Welcome Back 2016
Welcome Back 2016
Welcome Back 2016
Welcome Back
Important Beginnings:
1. I believe that students construct their own knowledge. My job is to
facilitate their learning so their constructions will be built on a solid
foundation. I believe that students learn best with hands-on activities. The
students will complete several major projects during the year.
2. The students will only have homework if they do not finish in class. I will
not try to bombard the students with hours of homework.
3. The students will have a partner almost every day. BOTH people need
to work toward the same goal.
4. The students will be responsible for their own learning. They will check
power school often and utilize lesson websites in and outside of school.
Schleyk12.org or weebly.com
Classroom Expectations:
Be in your assigned area and ready to work when the bell rings.
Do not talk while the teacher is talking.
Do not leave your desk or area without permission.
Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Treat this classroom and furnishings with RESPECT!!!!
We will focus on the five themes of geography (Geography, Government,
History, Economics and Culture) for Asia and Africa. There are 11 Units
planned for the year. The first is an introduction to the enduring
understandings of social studies. Our first major chunk of the world is
Southwest Asia, The Middle East, Units 2,3 and 4. You can visit Georgia
Standards.org for the online units. Google and YouTube will be your
students best friend. Our textbooks are not as current because of change
in the world.
Grading policy:
Grades will be based on classwork, tests, projects, and the nine weeks test.
Projects and tests will be 45%. Class work will be 35%. The nine weeks
exam will be 20%. You may check grades and are encouraged to do so at:
If you see a zero in the gradebook, please email me or have your child see
me to get this taken care of.
All social studies lessons and notes are available to you through a free
software called Mimio. You will need to download the software from
mimio.com and then email the teacher requesting the lesson. When you
open the mimio (power point on steroids), click continue using.
1. www.mimio.com
2. Click top right tab- SUPPORT
4. Choose English
5. Click Download
Devices will be used for class assignments almost daily during the year.
However, they may not have them out until I say so. When it is time to use
devices, I will say,
During connection time (9:10-10:10), a student may get a note from one of
us to come back and clear up any missing/uncompleted work.
It is my goal that every student succeeds this year. I believe everyone can learn with the
right guidance from you and me. If there is something I can do to help, let me know. We
completely understand that 7th grade is very difficult. Therefore we work very hard to
make your kids successful.
Mrs. McMichaels