Huskyhappenings 821
Huskyhappenings 821
Huskyhappenings 821
Reading: We will begin working on strategies in fictional text, and continue building our
reading stamina.
Writing: We will continue generating ideas and building writing stamina.
ELA: Students are reviewing the use of writing conventions and will receive their first
spelling lists on Friday.
Math: We will continue to work on rounding and estimation with the relationship to
addition and subtraction.
Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Greece and the roots of democracy.
Science: Exploring rocks & minerals will continue with hands on experiments!
Genius Hour: After brainstorming, we are going to start to explore our driving questions.
Students will utilize the technology available.
BYOD Fridays- Starting Friday, August 21st students are encouraged to bring their
devices on Fridays for Genius Hour. Students must have a signed permission slip with the
serial number of the device in order to participate in BYOD.
School News: