Intro 2 Quantitative Research PDF
Intro 2 Quantitative Research PDF
Intro 2 Quantitative Research PDF
Introduction to Quantitative
In this chapter you will learn about:
Key point
Qualitative and
research techniques
are not mutually
exclusive. Both
types of research are
often carried out
with qualitative
methods giving the
insights and
research the
pany, product group or brand. They can be obtained at various levels of the market when people are buying (eg through interviews
with consumers), but also at the point of manufacture or at the
point of distribution (which would entail business to business interviews). Market measures taken from a sample are generally projected or grossed up to the total market or population. For example,
to find out the market size for a breakfast cereal we could sample the
population to find out how many people eat breakfast and in particular this type of cereal and then gross up by the population numbers to arrive at estimates of the total consumption.
Customer profiling occupies a good deal of researchers time. What
type of people or organisations are the customers and potential customers? What types of products or services do they own or use?
Customer profiling is quantitative in nature because reliable breakdowns are needed for the whole market or population. If a survey
indicates that amongst the sample interviewed, the large majority
of people with gas wall heaters are in social classes D and E and live
in older houses, we need to be confident, if we are to use the data
in marketing planning, that this is the case for the whole population. Profiling data can take various forms:
Unlike market measures, consumer profiling data can only be collected from consumers in other words the people or companies
that are buying the products.
Think about
How do you segment your customers? When did you last consider this segmentation? How could you segment your customers
on their needs? How could research help you do this?
Think about
How is your organisations corporate brand positioned? What are
its brand values? To what extent do these affect peoples attitude
to doing business with your company? How does it affect the
prices of your products? What could qualitative research tell you
about your brand? What could quantitative research tell you
about your brand?
direct measurement
Direct measurement
Many companies need to regularly measure the position of their
brands in the market place. Manufacturers of fast moving consumer
goods (fmcg) such as chocolate bars or soap powder, obtain these
measures through retail audits.
In a retail audit, a representative sample of retail outlets is taken
(including different types and sizes of outlet with the final data broken down between these classifications) and the sales are established for relevant brands and products. The data from the outlets
is then aggregated and grossed up to represent the whole market.
Audits were first used in the 1930s and were one of the first major
methods of market research data collection giving rise to such large
companies as AGB (Audits of Great Britain) and Nielsen. In the first
instance the audits were carried out by staff visiting the outlets
where a count was made of the stock levels of products at two
points in time. Then the difference plus deliveries (taken from delivery notes etc) was considered to be the sales over the period. The
counting was labour intensive and expensive.
In the 1990s stock counts in retail auditing were replaced by EPOS
(electronic point of sale) data. This allows data to be measured
through electronic scanning of bar codes at the tills for each and
every product bought and thereby providing information to tightly
control stock levels, purchasing, shelf space etc as well as facilitating
efficient check-outs. EPOS data offers increased accuracy (eg no
more lost delivery notes), more frequent measurement (hourly if
need be) and many other benefits (eg cross relating items purchased). Much retail auditing is, therefore, now based on EPOS data
with the major research companies involved securing access to
retailers own databases.
Retail audits, whilst not conceptually complex, are a major organisational undertaking, complicated in some respects by EPOS. They
are consequently carried out by only a few specialised companies.
The costs involved are high and the data is largely syndicated. Retail
audits are also on-going and, therefore, continuous as opposed to ad
hoc research.
Self-completion surveys
Self completion surveys have traditionally been carried out by posting questionnaires to the target audience coupled with a strong
incentive to persuade people to reply. As the penetration of internet
access continues to increase across populations, researchers are making more use of web based surveys in which the respondent can
complete the questionnaire on-line. This brings considerable advantages because routing and skip questions are handled automatically
and the respondent can type in comments (with no problems of
hard to read handwriting). The replies to the questionnaires are fed
straight into the data analysis pot, eliminating data entry errors and
removing a substantial cost. Self completion surveys work best with
Key point
surveys work best
when there is a
strong relationship
between the
respondent and the
subject. In such
cases respondents
will be motivated to
complete the
questionnaires and a
high response rate
will be achieved.
