Send in your contributions at the below mentioned address and get
featured in your favourite Art & Craft magazine.

Please Note: Entries of School Teachers and School Students will be entertained only.

Pidilite Industries Ltd FEVIART, Art & Craft Resource Centre, Publication Division, Ramkrishna Mandir Road, Kondivita,
Andheri ( E), Mumbai 400 059 For further details, Contact our Customer Care Department:
Tel : 022-28357387 Fax : 022-28357700 Email : creativecraft@pidilite.co.in

Creative Hand
Lekisha Ketkar, Class I-B

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011

Creative Hand
Eva. Bhiwandker, Class- IIIA

* Conditions apply.

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011 27

monumental figure studies. In 1931-33 he returned to an earlier theme
in The Dance, a pair of large mural paintings, one of which is at the
Barnes Foundation, Merion, Pa. Throughout his career Matisse employed
his serene and joyous imagery in mediums outside the fine arts -- book
illustration, tapestry and rug design, and architectural decoration.
From 1944 to the end of his life, he produced decoupes, in which he
cut shapes from colored paper and pasted them onto fields of white.
These works, which achieve an ultimate blending of Matisses vibrant
color with the energetic flow of his line, are considered by many to be
his best. Matisses supreme accomplishment, which may be seen in all
his work, was to liberate color from its traditionally realistic function
and to make it the foundation of a decorative art of the highest order.
Henry Matisse (1869 1954)
There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to
paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the
roses that were ever painted.
Henri Matisse was born in December of 1869 in Le Cateau, France. He
began painting during convalescence from an operation, and in 1891
moved to Paris to study art. Matisse became an accomplished painter,
sculptor and graphic designer, and one of the most influential artists
of the 1900s.He was the leader of the Fauves, a group of artists whose
style emphasized intense color and vigorous brushstrokes. He believed
the arrangement of colors was as important as a paintings subject
matter to communicate meaning. He avoided detail, instead using
bright color and strong lines to create a sense of movement. In 1905,
works by Matisse and other Fauve painters were exhibited together. The
bold forms and bright colors of these paintings shocked the Paris art
world. Matisses work reflects a number of influences: the decorative
quality of Near Eastern art, the stylized forms of the masks and
sculpture of African, the bright colors of the French impressionists, and
the simplified forms of French artist Paul Cezanne and the cubists.
Matisse carried the expressive freedom of his Fauve manner into
sculpture, which first achieved distinctive individuality in the flowing,
semiabstract forms of La Serpentine (1909; Museum of Art, Baltimore,
Md.) and The Back (1909-30; Museum of Modern Art), a series of

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` 240

` 200

` 40

1 Years

` 120

` 110

` 10

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FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011


Pidilite Industries Limited Regent Chambers Mumbai 400 021

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Pidilite Industries Limited Regent Chambers Mumbai 400 021.

For further details contact: Pidilite Industries Ltd Resource Centre, Ramkrishna Mandir Road,
Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 059 Tel: 28357387 Website: www.pidilite.com email: feviart@pidilite.co.in

FeviArt l Vol 5 l Issue 3 l Jan - Mar 2011


March 2011


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