Standard 7 Classroom Management Plan

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Sam Smith

Classroom Management Plan



I will be teaching high school health and Physical Education to a 9th

grade class. My teaching philosophy is based on the idea of student
accountability. I believe that students in high school should know how school
should go, and so I will not be babysitting my students. I do not plan on
rewarding my students with extrinsic rewards like candy or prizes, because I
feel that would simply condition the students like B.F. Skinner or Pavlov did
with animals. I believe that students should behave and do as they are
supposed to not for rewards, but just because they know in their hearts that
it is what they are supposed to do. With this, students will be given praise for
their proper behavior and some discipline if they are misbehaving. Students
will work not only as individuals, but in groups as well throughout both the
health and PE units, so they gain the skills needed to work with others or as
individuals. I plan on using a variety of teaching methods in my class, so
students do not have to sit through a stereotypical HPE class of lecture and
dodgeball. Students will be respected, and are expected to respect me. At
the same time, my class will be a positive, fun environment full of learning
not only HPE facts/skills, but life lessons as well.

This arrangement (Attached) will work great for my classroom, because

students will all be able to face one another and talk while we have our
group discussions. This arrangement also places everyone facing the
smartboard/teacher help desk so students can easily see all material that is
being covered in class. There will be a good amount of groupwork in my
class, and this seating arrangement allows for students to work with
whiteboards if needed, and they can also come up to the teacher workstation
to receive extra help on projects. As for the seating chart, I place students
into their desks with a day 1 seating chart, but I will often change seats so
students are sitting near their work groups. Work groups will change often by
unit, and students will be allowed to create groups based around their
particular interest (there may be some students who care greatly about MS,
and would like to do a project on it. Those students would be placed into a
group together, yet may have different interests about a drug unit project). I
feel that by mixing up groups often, students will develop great skills on
working with others that they can use for the remainder of their lives.

My classroom rules will go as follows:

1. Athletic shoes must be worn at all times.

2. Be courteous and Respectful to your peers, and be positive and

encouraging to one another. Remember, were here to have FUN!

3. Students will be courteous and respectful to both peers and the

teacher by actively listening to one another and only speaking one at a

4. Students will never use equipment, body parts, or words to harm

another person.

5. Students must always try their best and put in their best effort into
projects and other activities.

For PE, students must always have their clothes ready to dress out, and if
they do not have their clothes, they can dress out using the older donated
clothes bin that will be in the locker rooms. For Health, students will be
expected to have a writing utensil and their notebooks, but their notebooks
will be located on a rack by the door. As students come in, they can grab
their notebooks, and begin class. If a notebook is not taken, I will know that
student is absent, so it will be easier to take role. My class will primarily be
groupwork, so students should have no trouble waiting until instructions are
completed before using the restroom or leaving class. I find Health
information to be very vital for life, so I will be very open to on-task questions
throughout my teaching. If questions went unanswered, it could lead to
problems for a student that could greatly affect their life. Cell phones and
other internet-accessible devices are prohibited in my classroom, except for
during groupwork. Students may use the Chromebooks in the classroom for
internet use, but to prevent students from exploiting internet devices, cell
phones will not be used by anyone except for myself (to google quick
questions I do not know about). Without the distractions of cell phones, I feel
that students will be very active and engaged in my discussion/groupwork
based health class.

Minor disruptive behaviors would result in a warning from me, and then if
the behavior continues I would quickly make minor disciplinary actions
toward a student. (If a student said a curse word during a game, I would tell
that student Watch your language, and if it happened again I would give
the student a brief timeout where I would tell them that language is
inappropriate and cannot be used in my class).
Moderate disruptive behaviors would result in a stern warning from me,
and if the behavior continues I would likely pull the student to the side and
give them a detention, so they could have a meeting with me and
understand that what they are doing will not be tolerated. (If a student was
to cheat in a game or be overly aggressive I would tell them that they
needed to obey the rules and calm down, and if they continued they would
lose their game privileges for the day, and they would have a detention
meeting with me).

For major disruptive behaviors, a warning would be voided, and the

student would immediately receive a detention. If the behavior was bad
enough, the student would immediately receive an office referral and be
asked to leave the class. (If during a game a student got too heated and
threw a basketball at another students head, that student would be given a
referral and be asked to leave the class).

I will be using a combination of google classroom and google+, so

students and parents will easily have access to the assignments going on in
my health class. Google classroom will be used for assignment posting,
information posting, student contact lists, and other class information.
Google+ will be used as another calendar system, and can also be used to
communicate with students and parents in a professional manner. Most (if
not all) assignments will be major projects with presentations, and so there
should never be late work, since there will be ample time to complete the
projects and prepare for the presentations. If students do have major
situations where they are unable to be at school, they will still be required to
upload their projects on the day that they are due, and can present at a
different time.

My grading policy will be based around discussion (20%), groupwork

(25%), individual assignments (25%), quizzes (10%) and tests (20%). I find
that so much can be accomplished in a health class, and that students
should be very open with one another about such an important subject.
Students must learn to work and respond to one another, which is why there
is such an importance on groupwork and discussion.

I will give parents weekly updates in both Health and PE classes on

what we have done in the past week, and what we will be doing in the
upcoming week. If there are issues that need to be brought up, I can send
out individualized update sheets home with a student to show his/her
parents. If a parent chooses to contact me, I would prefer they use the
schools email, or they can use google+ to contact me. I do not intend on
giving out my personal cell phone information, because I feel that there
should be a separation between my personal and professional life, especially
with my students.

A typical PE or Health lesson begins with my instant activity, where

students can come into class and immediately begin working on an activity
that will lead into the days content. After the instant activity, instruction
and/or lecture on the days content will begin, with an activity working on the
first-half of the content. The second activity will add in the second-half of
content, with a culminating activity following which combines all content of
the day. After the culminating activity, the class will come together and
review what we did, and how the activities worked with the days content.
Students will likely be in groups throughout the activities, and so they will
work on cooperating and problem-solving to figure out ways to complete the

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