Much depends on the importance of winning a high overall response rate. If a high
rate from the given sample is critical, then
a second mailing is justified and should
take place about two weeks after the first.
Time could, of course, be a prohibiting factor as the second mailing, together with
the waiting time for the responses to come
in, will add at least a further four weeks to
the survey. It is preferable, though not
essential, that the second mailing misses
out those who have already returned a
questionnaire. Eliminating the initial
replies requires respondents to have identified themselves. Also, it is laborious
removing respondents from the list if
there are hundreds of names and addresses
on the sample frame.
There are times of the year when a mailing will yield a poor
response. The August holiday month and Christmas are obvious
periods to avoid.
Think about
Your Human Resources department is concerned about low
morale amongst the workforce in your company which is resulting in a high staff churn and low productivity. They ask your
advice about carrying out an employee survey. Your workforce is
divided between shop floor staff who do not have access to computers or e-mail and office based staff who all have e-mail
addresses. How would you organise the collection of data? What
conditions could you offer to protect anonymity of responses?
What measures would you take to obtain the maximum possible
Figure 6.1 shows the numbers and type of interviews carried out by
market research agencies that are members of the BMRA, the main
body representing agencies in the UK.
Figure 6.1 Methods Of Interviewing In The UK, 2000
Method of Interviewing
Number of Interviews
Telephone interview
Street interview
Hall test
Mystery shopping
have a supervisor in attendance for part of the time and checkbacks, by visit or post, must be organised. For the most part, however, the interviewer is working in isolation and the quality of the
work has a considerable dependency on the conscientiousness of
the individual.
Cost. The cost of personal consumer interviews varies considerably
between those carried out in the street and the home. In-home
interviews based on pre-selected addresses are, in turn, more expensive than those to a quota. In general, street interviews cost the
same to carry out as telephone interviews. In some cases, street
interviews offer advantages over the telephone by allowing show
cards and visuals, while at other times the facility to random sample and achieve complete geographical coverage could swing the
benefits in favour of telephone interviewing.
Time. In-home interviews are time consuming because of the travel
time between respondents (this is not the case, of course, when the
interviews are carried out in the street). The prior commitments of
the field force and the delays caused by questionnaires being mailed
out and returned, normally mean that at least a two-week period is
necessary for organising a face to face interviewing project. A
month is more reasonable. A programme of business-to-business
interviews may have less face to face interviews than a consumer
study but they too take an inordinate time to organise as the
researchers struggle to set up interviews in the diaries of busy managers.
The use of telephone research has grown rapidly so that in the year
2000 it was level pegging with face to face interviewing. Telephone
interviewing is widely used in business to business research because
virtually all business respondents are contactable by phone and are
used to being contacted in this way.
The greatest advantages of the telephone against personal interviewing is its speed and low cost. These are most evident in business-to-business market research.
In favourable circumstances, perhaps five to six 20 minute interviews with managers in industry can be completed in a day over the
telephone. In the same time only 1 or 2 interviews can be achieved
In consumer research the time and cost advantages of telephone
interviewing are not quite so clear-cut. If the comparison is between
street and telephone interviewing then there is probably little difference in either time or cost in fact, street interviewing might
even be cheaper. However, when compared with in-home interviews, the telephone is both quicker and cheaper since there is no
time wasted in travel between interview points.
Concerns about doorstep security also favour the telephone as an
interviewing medium. Householders do not have to answer the
door to a stranger while interviewers are saved the risk of entering
dubious neighbourhoods. Not surprisingly, telephone interviewing
is a far more popular data collection method in the US than in
We have seen that there are a number of
strong arguments in favour of telephone
Key point
interviews, with particularly important
benefits in cost and speed. However, there
The telephone has
are sometimes good reasons for not using
become one of the
telephone interviews. Visuals are difficult
favoured tools for
to use. If something has to be shown, then
market research
the telephone is not the right approach.
