Welcome Back 2016

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Welcome Back


Grade Social Studies

Important Beginnings:
1. I believe that students construct their own knowledge. My job is to
facilitate their learning so their constructions will be built on a solid
foundation. I believe that students learn best with hands-on activities. The
students will complete several major projects during the year.
2. The students will only have homework if they do not finish in class. I will
not try to bombard the students with hours of homework.
3. The students will have a partner almost every day. BOTH people need
to work toward the same goal.
4. The students will be responsible for their own learning. They will check
power school often and utilize lesson websites in and outside of school.
Schleyk12.org or weebly.com

Classroom Expectations:

Be in your assigned area and ready to work when the bell rings.
Do not talk while the teacher is talking.
Do not leave your desk or area without permission.
Raise your hand for permission to speak.
Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Treat this classroom and furnishings with RESPECT!!!!

We will focus on the five themes of geography (Geography, Government,
History, Economics and Culture) for Asia and Africa. There are 11 Units
planned for the year. The first is an introduction to the enduring
understandings of social studies. Our first major chunk of the world is
Southwest Asia, The Middle East, Units 2,3 and 4. You can visit Georgia
Standards.org for the online units. Google and YouTube will be your
students best friend. Our textbooks are not as current because of change
in the world.

Grading policy:
Grades will be based on classwork, tests, projects, and the nine weeks test.
Projects and tests will be 45%. Class work will be 35%. The nine weeks
exam will be 20%. You may check grades and are encouraged to do so at:

If you see a zero in the gradebook, please email me or have your child see
me to get this taken care of.

Three Ring Binder:

It is imperative that every student keeps an organized notebook. We will
only use the textbook as a resource. The contents of each students
notebook will serve as their textbook and study guide. If you need a copy of
the class text, google it, use you tube, or check for a hard copy in the

All social studies lessons and notes are available to you through a free
software called Mimio. You will need to download the software from
mimio.com and then email the teacher requesting the lesson. When you
open the mimio (power point on steroids), click continue using.
1. www.mimio.com
2. Click top right tab- SUPPORT
4. Choose English
5. Click Download

Devices will be used for class assignments almost daily during the year.
However, they may not have them out until I say so. When it is time to use
devices, I will say,

You may now take out your devices

In the event of misuse of a device during class (texting, emailing, Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat, videoing, photo bombing, music, etc.), a student will
receive a discipline referral (pink slip) for failure to follow classroom
protocol. Parents, this even includes texting, calling, emailing, etc. to you.
If they need to contact you, they can get a note from me, for use of the
office phone.
***Your child will be responsible for safety and upkeep of their personal

During connection time (9:10-10:10), a student may get a note from one of
us to come back and clear up any missing/uncompleted work.
It is my goal that every student succeeds this year. I believe everyone can learn with the
right guidance from you and me. If there is something I can do to help, let me know. We
completely understand that 7th grade is very difficult. Therefore we work very hard to
make your kids successful.

You can email me anytime at cmcmichael@schley12.org. This is usually much faster

than calling the school. However, I will get back with you either way as fast as I can.
Mrs. Christan McMichael

Mrs. McMichaels

What is expected behavior when entering the

classroom? Walk quietly into the classroom, put
books down, and sharpen pencils. Go directly to your seat and read

OPENING on the board.

What is expected behavior when leaving the classroom? The teacher,

NOT THE BELL, will dismiss the class. I will let you know when it is
time to pack and get ready for dismissal.
What do I do with trash? Trash may be thrown away as you enter the
classroom and when you leave the classroom .
Pencil sharpening. Do it before class or during independent work time.
What if I forgot my pencil or paper? If you dont have a pencil, you
may borrow one from the jar on the book shelf. If you do not have
paper, you need to borrow it from a neighbor before class starts or get
some out of the drawer in the white cabinet under the TV.
Making up work after an absence. After an absence, it will be your
responsibility to ask ALL TEACHERS on the morning after to receive
your makeup work. There is a make-up folder on the board. You will
stay in 5th period to catch up.
Late work. All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Any
work turned in after the due date is considered late. All late work will
receive a 10 point reduction in the grade, which is better than a
Intercom/Visitors. When the intercom comes on in the classroom, ALL
TALKING must stop. Only the teacher should answer the intercom.
When there are visitors in the classroom, students should be on their
best behavior and treat the visitor with respect. If not silent lunch will
be assigned.
Hallway procedures. When going down the hallways, students are to
stay to the right side. NO horseplay, running, or other inappropriate

behavior will be tolerated. No stopping at the restroom or water

fountains unless directed to do so. Ignoring these rules may result in a
discipline referral, pink slip.
Turning papers in. Students will put their name, date, and period in
the TOP RIGHT hand corner on the paper. Write the title of the
assignment in the middle of the top line. Assignments should be
placed in the clear basket on the orange shudders.
What do I do if I finish work early? You may study for a quiz, research
any social studies topic, look through National Geographic Magazines
or ask permission to use the computer/device to check power school.
Grades. It will be the students responsibility to check POWER
SCHOOL on a weekly basis. Homeroom is a great time to take care of
this. If you would like to check the app on your device, YOU MUST
Or you may go to the power school website and log in.
Grading policy: Grades will be based on classwork, tests, projects, and
the nine weeks test. Projects and tests will be 45%. Class work will be
35%. The nine weeks exam will be 20
The teacher will determine who goes to what station
based on knowledge of standards and class work .
Devices will be used for class assignments almost daily during the year.
In the event of misuse of a device during class (texting, emailing,
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, videoing, photo bombing, music, etc.),
a student will receive a discipline referral (pink slip) for failure to
follow classroom protocol. Your child will be responsible for the safety
and upkeep of their personal devices.
Lockers You will have 3 locker breaks; before homeroom, 2 nd block and
at the end of the day. During this time you will have 5 minutes to get
to your locker and restroom. YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME TO STAND
AROUND AND TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Group Work. We will work in groups much of the time. All members of
a group are expected to work. If you choose not to participate, you will
not receive the grade. No one will carry the entire load alone.
Groups are chosen by me. I will use a variety of methods such as
grades, knowledge level, creativity level, etc. NOT BY FRIENDS
That causes too much DRAMA

You will feel like you are on a

sinking TITANIC in 7th grade.
Luckily 4 u, we have many lifesavers.
I promise it will get better!!
Please take the time to utilize the
posted on my school webpage

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