Business Brilliant Ch7 and 8 Notes

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Chapter #7

Spread the work, Spread The Wealth

1. Why would you continue to do task you are not good at? Is it just to save money or are you a
control freak?
2. How do you decide between growing your company or saving for retirement?
3. What shortfall in your life could you turn into a positive? Like Thiessen's inability to read.
It ended well for him.
4. Can you delegate your way out of being incompetent?
5. How easily are you willing to give up control? Do you have to make every call?
6. How willing are you to ask others in life for something you need or want?
7. Are you willing to have fun with your venture and are you able to give better service as a
result of that approach?
8. Do you have limitations that you recognize and what are your personal strengths?
9. Do you work on strengthening your weaknesses or do you work on expanding your strengths?
10. Do you consider yourself more rounded or are you considered more specialized and
Business Brilliant Chapter #8 Nothing Succeeds Like Failure
1. Have you made a vowel to never repeat your failures? The pain it causes keeps you from ever
wanting to repeat the class.

2. What decision would you have made differently on Valentines Day Massacre if you had been
the CEO?
3. How have you ever used the seeds of failure to succeed at your next venture?
4. What setbacks have you experienced that changed your course?
5. Most successful entrepreneurs have had 4 to 6 setbacks. How many have you had? Are you
afraid of failures?
6. True or false? Perseverance can't exist without failure!
Who perseveres in the face of success?
7. The rich believe that failure is important to becoming wealthy. The middle class doesnt
agree. Where are you on this?
8. You need to try things that are risk-prone and difficult because that's where the money is.
9. Do you agree that scarcity creates value? Then why do we offer to do anything to get a job or
10. Do you do the small things well? This inevitably leads to big things. Success may make you
money, but failure makes you think.

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