Nor is the telephone suited when it is necbecause it is quick
and inexpensive.
essary to ask respondents to consider a
Compared with face
number of pre-determined factors in order
to face interviews
to test their views. More than five or six
there is no loss of
factors on a list are difficult to hold in the
quality of
mind and so it is usual to show these on a
information when
card in order that they can be given fair
simple questions are consideration. The phone also invites an
asked on behaviour
instant response and so does not encourand attitudes.
age a fully considered and reflective
answer. The answer is likely to be spontaneous and off the top. (Of course, this
can be an advantage in questions such as brand recall).
Despite these limitations, the advantages of the telephone in data
collection are considerable and the method is likely to continue to
make inroads against street and face-to-face interviews.
Think about
You supply business machines (colour printers) to almost every
type of business in the UK and have had two quotes from agencies for a customer satisfaction survey. One quote offers you 50
depth interviews which will be carried out face to face, the other
offers 500 interviews by telephone. Which would you choose?
What are the reasons for your choice?
People are more inclined to take part in a survey if they believe that
it is being carried out for a bona fide purpose. Members of the public want to know that the survey really is for the purposes of market
research and not a cloaked approach to selling (market researchers
refer to this as SUGGING or selling under the guise of market
research). An interviewer with a Market Research Society accreditation card will offer that confidence.
Surveys carried out over the phone do not allow the interviewer to
show their card and so they may use appropriate words to communicate that they are working under the rules of the Market
Research Society Code Of Ethics which promises anonymity and
A business to business respondent is likely to be interested in knowing which organisation is sponsoring the research before giving
information, some of which could be damaging to their interests if
it got into the hands of a competitor.
In most of the market research interviews carried out in the UK,
respondents do not receive payment for their trouble. Even when
they do (as is the case of focus groups or in interviews with doctors)
it is usually a modest sum.
Some subjects that are being researched are intrinsically interesting
to respondents and this can play an important role in obtaining
cooperation. An interview about a recent car purchase is more interesting than one about writing paper.
Manufacturers of writing paper are just as likely to need market
research as manufacturers of cars and they must seek hooks that
persuade people to take part. Sometimes it is sufficient to remind
people that this is their chance to tell manufacturers what is
thought of their products so that improvements can be made. If
there are no monetary incentives or promises of improved products
and services, much could depend on the interviewers approach.
Key point
Skilled interviewers
are capable of
working with badly
However a good
interviewer and a
well designed
questionnaire will
always produce
good research.
Think about
You are approached by someone in the street with a clip board.
They want you to help them by answering some questions and it
will take around 10 minutes. What are the hooks they could use
that would be effective in persuading you to take part?
Key point
The attitude of the
interviewer is crucial
in winning
cooperation from the
and respondent. Quantitative research involves collecting a standard range of data from a significant sample of respondents typically hundreds or thousands and so the method of data recording
needs to be considered as part of the research design.
Many questionnaires are now on a computer screen. Sixty percent
of all telephone interviews are CATI (computer aided telephone
interviewing) and 30% of face to face interviews are CAPI (computer
aided face to face interviewing).
Given the growing popularity of computer aided interviewing it
must offer considerable advantages. These are:
I was once making a training video on market research and took
a team of people plus cameras to a busy shopping precinct in the
centre of Manchester. The interviewers were experienced and
part of our trusty fieldforce. They were instructed to approach
people in the street and engage them in an interview. The cameras followed them around as they stalked their quarry, many of
them suffering brusque rejections.
An attractive and vivacious graduate trainee was part of the
entourage watching the shoot. She asked me if she could have a
go at interviewing. Nothing could be lost because things were
moving slowly.
With a huge smile on her face, she confidently walked up to the
first person walking towards her and, surprise, surprise, they willingly took part. This happened time and again so the filming was
finished in record time.
The learning for me was the importance of the approach and
attitude of the interviewer in successfully winning the cooperation of respondents to take part in market research surveys.