Building Codes Assistance Project & Energy Foundation: Second Roundtable On Energy Code Compliance and Evaluation
Building Codes Assistance Project & Energy Foundation: Second Roundtable On Energy Code Compliance and Evaluation
Building Codes Assistance Project & Energy Foundation: Second Roundtable On Energy Code Compliance and Evaluation
The second roundtable yielded markedly broader re-
sults than the first. This was due in part to the diverse
constituencies in attendance. The attendees also re-
ceived a summary of the first roundtable several weeks
beforehand, which allowed them to organize their
thoughts and develop follow-up questions prior to at-
tending. The focus of the roundtable was to discuss
improving compliance and measuring the efficacy of
energy codes. The group had the opportunity to discuss
Courtesy of DOE/NREL, Warren Gretz
ARRA, and its impacts and implications. This provided
Also in attendance were representatives from state en- some interesting insight into the progress of PNNL’s
ergy efficiency programs, third party code inspection work. For context and a greater understanding of this
organizations, code officials, public service commis- summary, it is important that the reader reference the
sions, and builder/contractor groups, all of whom are preceding first roundtable summary and introduction
directly involved in residential and/or commercial en- document.
ergy code work in their respective areas, either nation-