Huskyhappenings 821

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Reading: We will begin working on strategies in fictional text, and continue building our
reading stamina.
Writing: We will continue generating ideas and building writing stamina.
ELA: Students are reviewing the use of writing conventions and will receive their first
spelling lists on Friday.
Math: We will continue to work on rounding and estimation with the relationship to
addition and subtraction.
Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Greece and the roots of democracy.
Science: Exploring rocks & minerals will continue with hands on experiments!
Genius Hour: After brainstorming, we are going to start to explore our driving questions.
Students will utilize the technology available.

Class information/dates to remember:

BYOD Fridays- Starting Friday, August 21st students are encouraged to bring their
devices on Fridays for Genius Hour. Students must have a signed permission slip with the
serial number of the device in order to participate in BYOD.

Traveling Cow Visit Monday

Media Center Visit Tuesday

Classroom Volunteers Needed

iXL passwords will be sent to you on classroom dojo

School News:

MESF Patron Program is currently underway. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Please take time to join PTA as well. The art directory cover contest is underway. If your child is
interested, they can pick up a form in the lobby.
Goodwill Fundraiser A Goodwill Donation truck will be at Murdock August 24- 29. Murdock has the
opportunity to earn money from community donations. Please gather any items (except furniture)
that you are willing to donate. Please see the attached flyer.
Target Open House on Monday, August 17 from 7:15 am to 8:00 am in the Professional Learning Room
Walk to School Day = Wednesday, August 19
Room Parent Training on Wednesday, August 19 from 9:30 11:00 in the Professional Learning Room
MESF Board Meeting on Thursday, August 20 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the Professional Learning
Picture Day is August 25th
Clubs start Monday

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